Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3154: Can't live with this psychological barrier

Xia Jiu smiled: "Indeed, I didn't recognize Xia Ruomeng either."

Xia Ruomeng knew that Xia Jiu would not jump out to expose herself now. Xia Jiu didn't dare to do anything without evidence. Who would dare to get into BIR if he could enter BIR?

However, Xia Jiuduo would be uncomfortable with Xia Ruomeng if he stayed with him for a day.

Who likes to keep a time bomb around?

It will explode one day if the security is uneven.

Also, Xia Jiu’s beauty and grace are something that can’t be concealed, in case Fang Minghao wants to turn his head back someday...

No, you must think of a way to let Xia Jiu leave.

Everyone is surrounded by Xia Ruomeng. The essence of human beings is to succumb to people who are stronger than themselves.

Xia Jiu's side was empty.

At the end of the afternoon, Xia Jiu and Xia Ruomeng walked out of the company together.

There are a lot of good cars parked outside the company. A well-known company like BIR has many big-name designers in the company and earns a lot of money every year. Naturally, they will be superior in food, clothing, housing and transportation.

There are so many good cars parked outside, it is also a natural thing.

However, the one waiting in it still attracted a lot of people's attention, because it is a new Ferrari sports car, with a streamlined body, which can be seen by light and is not stained, and it is printed with the entire BIR building upside down. The shadow looks extravagant and glamorous.

A young man leaned on the car door, as if waiting for something.

"Wow, Ruomeng, your fiance is here to pick you up!" Jiang Ai said excitedly, as if he was being picked up.

The enviable gazes of others also turned towards Xia Ruomeng.

Standing in front of the car is Fang Minghao. He is a lawyer and his family is also a family of lawyers.

Such a young and handsome man standing in front of the car, looking eagerly at Xia Ruomeng and waiting, he would be fascinated by it for anyone else.

Xia Ruomeng's face was full of joy, and in the eyes of everyone's envy, he walked towards Fang Minghao Shi Ran.

Fang Minghao raised his eyes just in time to see Xia Jiu's figure.

Xia Jiu stood among the crowd, his eyes flowed but did not look at him, arrogant and alienated, with a faint expression.

She has always been like this, but Fang Minghao still frowned. Why did she come to Xia Ruomeng for trouble in BIR, or was she worried about the scorer?

"Ming Hao." Xia Ruomeng plunged into Fang Minghao's arms and saw his eyes fall on Xia Jiu's side. She said softly, "I don't know what happened to Xia Jiu. He actually entered our company. It stands to reason that we The company's requirements are very strict and it is impossible to accept her. Maybe, she asked someone to help."

"Who can she find?" Fang Minghao blurted out. Xia Jiu is arrogant. Although he has friends, who can help her who has never coveted her beauty? And those friends who treat each other sincerely don't have the ability to help her.

Xia Ruomeng said, "Yeah, I also find it a bit strange. I don't know who she is looking for to help. But Xia Jiu is a beautiful man who is willing to help her. Some are. I'm just a little worried that she will stray into it. Astray..."

The meaning in the words is worry, but the actual meaning is that Fang Minghao hopes that Xia Jiu is a slutty woman, relying on her body to get the job of the company.

Fang Minghao frowned even more tightly, and looked at Xia Jiu's side.

Xia Jiu was raising his leg and walking down the steps, when suddenly, a car came towards the company.

It was the Bentley that she had been in last time, the one worth tens of millions, even if it was a luxury car in front of BIR, even if Fang Minghao was still driving his Ferrari, the appearance of this Bentley still attracted Everyone’s sight.

This limited-edition Bentley, whether it is the price, or the momentum, whether it is the exquisiteness of the materials, or the details of the meticulous decoration, far exceed the presence of that Ferrari.

Especially the license plate number of this car turned out to be the few numbers that people cannot ignore in Jingyuan City...

There are very few people who can use those numbers in the entire Jingyuan City and even the entire Dragon Empire.

In particular, people who can use this number are not simply rich, they are more powerful, and they are more than ten grades higher than rich.

Compared with the Ferrari opened by Fang Minghao just now, it is undoubtedly different.

"Whose car is this? Do you know?" someone asked in a low voice.

"I don't know him, but this license plate number should be the few big people who can't be said. Please keep your voice down, don't talk indiscriminately, and don't compensate yourself."

"Oh my God, the car stopped at the gate of BIR, and I don't know who came to pick it up."

Even Fang Minghao and Xia Ruomeng couldn't help but be attracted by the car. They looked to this side together. Fang Minghao couldn't hide the envy in his eyes. If he could make friends with the big man in the car, it would be too much. All right.

Xia Ruomeng just wanted to get into trouble, and stopped. The big man who can drive this car is because she can't control it, and it's impossible to even know her. With her current ability and Xia family's capital, Fang Minghao is her. The best choice.

"Let's go." Fang Minghao was overwhelmed by the car, a little unhappy in his heart, not wanting to stay longer.

However, after another thought, the man who can drive this car is unattainable in itself, and there may not be a few people in Jingyuan City that can do this, and his heart is balanced again.

When Xia Jiu saw this car, she paused. This was the car Shen Muhan rode last time, and it was this car that drove her to Shen Muhan's residence.

Why does Shen Muhan appear here?

She didn't think that Shen Muhan would have no feelings for her. A man of his status and status would like to take a woman home with any price. How could he have any feelings for which one of them?

Perhaps, he is just here to hunt for beauty in BIR today, looking for a woman to spend the night together at will.

Thinking of this, Xia Jiu took a step to bypass the car and went straight to the bus station.

Behind him, the enviable voices of BIR employees are endless.

"Young Master Han, Miss Xia has left." The driver reminded softly.

The man sitting in the back seat, his thin lips twitched lightly: "Come with it."

Xia Jiu was walking, and with a slap on the ground, a car stopped beside her silently, blocking her way.

She fixed her eyes, and it turned out to be the Bentley just now.

The driver rolled down the window and said respectfully: "Miss Xia, Young Master Han, please get in the car."

Xia Jiuxiu raised her eyebrows slightly, and walked to the back seat, knocked on the car window lightly, but did not open the door to get into the car.

The window of the car was lowered, and Shen Muhan's handsome profile appeared in Xia Jiu's line of sight.

The man is so free, the coldness in his eyes is deep and unpredictable, the facial features are straight, and the deep cold covering it is chilling.

However, as long as Xia Jiu thinks of those ten seconds every time, he feels that he is not that scary anymore.

She curled her lips and asked, "Is Young Master Han looking for me?"

"Get in the car." Shen Muhan said lightly with his eyes sideways.

"I always need to know what Young Master Han is looking for in order to get in the car. After all, I don't plan to continue doing that kind of 20 million business."

A transaction of 20 million is a good profit, but it is just a stopgap measure. Xia Jiu clearly understands in his heart that there are some things, one time is enough.

Shen Mu looked at her coldly: "I have no interest in doing that kind of business."

However, the scorching heat in his throat clearly reminded him that he was not uninterested, but rather tight.

It's just that he has always been a self-disciplined person and doesn't like to indulge his emotions in these places, so he doesn't bother to think of this woman.

In his world, there are no major events except life and death.

"Then there seems to be nothing to talk about between me and Young Master Han? We don't have any personal relationships either. I think, I won't get in this car. See you, Young Master Han." Xia Jiu finished, and walked away.

"Miss Xia!" Shen Muhan's deep voice stopped her, "You have something left in my residence. I hate that there are strange things left in my residence, so I brought it for you."

"Oh?" Xia Jiu didn't think of what he had left behind. "Then you can throw it away. Maybe I don't need it anymore."

What I can't think of is certainly not a great thing.

"Okay." Shen Muhan replied, stretched out the window of the car and aimed precisely at the trash can beside the road.

Although Xia Jiu didn't care what it was, she couldn't help but glance at it.

At this glance, her white face was flushed with blood, causing her to rush to her head, opened the car door and sat in, grabbed Shen Muhan's hand, and grabbed the thing from his hand.

This series of movements were flowing like clouds and flowing water, without the slightest lag, and was the smoothest movement in Xia Jiu's lifetime.

Because what Shen Muhan was holding was her corset just now, she was in good shape, and she could wear it or not, and it didn't make much difference.

I left in a hurry that day and didn't wear it, because she also forgot whether she wore it or not when she went there.

Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that this kind of thing would be left in Shen Muhan's residence.

Although it didn't matter if it was thrown away by him, in front of her, his slender and well-knotted fingers grasped this thing and threw it into the trash can. Xia Jiu couldn't get through this psychological obstacle in her heart.

Especially the scene he was holding tightly just now made Xia Jiu's face congested and reluctant to subside.

Behind him, there was a car urging by honking its horn. It was obvious that Bentley was parked here, blocking the way of others.

"Shao Han..." The driver asked Shen Muhan for instructions.

"Drive." Shen Muhan said concisely and gave orders.

The car started and drove forward. Xia Jiu was still immersed in the embarrassment and discomfort just now. How could he leave this kind of thing on Shen Muhan's side?

I don't know what he thinks, would he think he was deliberate?

Xia Jiu was full of embarrassment and explained: "Shao Han, I really forgot, and I dropped this thing in a daze. Maybe I don't have a habit of wearing it at ordinary times, so..."

Shen Muhan turned his eyes to the side. He didn't usually have the habit of wearing it? In the mind of a high degree of self-discipline, a hint of thought came out of the hook.

The complexion in his eyes became deeper, a bit thicker than the dark night.

Xia Jiu was even more embarrassed, what was that what he said just now?

She squeezed the thing tightly and simply threw it into her bag, looking out of sight and worrying, and said helplessly: "Young Master Han, let me go down."

"Miss Xia, there is no parking place here. Forcibly parking, you will be fined." The driver kindly reminded.

Xia Jiu glanced outside, and there was indeed no place to park, but he just didn't know if the driver came here on purpose.

Forget it, she didn't want to argue, and said: "Then let me go down when there is a parking spot."

"Is Miss Xia still short of money?" Shen Muhan asked.

"No shortage." Xia Jiu replied casually. If it weren't for her sister's illness to be too costly, she would never be short of money, any job would be enough to make ends meet.

Shen Muhan snorted, "If you are short of money, you can find me."

"Thank you." Xia Jiu replied.

But suddenly, she woke up to the deep meaning of Shen Muhan's words, what is meant by lack of money, can you find him? She asked him to do that kind of business again, asking him to take money?

Xia Jiu was so angry that he lacked oxygen, and his white face was full of angry red: "Younger Han, I am not short of money. If you have a need, you can find a woman who is short of money. You can't ask me."

After the anger, she felt that her anger was unreasonable again. The first time she actually asked for money and made a deal, Shen Muhan seemed to be right.

But whether it was wrong or not, Xia Jiu was full of anger in his heart.

Shen Muhan glanced at her sideways, seeming to be puzzled by her anger, frowned slightly, "I'm not bargaining."

Smoothly, he handed Xia Jiu a business card, "Call me."

Xia Jiu was so angry that he thought of himself as someone! Was it really when she came out to do that kind of business? No bargaining yet!

Shen Muhan held the finger of the business card and kept handing it in front of Xia Jiu, but the woman never answered it. He frowned, "Are you going to raise the price?"

As far as the last experience is concerned, Shen Muhan feels that it is not impossible to raise the price. Each takes what he needs, as long as she asks for it, as long as he can afford it.

Xia Jiu became even more angry, so that her chest suddenly rose and fell. She couldn't get her breath for a long time. On a white face, the red color hadn't retreated, her fingers were tightly pinched.

Did he take her refusal to be indulgent? Xia Jiu turned his face and said, "Young Master Han seems to have a problem with her understanding ability. As I said, I am not short of money. Besides, Young Master Han is willing to spend so much money, are you afraid that she can't find a suitable woman?"

The smell of ridicule is very strong.

"For now, I haven't found a more suitable one." Shen Muhan loosened his fingers, and his business card fell on Xia Jiu's body.

"Then Young Master Han's social life is really not so good. It is so difficult to find a suitable candidate." Xia Jiu was angry, and every sentence was stingy.

Shen Muhan's jaw is deep, and his tone is deep: "My friends are indeed not as many as you."

His normal words made Xia Jiu feel even more upset. What did he mean to think she came out to do that kind of business, not just for him, but also for other people?

She grabbed her bag tightly: "Let me down, there is a parking spot here."

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