Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3161: Shocked

To be honest, I am willing to give out a billion, let alone having children, surely many people are willing to sell him even his life.

After a while, Xia Ruomeng and others walked over and followed Xia Jiu not far behind.

Xia Jiu walked down the steps and reached the door of the company, and pressed the car key in his hand casually.

Not far away, a Maserati made a noise, flashing light.

The Maserati printed in Xia Jiu's eyes is a limited edition model. The convertible supercar was introduced to the Dragon Empire about a year ago.

If Xia Jiu remembers correctly, this car is probably tens of millions?

Is Shen Muhan generous, or is he stupid with a lot of money?

Xia Jiu stepped towards that car. A good car is a good car. Even if Xia Jiu drove a lot of good cars, he couldn't help but admire the car in front of him.

The exquisite spray painting process makes every place exudes shining brilliance, and the streamlined body takes into account both speed and beauty.

If the car is as good-looking as a person, this car is undoubtedly the little meat in the car, but the little fresh meat that has both appearance, body and talent.

Even Xia Jiu could hardly resist the temptation of this car.

She pulled the car door and sat in.

Every touch feels as good as her own skin. Xia Jiu really has to say that she likes this gift.

Those who like to drive can hardly refuse the attractiveness of a good car.

Xia Jiu started the car, and with the sweet sound of the engine, she drove forward and left the door of the company.

Xia Ruomeng and others have witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

It turned out that the car key that Xia Jiu received with hope was just a car key.

Later, I hope that the car she received is not so good, so as not to overwhelm her own limelight.

When I saw the car with my own eyes, Xia Ruomeng's face was green. The car was beyond the particularly good range, so that her heart was full of jealousy like a stormy sea.

Why is Xia Jiu!

Why can she be treated like this!

But Jiang Ai was still searching for the model of this car, shouting loudly: "Wow, the one Xia Jiu received is a limited edition, and it is worth more than tens of millions."

"Really? It's so expensive, did you read it wrong?" someone answered.

"It's not wrong, but I don't know how much it is, because it says-it will not be sold to the public." Jiang Ai continued, "Who gave Xia Jiu to this? It's too generous! "

Xia Ruomeng's face was ugly for a while.


Xia Jiu drove around in the car. Both her and her parents' cars were changed by Xia Huangshan to his name. Xia Jiu really drove without a car for a while.

After she returned, she parked the car and called Chen Qi.

"Chen Qi, what does this car mean?"

Chen Qi's attitude is respectful: "Miss Xia, you are pregnant now, it is inconvenient to travel. This car is to facilitate your commuting to get off work. It will prevent you from crowding the bus and subway."

If it squeezes the child and herself, Chen Qi predicts that the young master doesn't know how badly he will get angry.

So he was prepared first.

As for arranging drivers, Chen Qi was afraid of Xia Jiu's temperament and refused to accept it.

Xia Jiu sighed in a low voice, "Okay, it's lent to me. After I give birth, I will return it to your young master."

"Okay, Miss Xia."

Although I received this car, it was too high-profile to drive, and Xia Jiu left it in the parking garage.

She re-bought an ordinary car alone for transportation.

Seeing that this good car fell here, and she had to spend money to rent an extra parking space, she really wanted Chen Qi to drive away the car early.

But not wanting to see Shen Muhan's stinky face, Xia Jiu still held back.

Who knows what tricks Shen Muhan will come up with?

After Xia Jiu received the car, Xia Ruomeng and her attendants stopped.

Xia Ruomeng didn't have the face to show off her famous bags and watches. After all, she took out all her valuables, and it was not as good as the car Xia Jiu received, so it was meaningless for her to show off.

Even Fang Minghao seemed to feel that he couldn't get a point or two.

This makes Xia Ruomeng sit on pins and needles.

She turned her mind and finally figured out a good way.


On Friday night, Xia Jiu did not expect to receive a call from Xia Huangshan.

Although just seeing the name, I felt a sense of disgust, Xia Jiu still slipped the answer button.

"Xia Jiu, there is something in the company. It has something to do with the board of directors. Come over."

"Mr. Xia has fired me from the board of directors? I don't know what needs me to come over?" Xia Jiu said lightly.

Xia Huangshan said: "Do you think the company is in good condition? I fired you to protect you from being implicated. Now when the company is alive and dead, I advise you to come over."

Xia Jiu has some concerns, but the company is the hard work of her parents. She hasn't been able to get the company back for the time being, but there is something wrong with the company, but she can't leave it alone.

Thinking of this, Xia Jiu changed clothes, put on a light makeup, and drove to the company.

After entering the company, the first person I saw was Xia Ruomeng.

Seeing Xia Jiu appearing, Xia Ruomeng smiled: "Xia Jiu, are you here?"

It couldn't be better if Xia Jiu could come.

Although Xia Huangshan has mastered the Xia Family Group, after all, he does not have the ability of Xia Jiu's father. Although the operation has been barely stable this year, it has never been able to restore the prosperity of Xia Jiu's father.

Therefore, Xia Huangshan has been pulling investment everywhere to win more partners. He has won all the relationships and opportunities that he can use.

The current boss, surnamed Cao, is very interested in investing a large sum of money, but he has not finalized it yet.

Xia Ruomeng also met the boss Cao, and while drinking tea, he deliberately revealed Xia Jiu's photo for boss Cao to see.

Sure enough, Boss Cao was shocked when he saw him, and let him go. As long as the Xia Group can let Xia Jiu accompany her to drink tonight, he is willing to invest twice the previously intended price.

Xia Ruomeng mentioned this to Xia Huangshan and asked him to ask Xia Jiu to come over.

Xia Huangshan had no love for this niece at all, nor did he have any deep love for licking. Since Xia Ruomeng had arranged it, he naturally wished to use such an opportunity to pave the way for his future.

"Well, I'll just take a look." Xia Jiu said lightly.

She is still wearing flat shoes tonight, but she is wearing an off-white cotton dress. She wears a shawl on her shoulders, and her long hair falls like a waterfall on her shoulders, with a touch of elegance and calmness.

She is born with good facial features, her delicate eyebrows are not drawn, she is slender and thick, and has a delicate shape without any modification.

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