Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3185: It's so faceless and skinless

Shi Youxuan was still talking about something, and Shen Muhan suddenly asked, "Who will come to BIR today?"

Shi Youxuan saw that Shen Muhan was interested in her career, and she happily introduced: "I told them that we must arrange for the most aura and talented designer to come over. Nothing else is important. We must be creative and mindful. It’s a coincidence, otherwise I wouldn’t invest in them. Brother, what, are you also very interested?"

"No feeling."

"It doesn't matter if you don't feel it. If there are beautiful girls in there, you will naturally be interested. Anyway, when I come back this time, I must flex my muscles, be a good person, and become a business woman in the future. Of course, I must also become the most beautiful woman. !"

Shi Youxuan often went to provoke people she couldn't provoke in Jingyuan City earlier, and looked down on Chu Ning and Gu Baoyan.

But after going through this lap, she has also converged a lot, especially after seeing Fu Meirou, who used to be outstanding in his wrists, end. It can be seen that it is better to stay on track and guard yourself, so now I know that she is still selling innocent and seeking Shen Muhan. Blessing is most effective.

Shi Youxuan sat down holding Shen Muhan's arm, and there were several other investors in the same group who were all invited by Shi Youxuan.

Those investors had come to cooperate with Shi Youxuan in the face of Shi Hui, but they were overjoyed when Shen Muhan appeared.

Shen Muhan rarely deals with this kind of small investment, and he doesn't know whose face he sees occasionally.

He appeared here today, obviously because of Shi Youxuan’s face. Several investors nodded secretly. They will have to cooperate with Shi Youxuan in the future. Unexpectedly, Shi Hui’s niece, who has a lot of face, could actually save him. Shen Muhan appeared with them.

Naturally, they didn't know Shi Youxuan's true identity. Originally, she hadn't taken her to heart for a bit, but at this moment they looked at her with admiration.

What's more, seeing Shi Youxuan talking all the time, Shen Muhan did not express any disgust, and it can be seen that she is in Shen Muhan's mind. It seems that this cousin is really favored, but it is a cousin, otherwise... some investors I was already thinking about it in my heart, if I changed to another woman, they would definitely help Shen Muhan get it.

Xia Jiu followed Xia Ruomeng and walked towards the meeting room together.

Xia Ruomeng dressed very smartly today, because she didn't show her bosom, and a professional suit was just right for her figure.

She was also wearing flat shoes, pushed open the door of the meeting room, and walked in.

As soon as she entered, she saw Shi Youxuan arriving, and she immediately walked over with a smile and said, "Miss Shi, hello, Miss Jiuyang Shi. I am Xia Ruomeng, the designer of BIR."

"I've seen your design, it's not bad, and I have asked someone to evaluate it and said it can be invested. However, I would like to hear you explain your ideas and creativity before finally deciding whether to invest money for you." Shi Youxuan was indifferent. To say.

"Of course it's okay. I'm here today just to talk to Miss Shi in detail." Xia Ruomeng smiled.

Then, her gaze turned, and she saw Shen Muhan sitting next to Shi Youxuan, and her eyes suddenly showed a trace of unquenchable excitement.

In fact, when she came in just now, she felt that the atmosphere in the conference room was a bit special, as if it was the kind of oppressive aura of someone who had been in a high position.

It's just that she is eager to have a good relationship with Shi Youxuan. After all, Miss Shi is the protagonist of today's scene, so it's only time to see Shen Muhan at this time.

This surprise was something Xia Ruomeng never expected. Shen Muhan has a noble status and would never appear in such a small scene. It was a surprise to appear today.

If Shen Muhan could see his own strength and take the opportunity to build a relationship with him... it would be better.

But why did Shen Muhan come? Xia Ruomeng thought for a moment, and thought that Shi Youxuan was Shi Youxuan's niece. So speaking of that, Shen Muhan is Shi Youxuan's cousin. It's no wonder that he will show up because it was for Shi Youxuan.

With that said, Shi Youxuan is really a woman who can make good friends.

Standing behind Xia Ruomeng, Xiao Yunhua and Zheng Fusha were shocked when they saw Shen Muhan. They were just designer assistants. There were not many opportunities to come out to see clients, but they didn't expect to see such a big man.

Moreover, Shen Muhan is really more handsome and handsome than the rumors, his eyebrows are as deep as ink, his facial features are like carefully carved Greek sculptures, and every minute is as flawless.

Only Xia Jiu, when she saw Shen Muhan, was slightly startled. He didn't expect to see it in the morning and then again in the afternoon.

He was dressed in a dark suit with a shirt of the same color on the inside, which lined him deeper and indifferent. He stood so close, but he gave people that distance.

Shen Muhan raised his eyes, and looked at Xia Jiu for a few seconds. Didn't she shout that her hands hurt, and she was still holding a lot of documents?

Chen Qi seemed to sense Shen Muhan's thoughts, and immediately passed behind him to Xia Jiu, took her file, and whispered, "I'll come."

Xia Ruomeng recognized Chen Qi, and when he saw him actually helping Xia Jiu, she felt a little bit more contemptuous. She really had to rely on beauty to make men do things wherever she went. Why was Xia Jiu so faceless and skinless?

She hurriedly glanced at Shen Muhan, and found that Shen Muhan didn't care much about Xia Jiu, so she relaxed a little.

She wanted to suppress Xia Jiu, but what she was afraid of was that Xia Jiuguang would be able to climb Gao Zhi'er smoothly with this look, stepping over her and stepping on her head.

Since Shen Muhan didn't pay much attention to Xia Jiu, it couldn't be better.

Shi Youxuan also discovered Xia Jiu. She was too outstanding in the crowd. Even though she was wearing a loose skirt with the least waistline, the attractive appearance of a woman was not eclipsed by it, but it was even more reverie.

Especially those eyebrows, there is always a fascinating beauty.

Shi Youxuan felt a little uncomfortable immediately. Although she kept saying that if she saw a good-looking woman, she would be her sister-in-law, but when she saw a woman who was too good-looking, she completely compared herself with herself, but she felt a little unwilling in her heart.

Women, friendship is easy to exist only when they are not close friends, Xia Jiu's face with crushing advantages is not what Shi Youxuan is willing to see.

What Shi Youxuan wanted was a sister-in-law who depended on and obeyed her, not a woman like Xia Jiu who was too strong to be her sister-in-law.

She hurriedly glanced at Shen Muhan, for fear that he would look at Xia Jiu more.

Who knew that Shen Muhan hadn't watched Xia Jiu yet, but Chen Qi had gone up to show his courtesy.

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