Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3184: Let me do anything

Shi Hui was accustomed to his always indifferent attitude and did not take it seriously. She sat down and said, "Mu Han, you also know that your sister has made mistakes before and brought you a lot of trouble. But no matter what, she is also your sister. , I think she is really pitiful abroad, and I want her to come back."

Shen Muhan's younger sister, Shen Xuan, was not only deceived by a liar, she cheated countless money away, but also caused many people and companies who trusted Shen Xuan to be deceived.

For this reason, it was Shen Muhan's idea to let Shen Xuan dodge a fake death.

Shen Xuan’s death was made very realistic at the beginning. He found a very similar substitute jumped down from a tall building and fell to pieces. Then he took some of Shen Xuan’s blood and body tissues and put them downstairs to mix with the substitute’s blood. in.

Shen Sihai bought a forensic doctor again, and it was easy for people to give proof that Shen Xuan was dead.

Shen Xuan has since changed her name and has been living abroad.

But no matter how rich, no matter how good life is in a foreign country, it is not as good as in the Dragon Empire. Shen Xuan has always wanted to return to China.

In addition, Shi Hui also missed Shen Xuan very much, so thinking that things had subsided now, she took her daughter back.

Today, Shen Xuan was standing next to her, and she brought Shen Xuan over, and she wanted to know Shen Muhan.

Let Shen Muhan know that, on the one hand, it is to respect his meaning, and on the other hand, with Shen Muhan's care, Shen Xuan can also suffer less.

Shen Xuan rushed towards Shen Muhan, crying and said, "Big Brother, I really miss you, I miss Mom and Brother, I really want to live by your side. Please let me come back."

She threw herself into Shen Muhan's arms, and Shen Muhan pushed her out calmly. If he used to think about a sibling relationship or two, then this relationship would have faded a long time ago.

"Mu Han, you promise to let your sister come back." Shi Hui said with tears.

Shen Xuan also cried fiercely: "Big brother, I know I was wrong, and I will stand by myself in the future, and I will never cause you trouble, I will be a good man. As long as you let me come back, let me do anything...Dad also passed away. I didn’t even do it for him. It’s really unfilial. I don’t want this kind of tragedy to happen again on my mother in the future. I want to accompany my mother more, do my filial piety, and accompany you and my second brother to be a good one. younger sister."

In Shen Muhan's handsome eyebrows, a touch of indifference appeared, cold and compelling.

The old fox Shen Sihai has not been seen since he escaped from the fake death. He has always been the best at avoiding. He used to take a family with him, and even Shen Fengshan's family could hide it. He was really amazed by his ability to conceal the truth.

Shen Muhan has searched the world for his whereabouts, but there is no news at present.

Since Shen Xuan wants to come back, that's fine.

In this way, there is still a chance to know the whereabouts of Shen Sihai, which is also unknown.

Only then did Shen Muhan say, "If that's the case, it's okay. Mom, what status do you plan to give Shen Xuan?"

"Indeed, she can't be called Shen Xuan, and it's not easy to use a pseudonym abroad. I think so, call her Shi Youxuan, as my niece, living next to me, no one will be suspicious. Xuan Xuan. When Xuan was abroad, she had some minor operations on her face, and her eyebrows and facial features were different from before. It is impossible for ordinary people to find that she is Shen Xuan." Shi Hui said.

"Okay, let's do it this way." Shen Muhan agreed. He glanced at Shi Youxuan. She was indeed very different from what she used to be. Some women have always been cruel to use a knife on the face.

Shen Xuan, Shi Youxuan, immediately threw himself into his arms happily, and said, "Thank you, big brother, you are really the best big brother in the world. I will never make mistakes in the future, and I must be a good person."

Seeing that his son agreed to this decision, Shi Hui thought that he would have grown up under his care after all. Even though he and Shen Sihai had been disgusted with him before, they couldn't resist the affection.

He is cold on the surface, but he still cares about the feelings of the family when he wants to come, and he is very happy in his heart.

She smiled and said: "Mu Han, after Xuan Xuan came back, I also asked her to find a proper job, so as not to have trouble in the future. For girls, I let her develop in the clothing industry. What do you think?"

"Yes." Shen Muhan didn't care about Shi Youxuan's development.

Since Shi Hui had already arranged everything, he just watched with cold eyes.

Shi Youxuan happily took Shen Muhan's wrist and said, "Brother, today I am going to meet someone from a design company, and I will make some investment myself. If you have time, come with me."

"No time."

Shi Youxuan suffocated her mouth: "You always do this, and you can't accompany me. I haven't come back for a long time."

Shi Hui hurriedly pulled her and said, "You kid, don't always be self-willed. Your elder brother is busy. There are so many things. After you come back this time, you should be more considerate of your elder brother. You can't bother him, you know?"

"I know, I just asked him to go to BIR with me. I heard that the design of that company is very good, and the designers are all beautiful women. I also think about the personal life of my elder brother, and I want to find out for him. People who are cold and hot." Shi Youxuan knows that he has to rely on her elder brother to live now, so her words are all flattering.

Shi Hui looked at Shen Muhan and said with a smile: "Mu Han, look at your sister, she is really kind to you. Although this child has a thousand kinds of bad things, ten thousand kinds of things are not, but this thinks about your heart as a big brother. But it has never changed."

Shen Muhan said lightly: "Okay, I'll go with her."

Shi Youxuan was very happy, and Shi Hui was also very happy. She did not expect that Shen Muhan would agree.

Shen Muhan lowered his head and pondered, Xia Jiu's company is BIR?

Shi Youxuan pulled Shen Muhan's wrist and appeared at the meeting place.

She finally came back to China, and the whole person was very excited. This time she changed her name and status, and wiped out all the bad things she had done before. She was born again and wished to be in Manjingyuan City. All left their own footsteps.

Shen Muhan's footsteps are steady and his expression is indifferent. Shi Youxuan is chirping beside him. His own shielding system has long since shielded all her voices and actions.

He used to get along with Xia Jiu, and only felt that Xia Jiu was troublesome, noisy, and hypocritical, but now compared with Shi Youxuan, he also feels that trouble and trouble are different.

Loud noise is also divided into tolerable and unbearable.

As for some people's pretense, they can be splendid and beautiful, and some people are pretentious, but they are pretentious and disgusting.

He and Shi Youxuan sat in the conference room, waiting for the people from BIR to come over.

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