Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3144: Measuring size

The road is not easy to walk, and the lens is also very shaky.

After the camera shook again, what everyone saw was that Su Mi was lying on Chu Zhuohang's back, holding a flashlight, and Chu Zhuohang was walking forward steadily.

The netizen who has just criticized Chu Zhuohang: "???"

"How did this happen? Isn't it seeing our real-time barrage?"

"Sorry, their phones have been turned in!"

"How about making a show? I can't save my heart if I do it now."

After Chu Zhuohang went back with Su Mi on his back, he rolled up his sleeves and began to clean up the kitchen. Su Mi was by the side, eating the last bit of French fries.

The two people spoke casually one after another, but the warmth and calm at the moment made people really satisfied like a candy.

"Ahhhhhhh! I can do it again!"

"Really, I think this is a real couple. You can do whatever you can. The important thing is to work together for a better life. Don’t you think that from the beginning to the present, they belong to this couple? The task is done the best, the food is not worried, and the happiness is the strongest."

"I feel a little bit like this. Chu Zhuohang doesn't know how to cook. It seems normal that he is a big boss of a listed group, and he naturally needs a good helper. When he is free, he will help with cooking. Something?"

"I think everything is for a show! For a show! Just follow your true feelings here!"

"Aren't you watching it too? Don't look at it if you have the ability! You just watch it, and you have to compare it!"

With the discussion, it was quiet at night, all the machines in the program group were turned off, and the pictures inside were no longer visible.

Su Mi listened to the sound of crickets outside, and asked softly: "Are all the members of the program group gone?"


"Relaxed, I want to change clothes. This one is too thick and hot. I was afraid that the camera was on just now, I was embarrassed to say."

Chu Zhuohang fumbled out one: "I'll change it for you."

"It's okay, I'll do it myself."

Chu Zhuohang had already touched it on his own initiative. The softness of his tentacles made him feel uneasy. He didn't have much interest in the daytime program, but being able to get along with Su Mi alone made him feel that the daytime effort was worthwhile of.

Su Mi patted his hand: "Hey, what if there is a camera..."

"No." The man's voice had become hoarse.


Early the next morning, many people gathered around to watch the live broadcast.

Naturally, Chu Zhuohang and Su Mi attracted the most people.

After watching the camera, everyone found that Chu Zhuohang got up first. He quickly got dressed. His abdominal muscles flashed past the camera, attracting many people who licked the screen and licked their abdominal muscles.

After Chu Zhuohang got up, he sat next to Su Mi and looked down at her.

This habit was left from when she was unconscious with Mo Mo before.

After this, even though Su Mi had never experienced such a situation again, he was still worried. Most of the time, he would get up earlier than Su Mi and guard her for a while to truly meditate.

Someone in the barrage began to ask: "What is he doing?"

"I don't know. Do you know to talk about it?"

"I think it's just a show. Don't do things when you need to do things, and deliberately affectionate when you don't do things, and sell others."

"Don’t talk nonsense upstairs, let me come to popular science. Didn’t Su Mi have been drugged before, and then she was in a coma for a while? Su Mi said this publicly. I guess this is Chu Zhuohang’s concern. Su Mi has a problem, so when she wakes up in the morning, she will watch it for a while."

"A reasonable guess, I think so too!"

"God, I sweetened my diabetes early in the morning!"

Chu Zhuohang sat for a while, and the director gave him a gesture to explain the task.

Chu Zhuohang saw that Su Mi hadn't woke up yet, so he went out with the director.

After he went out, he found that the men had been called out first.

The director explained the task: "Your task in the morning is to go to the market to choose a skirt for your partner. The more fitting the skirt, the more suitable it is. The higher the score you will get, the better breakfast you can get. Good breakfast It includes bread, sandwiches, chocolate, salad and coffee, milk, and the worst is gruel and pickles."

"This is stumping me." Zhang Yiming drank a sip of wolfberry water, "I even know what size I wear."

Lin Hao and Chen Ping looked at each other and both said it was difficult.

The barrage laughed crazy: "I feel the despair of straight men."

"Really, this is definitely hell-level challenge difficulty for men. Every time my dad buys clothes for my mom, it's a disaster."

"Hahahahaha, my boyfriend's expression is correct. My boyfriend has never bought me clothes that can be worn out."

"Add me and add me upstairs. I also want to expose the clothes my husband bought. The color and style are really amazing. The point is, the size is never right."

"Thank you, I was laughed at."

The barrage was very happy, and they were all amused by the operation of the program group.

Sure enough, the whole process of the five men choosing clothes was full of joy, as if Chu Zhuohang was carefully choosing. The others were completely "Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?" No love.

When all the five girls got up, their clothes were selected and brought back.

Zhang Yiming was the first to present the treasure. The skirt he took out made the comment section laugh crazy.

"Death Barbie phosphor is simply a disaster for who wears it."

"Tian Jia is over forty too, I can imagine what it would be like to pass it on."

"With all due respect, this color cannot be controlled by anyone over eight years old."

The five girls laughed when they saw this skirt.

Zhang Yiming still doesn't think there is anything funny: "I think it's quite matte and nice, what's the problem?"

Tian Jia ran to change it, and when she came out, she covered her face with her hands, obviously without the face to see people.

The key is that the colors are all like this, and the size is also very strange, so big that she can wear another one.

Chen Ping and Lin Hao laughed the loudest, Zhang Yiming laughed: "Take yours out and have a look."

Chen Ping and Lin Hao also made people laugh. The skirt chosen by one person is only enough for Song Sisi to wear one leg; the skirt chosen by one person is barely in size, that is, red orange, red, blue, green and purple, everything. Wear it out like a rainbow.

Everyone is waiting to see Chu Zhuohang.

The skirt he took out and handed it directly to Su Mi.

The bullet screen is very envious: "This is the husband of other people. It turned out to be the most tasteful Modilan skirt that I chose. This light gray is really good-looking and crying."

"I just don't know the size is right."

"I think it depends on personal taste. Have you seen the shirt Chu Zhuohang wears today? I just Baidu it. You can't imagine how much it will cost."

"How much? What brand?"

"A brand from Italy, I think last year's model will sell for 200,000 yuan."

"Two hundred thousand shirts? Crazy! But I said it's no wonder why Chu Zhuohang is so shaven and has no body to say."

"Sure enough, there are benefits of being rich, and taste is derived from money."

"Don't be too happy, what if the size isn't right?"

At this moment, the clothes that Han Yezi chose for Li Xue came out, but they were tasteful and well-fitting, and they were unanimously appreciated by everyone.

Han Yezi said embarrassedly: "I studied design before, so I have some experience."

The barrage is all boasting Han Yezi's talent.

When Su Mi came out, the barrage started to boil again.

"The size is exactly right!"

"Oh, it looks so good! If there is a link, I want to buy it now, buy it!"

"Chu Zhuohang is too good at picking this! Really, I think there is a reason for Su Mi to fall in love with such a man. Not to mention the clothes I chose, just his face, I can take pains; that The figure is nothing to say."

"Su Mi's set is really roaring, the key is do you remember, this is not a piece of clothing hanging outside, Chu Zhuohang just took it out from the pile of clothes."

As a result, Chu Zhuohang got the best score as everyone expected.

Zhang Yiming is really curious: "Zhuo Hang, how did you do it?"

"I measured it." Chu Zhuohang replied softly.

Lin Hao shouted: "Oh, so you used a tape! Isn't this unfair?"

"Give it to me forever!" Chen Ping also booed.

"I didn't." Chu Zhuohang explained flatly.

Zhang Yiming recalled suddenly and laughed: "People have their own unique measurement methods."

The people in the barrage also woke up: "Could this be the exclusive skill of the domineering president, ‘Woman, your body has been measured by me?’"

"It's really good for me to measure with my hands."

"I'm quite envious. Seriously, I think if I can meet a husband like this, I shouldn't care about his identity anymore, just cherish it."

"Have you forgotten that when Su Mi just came, she said that Chu Zhuohang bought her clothes? That also fits very well."

"I admire it."

Chu Zhuohang got a high score, so he could take the best breakfast for granted.

Among the breakfast he took, there were sandwiches, bread and milk, and two chocolates.

Su Mi happily followed him back.

When eating breakfast, Chu Zhuohang stuffed two chocolates into his clothes pocket and didn't take them out.

When Su Mi saw it, her lips squeezed aggrievedly, let's see, see, his ability to hide chocolate has improved again. He always likes to stuff her with chocolate, and he also likes to keep it when he sees it, and save it exclusively for her to eat.

In fact, she has never been able to wake up again due to physical reasons, instead she has been fattened by Chu Zhuohang's chocolate.

"Eat." Chu Zhuohang caught her eyes and pushed the bread and milk to her.

Su Mi started eating with a cry of "Oh". She really missed him to take out the chocolate so that he could eat a few more bites, and then she would eat less.

The black powder in the barrage saw this scene, and began to feel sour again: "Chu Zhuohang is really okay, hide the chocolate for Su Mi. Man, it's really hard to believe when you are selfish."

"That's it, I also find it hard to imagine, chocolate is not a precious thing, have you never seen it in the world?"

"The look in Su Mi's eyes is missing, she really wants to eat chocolate. It's a pity, Chu Zhuohang just pretended not to see it."

However, before the afternoon, the black fans were beaten in the face.

Because they were going to help with work, the girls were all assigned relatively heavy tasks. When they were leaving, Chu Zhuohang stopped Su Mi.

Su Mi turned around and listened to him obediently.

Chu Zhuohang took out the chocolate and stuffed it into the palm of her hand, "If you are too tired, remember to take a bite, you know?"

"I see. I'm really afraid of eating this, I'm gaining weight." Su Mi frowned.

Chu Zhuohang confessed to the camera: "Teacher, please look at Su Mi, she will be dizzy when she is too tired, remember to remind me to eat chocolate, trouble you."

Only then did the audience know that Chu Zhuohang kept the chocolate because of this unexpectedly.

And it seems that Su Mi is really afraid of eating this.

Especially when Su Mi was on the task, she was panting, and the camera teacher reminded her: "Su Mi, have a bite of chocolate."

"I... don't want to eat a bite. It's too tired, and the female artist needs to keep in shape. Teacher, when you see Chu Zhuohang, can you tell him I ate it?"

The camera focused on the very embarrassed face of the camera teacher.

"Hahahaha, I just said that Chu Zhuohang's people will be beaten in the face now, right? It's obviously left to Su Mi. Look at how you guess people's hearts."

"That is, the way that President Chu even cares about a piece of chocolate."

"I really don't understand what these people are thinking about. Is it so difficult to admit that they love each other?"

"People who say Su Mi is not worthy of Chu Zhuohang are afraid that it is not because they are the best in their respective fields, and they are perfect match. Su Mi is not worthy, are you worthy? Are you worthy of the key? Put?"

After watching the two-day program, Su Mi’s fans are basically relieved. They can see that Chu Zhuohang is sincere to Su Mi and has really done everything that should be done.

The caring that the two people showed for each other can really be seen through the screen.

Every time these people want to try to figure out Chu Zhuohang's intentions, they will be slapped in the face in the next second, and this slap in the face has a tendency to become louder and louder.

The footprints of the black fans have also obviously decreased.

This episode will be recorded in one day.

On that day, each couple needs to go to the mountain to find mushrooms, and only after completing the task can they receive the evening dinner.

After Chu Zhuohang and Su Mi set off, they headed straight for the mountain.

Soon, I saw that there were really mushrooms on the mountain, but I didn't pick a lot, and there was a light rain in the sky.

"Forget it, let's go back first, there are so many." Su Mi looked at the mushrooms in her pocket.

"Okay." Chu Zhuohang stretched out his hand to take the mushroom, "I will go ahead, you will follow me."

He looked up at the sky. The rain was not too heavy, but if it was really rainy this day, it would be easy to catch a cold.

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