Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3155: The pregnancy test stick is two bars

The driver brushed the ground and stepped on the accelerator. Before the car stopped, Xia Jiu grabbed the bag, got out of the car, and closed the door with a bang.

She didn't want to breathe with a big man like Shen Muhan, but she couldn't suppress the breath in her heart, and closed the door fiercely, only to slightly dispel the breath in her heart.

Shen Muhan furrowed his brows, a touch of hostility in his heart was aroused, and he was pressed hard before he pressed it down.

After Xia Jiu got out of the car, she didn't expect that business card was also taken down. She squeezed it severely.

The business card is very simple, only his name and phone number, but nothing else.

Seeing the three words Shen Muhan above, Xia Jiu felt hateful and dazzling.

However, this man is really arrogant, there is nothing on the business card, as if others have to know who he is and what he does when he hears his name.

His abominable cold face really matched his name. It was completely a piece of ice for thousands of years. After Xia Jiu's belly slandered for a long time, he felt a lot more relaxed.

I went to see Xia Lin in the hospital. When I passed by the obstetrics and gynecology department, Xia Jiu felt a little stunned when he saw those words.

In a blink of an eye, it has been more than a month since the last time I went to Shen Muhan's residence.

Time flies very fast. During this time, she is busy looking for a job and taking care of Charlene. She has not had time to think about it.

What's more, she took the contraceptive pill at the time. Although she took it a few days late, it shouldn't matter, right?

Shen Muhan shouldn't have the ability to let her be pregnant once?

After entering Xia Lin's ward, Xia Jiu was still thinking about it, and when she was peeling the apple with a fruit knife, she was startled involuntarily.

"Sister, what are you thinking about?" Charlene asked.

"No, nothing. You eat apples." Xia Jiu quickly dispelled the thought in his mind. It wouldn't be so coincidental. Where could there be such a coincidence?

Charlene happily picked up the apple and took a bite: "It's delicious. Sister, you come to accompany me every day, but don’t neglect your future brother-in-law. I’m getting better recently, so don’t come to accompany me every day. Let him make an appointment to watch a movie."

Speaking of Fang Minghao, Xia Jiu's heart suddenly hurt, and soreness surged in waves.

After all, it's just a few years of feelings. It's not that you can let go. When Fang Minghao violently pursued her, those pictures were still vivid, but in a blink of an eye, things were all right.

"Sister, didn't you say that you will marry your future brother-in-law as soon as you graduate? How are the wedding preparations now? I don't know if I will be physically fit to attend by then?" Xia Lin said longingly, beaming.

What happened in the past few days, Xia Jiu hasn't told Xia Lin that Xia Lin is very sick, not to mention that she can't help much if she is too young, and only adds to her troubles.

Xia Jiu smiled and said, "I just graduated and I'm still busy. He is also busy. Getting married is not so fast."

"Oh, then I have to wait for a while before I can have a wedding drink. Sister, don't forget to call me a bridesmaid then."

"I know, hurry up and eat." Xia Jiu smiled.

After Xia Lin fell asleep, Xia Jiu came out of her ward, not in a very good mood, and enveloped her in a low and unreasonable manner. She gathered her thin clothes and walked forward.

When passing by the obstetrics and gynecology department, Xia Jiu was indeed a little bit guilty in her heart. Although she was thinking about impossible, she still couldn't control her pace, went to the pharmacy and bought a few pregnancy test sticks.

Back home, Xia Jiu held the pregnancy test stick, read the instructions carefully, and walked into the bathroom nervously.

A pair of beautiful eyes closed, and the bad spirit was silent in his heart. Xia Jiu opened his eyes, and his gaze fell on the pregnancy test stick in his hand.

Seeing the two clear red bars appearing above, Xia Jiu's brain buzzed loudly.

How could it be possible!

She threw the pregnancy test stick into the trash can and changed to another brand. The one must have expired just now, so the result of the test must be problematic.

After taking out a pregnancy test stick again, Xia Jiu carefully checked, and then opened his eyes wide again——

There are still two bars.

Grabbing the instructions and reading them carefully, the meaning of the two red bars couldn't be more obvious. She was pregnant with a child, but it was only overnight, and she was pregnant with Shen Muhan's child.

Xia Jiu was in a terrible mood. At this time, she was pregnant with a child, and she was still receiving money from others. In any case, she could not ask for this child.


At work the next day, many people were discussing the limited edition Bentley that came to pick up people yesterday.

"I don't know who came to pick him up. I just stayed for a while and left." Jiang Ai said curiously, "I don't know who it is. I have such a blessing."

Xiao Yunhua shook his head: "That kind of car, it's the investor's at first glance. How could it be the one who came to pick it up? I think it's better to pick up Ruomeng's Ferrari. The limited edition Bentley is good, but it's too high and ungrounded. Annoyed, it’s the Ferrari who came to pick up Ruomeng, rich and extravagant, and it still makes people think about it."

Xia Ruomeng smiled reservedly: "Actually, I don't want my fiancé to come over and swagger in a Ferrari, but I can't help it. I was pregnant recently and he was worried about my safety, so he had to pick him up. I didn't agree to it."

When she said this, the place she looked towards was Xia Jiu.

Xia Jiu used to think that this cousin was gentle and easy to get close to, but now she knows that her words are filled with needles in the cotton, stabbing people everywhere.

"If Meng is pregnant, the high-level officials said they want you to rest well, do as many things as you can do, just wait for you to come back after giving birth to give full play to your strengths, create a few good brands, and occupy the market." Xiao Yunhua’s tone was complimented, “It can be seen that they recognize your strength and really like your design. If someone else is pregnant, it’s impossible to even have the qualifications for an interview, let alone stay in the company.”

Xia Jiu's palm was slightly squeezed, and the design that was favored by the senior management was her graduation design, and it has now become the glory on top of Xia Ruomeng's head.

Xia Ruomeng nodded: "Yes, I'm just saying that, I really want to give birth to the child early, to raise my body early, so I can devote myself to normal work early, so as not to disappoint the leader's appreciation of me, and not to be dragged down. The work of colleagues in the same group."

Xia Jiu packed her things, stood up, and walked out.

"Xia Jiu, wait for me!" Jiang Ai followed.

Xiao Yunhua looked at Xia Jiu's back: "Ruomeng, you cousin, it seems that you don't like talking to you a little bit?"

Xia Ruomeng sighed slightly: "I don't know where to offend her, maybe she has this temper, she has always been like this, she is inferior and sensitive, and always feels that my words are aimed at her."

"For her?" Xiao Yunhua showed a hint of contempt, "Who rarely targets her? Didn't even target her graduation certificate? Targeted her for entering the company through a relationship?"

"Don't say that, Xia Jiu's family conditions are not good, and it's not easy, forget it." Xia Ruomeng said generously. Now she has everything. Before Xia Jiu had it, she now has more than that. Xia Jiu has more.

So being generous occasionally is not a big deal.

In the future, she will only have more and more, and Xia Jiu will only have less and less.

By the end of the weekend, Xia Jiu had already looked haggard.

She made an appointment with a doctor for examination and surgery.

Because Xia Lin was hospitalized in this hospital, the doctor was already familiar with her, and took her examination report and asked, "Xia Jiu, are you really going to take the baby?"

"Yeah." Xia Jiu nodded.

"Why didn't the child's father come?" The doctor vaguely remembered that there was always a boy who accompanied her to visit Charlene.

Xia Jiu's heart was sour and uncomfortable. The doctor was talking about Fang Minghao, but she didn't know who to think of at the moment.

Xia Jiu hooked her lips: "He is busy. Doctor, is it possible to operate?"

The doctor didn't have much to say, since Xia Jiu made a choice, she can only do so.

She exhorted in advance: "After the operation, rest more, pay attention to maintenance, and avoid cold. Otherwise, it will be bad if you are young."

"I understand, thank you doctor." Xia Jiu nodded and followed the nurse to put on loose surgical gowns and lay on the cold operating table.

The doctors around all put on masks and skillfully prepared the equipment in their hands, occasionally making the sound of crisp metal colliding with each other.

Everything here has a cold feeling, and the cold metal equipment is even more daunting.

The doctor held the syringe, the colorless and transparent liquid inside, also gave people a cold feeling.

Looking at the sharp needle point, Xia Jiu closed his eyes, pinching her surgical gown nervously with her fingers.

After a long time, the pain did not come as expected, and the small sounds around him disappeared. Xia Jiu opened his eyes, and only one nurse was packing things.

"Nurse, where's the doctor?" Xia Jiu sat up without knowing it.

"Miss Xia, this operation can't be done." The nurse smiled apologetically, "The doctors have all been called away."

"Why? Are there any emergencies? Then when can I have surgery?"

The nurse looked at Xia Jiu suspiciously: "Miss Xia, don't you know? Someone just notified that no one can perform the operation for you, let alone our hospital, even other hospitals may be the same. So your operation may be It can’t be done. And your fetus looks healthy at the moment, so it’s much better to stay than to give up on him.”

"Who is it? Who notified it?" Xia Jiu had a headache. Is it so difficult for her to have an operation?

She really did not expect that someone would stop herself from undergoing the operation, and even that, apart from the doctor and herself, no one else knew about her pregnancy.

The nurse shook his head: "I don't know this too well, Miss Xia, you must be careful, Miss Xia."

Xia Jiu put on her dress and went out. When all the doctors saw her, they all bowed and greeted her, but no one mentioned the operation.

When Xia Jiu was full of doubts, a voice came from behind: "Miss Xia."

The man who walked over, dressed in a decent formal attire, looked capable, walked towards Xia Jiu politely, and said politely: "Miss Xia, our young master invites you to come."

Xia Jiu recognized this person as the assistant next to Shen Muhan. Last time she accidentally put coffee on Shen Muhan, the person next to Shen Muhan was him.

So is Shen Muhan looking for himself? Speaking of which, Shen Muhan was also responsible for what the hospital arranged. Apart from him, there was really no one with such a great ability to ask the hospital not to perform operations on her.

But how did he know that he was pregnant? What is the intention of not allowing yourself to undergo surgery?

What is he going to do?

These questions can only be answered when they meet Shen Muhan. Xia Jiu nodded: "Let's go, I also really want to see him."

This time, Xia Jiu came to pick up another car. Its luxury level is not worse than that of the previous Bentley. It is also a limited edition car, but Xia Jiu has no intention of admiring it.

When he arrived at Shen Muhan's residence, the butler greeted him, "Miss Xia. Bring Miss Xia a bowl of bird's nest porridge."

"No, I just want to see Young Master Han and don't want to eat." Where is Xia Jiu in the mood to eat bird's nest?

At this moment, my heart is in a mess, I just want to see Shen Muhan speak clearly.

"Okay, please come with me." The butler took Xia Jiu as far as Shen Muhan's study and knocked on the door.

"Go in." The man's voice has always been cold, a faint word, no emotion can be heard.

"Young Master, Miss Xia is here." The butler pushed the goalkeeper Xia Jiu to let in, and then he bowed and left.

The decoration style of Shen Muhan's study is the same as that of his bedroom, and it is full of cold, black, white and gray breeze, revealing an inhuman coldness.

Xia Jiu walked over, Shen Muhan raised his eyes, and put down the documents in his hand in a leisurely manner, with neat white shirt sleeves on his wrists, half of which was exposed from the black formal wear.

"Young Master Han, did you arrange the hospital?"

"It's me." Shen Muhan's expression was natural, "The child is mine, I want it."

Xia Jiu pulled the chair away and sat down in front of him: "I remember that the deal I had agreed with Young Master Han was one night, and after one night, they had nothing to do with each other. As for the children's affairs, I only have the right to deal with them. , It should also lie with me."

Shen Muhan's eyebrows are dark and cold: "That's my child, I want to keep him. Miss Xia, you make a price. You can stay here to get a fetus, or you can get a fetus outside. I don't object."

His tone was entirely as it should be, it seemed that this was a normal thing, and there was only one choice for Xia Jiu.

"I said, I don't want children. I'm still young, I have a lot of things to do, and I don't want to be a mother at all. I can't keep this child."

Shen Muhan raised his eyes and looked at her steadily: "You have no choice, boy, I'm going to decide."

"Shen Muhan, you are not qualified to ask me for this child, and I will not agree to you!" Xia Jiu found that the man in front of him was so overbearing and almost paranoid, it seemed that there was no reason at all.

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