Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3162: I'm willing to die

On the other hand, Xia Jiu's skin was fair and fair, and there were two blushes faintly appearing on him, and his complexion was very good.

Only a little bit of lipstick was used to moisturize the lips, and the entire face without makeup was like a carefully made **** makeup, beautiful and bright, with the eyebrows moving, and even a little aggressive.

Xia Ruomeng looked at such a face, and the jealousy in her heart was overwhelming. He was obviously from the Xia family. Xia Jiu was uniquely endowed with all the resources for beauty and made the other sisters pale in comparison.

Whether it’s such a good night tonight, Xia Jiu’s face will also be a disaster. Rather than let her be picked by another man, it’s better to let her face and do the last thing for the Xia Group.

Xia Jiu strode forward. Xia Huangshan and several directors were still in a meeting. Seeing Xia Jiu coming, Xia Huangshan stopped the meeting and said with a smile, "Xia Jiu, you are here? Although you did not attend the meeting, you still It’s from the Xia family. Tonight we are seeking an investor’s investment. The dinner is about to start. Come with us."

"Does this mean to let me accompany the wine?" Xia Jiu raised his eyebrows and asked.

"You kid, I'm so worried. The directors are going to go, Ruomeng and Fenfen will also pass. You don't like to drink, just don't drink. You are a member of the Xia family after all, if the Xia Group develops well , It's good for you too." Xia Huangshan said politely.

Xia Fen is another daughter of Xia Huangshan and the younger sister of Xia Ruomeng.

However, Xia Jiu and Xia Fen were not in the same school before, so Xia Fen was not very familiar.

Several directors also said: "It is to see investors, if you are willing to go, Xia Jiu, just go and see. Don't want to go, don't force it."

"It's all here, just go." Xia Jiu said lightly.

Since so many people were there, she didn't believe that these people would eat herself.

The big deal, she will call Chen Qi for a while. Although Chen Qi is not obligated to protect her, she asks Chen Qi for help for her child. Chen Qi will not leave it alone, right?

Xia Jiu followed the director out.

Xia Huangshan whispered to Xia Ruomeng, "What's the arrangement with Boss Cao?"

"Boss Cao likes Xia Jiu very much. Later Xia Jiu is drunk, and I will send her there." Xia Ruomeng said softly, seeing his father seem to be unbearable, she said, "Dad, Xia Jiu is all day long. I don’t learn well outside, and there are more people pursuing her. Looking at her, I don’t know how many men I have had relationships with. I have collected a lot of luxury car watches. Since she doesn’t care about her body, use it What does her body make for the Xia Group's benefits? For her, it may be just one more night and one night less."

Killing two birds with one stone, right in the arms of Xia Ruomeng, can not only take advantage of this to ruin Xia Jiu, but also win a large investment for her father and raise her own wealth to a higher level.

Xia Huangshan sighed and said, "Yeah, even if I can't help my eldest brother and sister-in-law, I can only do that. I did my best to Xia Jiu. And this is what she was supposed to pay us back. Last time I finally asked my father to tell. Grandma invited Han Shao to come over, and it was her cup of coffee that told Han Shao to leave halfway. Since there is no Han Shao, this matter for boss Cao should also be Xia Jiulai."

Thinking of Shen Muhan, Xia Huangshan regretted that his intestines were green. At that time, no matter what, Shen Muhan should be kept, even if it was a chance to get a chance, it was better than giving up.

The dinner with Boss Cao was set at a high-end restaurant not far from the Xia Group.

Several members of the board of directors accompanied Xia Ruomeng and Xia Fen.

Compared to Xia Ruomeng’s gentleness and generosity, Xia Fen appears to be much simpler. Regarding these things that happened to Xia Jiu, I don’t know if she really doesn’t know or is fake. Anyway, her attitude towards Xia Jiu, It's kind of warm.

As soon as she came over, she sat next to Xia Jiu and asked about Xia Jiu's work and life, chatting like a friend.

"Xia Jiu, do you know who is coming tonight?" Xia Fen asked without a city mansion.

"I don't know, I heard it was an investor?"

Xia Fen smiled mysteriously: "It's Boss Cao. Boss Cao is very rich. The real estate fortunes in the past few years have already accumulated a large amount of wealth. Now the real estate is not very prosperous, so he just started to invest. Business. But he had already made a lot of money in the early years, and now he just spends some money out of it, it's just sprinkling water."

"Really?" Xia Jiu replied lightly.

Xia Fen whispered: "Actually, he is not my dad's first choice. We have always focused our work on Young Master Shen Muhan."

Hearing the words of Shen Muhan, Xia Jiu took a few minutes to listen carefully.

Xia Fen said: "My dad took a lot of effort to get on the line of Young Master Han. He just wants to win the investment of Young Master Han. If he can win the investment of Young Master Han, let alone a boss. Even if it is a hundred and a thousand boss Cao, it’s not enough to see. Where can I still see boss Cao?"

Xia Jiu remembered that last time I saw Shen Muhan in the Xia Group, at a meeting.

It turned out that at that time, Xia Huangshan was fighting for Shen Muhan's investment.

"Young Master Han is really handsome, he is so handsome, I really fell in love at first sight. I was ready to dine with him at the time, but who knew he never came back after he left. "Xia Fen couldn't help sighing as soon as he said this.

That was the most handsome man she had ever seen. There was no one. If she could really let her eat with Young Master Han, she would be willing to die.

Xia Jiu raised her red lips, "You like that man so much? Do you know his character, is it maddeningly domineering and paranoid?"

"I just like him, no matter what his personality is, he has that kind of wealth and status, has that kind of figure and body, I can accept him with any personality. If I can be with him, I would be willing to die even if I die!" Xia Fen Said with a look of idiot.

Compared to Xia Ruomeng, Xia Fen really has no city mansion, maybe Xia Huangshan and Xia Ruomeng did not tell her many things.

Xia Jiu suddenly thought of something, and his heart moved slightly: "Xia Fen, if there is a chance to let you be with Shen Muhan, would you like it?"

"Of course I would!" Xia Fen was very excited, but then was very disappointed, "But there is no chance. My dad wants to see him again, it's hard to say, don't talk about me. I have found a lot of people to go. Inquired about his contact information, but found nothing."

The thought in Xia Jiu's heart became stronger and stronger.

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