Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3199: Why are you crying?

Xia Jiu said coldly: "Okay, don't you let it go? When I arrive at your house, I will burn all the place where you live with a fire. It is estimated that there are a lot of important materials and things in your house, right? Burn out. The loss will not be small, right? When I am angry, I will be more irrational, and when I am irrational, I will do more irrational things."

For a long time, Shen Muhan said: "If you set it on fire, I will push you into the fire. It should taste good if it has thin skin and tender meat."

Xia Jiu buried his head abruptly. He was really cruel, didn't he know that it would hurt to be burnt?

Does he hate her that much? Do you hate her and take her back?

She stopped talking. She put her legs on the chair, held her legs in both hands, and retracted herself, as if she had armor for defense, so she didn't need to look at him or care about what he was doing.

"Xia Jiu, come here!" Shen Muhan said sharply with a boil.

"But come." She refused swiftly and neatly. She was not his pet, so why did she come and go?

After a stalemate for a while, Shen Muhan stretched out her long arm, picked her up and placed her on his lap.

He touched her face, where there were traces of cool tears running through the wetness.

She shed tears silently, her whole body hidden in her own armor.

The hair is scattered and draped. Obviously, it is not easy to arrange the hair with one hand. Of course, this is also beautiful. There is a decadent and amazing beauty.

Her beauty is bright and flamboyant, yet so changeable.

The beauty is certainly worthy of appreciation, but her soft feeling made him want to experience it more.

She looked tall and weak, but she felt very good when she hugged her, with a jelly-like feeling.

This feeling finally calmed Shen Muhan's irritability slightly.

"Pain?" Shen Muhan asked, grabbing her injured palm.

"It doesn't hurt." Xia Jiu deserved it simply and neatly.

Shen Muhan frowned, lowered his eyes and asked, "Then why are you crying?"

Xia Jiu closed his eyes and ignored him, could he cry only because of pain? She cried when she wanted to cry. What does it have to do with him?

"Where does it hurt?" Shen Muhan asked seeing her tears not stopping.

"No pain."

"Then why are you crying?" Shen Muhan's eyes were clear and cold.

Is this the only kind of brain circuit for straight men? Xia Jiuben still shed tears, but couldn't help but laughed out of his words, "Are you a repeater?"

Seeing her smile, Shen Muhan's eyes cleared away slightly.

Shen Muhan lowered his eyes and looked at her soft lips. She narrowed her mouth. He asked in a low voice, "Are you angry?"

"No." Xia Jiu kept her face away, her red lips pouted, and the corners of her lips drooped.

Even a man like Shen Muhan who doesn't have too many human emotions can see that she is indeed angry, otherwise it won't be such an expression.

But what is she angry about? Shouldn't it be him who should be angry?

Xia Jiu lowered his head, not looking at Shen Muhan.

It's just that he can't break away from his embrace, and can only maintain the state of being held by him.

Finally, the car drove into the villa area where Shen Muhan lived.

This is Xia Jiu's second time here, but this time his mood is completely different from last time.

After getting out of the car, Shen Muhan carried her down, and Xia Jiu refused to let him carry herself in when she said nothing this time.

She leaned on the car and said, "What are you taking me back for? If you don't say it clearly, I won't go in."

Shen Muhan's expression became cold, and he stretched out her hand.

"Shen Muhan!" Xia Jiu went to break his fingers, "Do you really treat me as your dog? Bring it for fun when you like it, and ignore it when you don't like it?"

"If you like to be a dog, you can think so too." Shen Muhan grabbed her into his arms, and ignoring her refusal, directly picked her up.

His words made Xia Jiu even more unhappy.

Xia Jiu was not his opponent, what's more, he had already arrived at his residence and was carried directly into the living room by him.

Putting her on the sofa, Shen Muhan said, "Bring the medicine box."

The butler quickly delivered the medicine box.

Thinking that her emotions and anger were probably caused by pain, Shen Muhan decided to change her dressing first.

It was also because she knew that when others were injured, the pain would be so severe.

Xia Jiu's wounds did open. Some were because she had slapped Fang Minghao before, and some were because she had beaten Shen Muhan several times.

Her skin was tender and could not withstand these tossings. The original scabs leaked blood.

Shen Muhan grabbed her finger, and Xia Jiu shrank.

"What's the matter again?" There was a wrinkle between his eyebrows, and he was rather impatient.

"You hurt me." Xia Jiu also saw his impatience, "My wound doesn't hurt. You don't need to deal with it if you don't want to deal with it. You don't need to trouble your young master."

Shen Muhan held back her temper, grabbed her hand again, and took apart the gauze.

His actions were rude, Xia Jiu gasped with pain, how could he deal with the wound like this? It's better to leave her wounds faster than toss them like this.

Shen Muhan also lost his patience and threw down the medicine box, "The housekeeper will give her medicine. Let her come to my study after finishing the work."

He dropped these words and went upstairs without looking back.

Xia Jiu looked at his tall and tall back angrily. He walked decisively, without the slightest emotion, and disappeared at the corner of the stairs in a blink of an eye.

Why? She was brought back so far by him, so it would be difficult for him to even take care of her? Ask the housekeeper to treat the wound for her, and then send it to him? Does he think he is the emperor, and treat her as a concubine?

Xia Jiu suddenly stood up and left.

The butler hurriedly bowed and said, "Miss Xia, your wound is bleeding."

"I know, you don't need to worry about it." She picked up her wallet and mobile phone and left.

Several bodyguards appeared in front of her at the right time, with their hands behind her back, blocking her way.

Obviously, Shen Muhan brought her back, and had no intention of letting her leave without his permission.

Xia Jiu turned around and sat down and stretched out his injured hand.

The butler gently picked up the medicine, treated her wound, and said, "Miss Xia, now, please go to the young master's study."

Xia Jiu paused, stood up, and went to the door of Shen Muhan's study.

The door was hidden, and Xia Jiu reached out and knocked on the door.

Shen Muhan came over and opened the door, reached out and fished her into his arms.

Obviously her height is not low at all, even tall among girls, but in front of Shen Muhan, she can only be hugged by him casually.

He is very strong and tall, with his long arms stretched out, it is easier to hug her than to hug a child.

"Shen Muhan, do what you want to do quickly." Xia Jiu was extremely disappointed and lost, with a lazy expression, allowing him to pick up and put down himself.

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