Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3200: Just add one more food

Since she couldn't resist, she also ordered a Cowherd to consume.

What's more, even if you spend money outside, you still can't spot Shen Muhan's appearance and figure.

He is tall and long in legs, and it is entirely a clothes rack. He always wears dark colors, giving people a very deep and indifferent feeling.

Well, no matter from which way, Xia Jiu felt that such a man would give him sleep for nothing, and he would not suffer.

Shen Muhan snapped and pressed the remote control in his hand.

A picture appeared on the entire wall facing Xia Jiu.

There were a few surveillance pictures, and the place they were aimed at was a place that looked like a wolf house.

Xia Jiu didn't know what he was putting, and he didn't bother to look at it. Turning his face away, his eyes fell on any blank place.

Shen Muhan stepped forward, stretched out her slender and well-knotted fingers, straightened her face, and pointed it in the direction of the monitoring screen.

He himself maintained this position, standing behind Xia Jiu.

Xia Jiu had no interest at all until he saw Xia Fen appear on the surveillance screen.

Xia Fen was dressed beautifully, and her hair was obviously newly done, which was a bit more charming than when Xia Jiu saw her earlier today.

She is wearing a valuable skirt, stepping on high heels, and the makeup on her face is deliberately modified.

And Xia Jiu also noticed that the bag she was carrying was the one she threw away today.

What did Shen Muhan let himself see this for?

Xia Jiu watched the surveillance video suspiciously.

The surveillance video is of several places, some of which are the location of the wolf house, aimed at wolves that are grinning and howling hungry, and some are aimed at the location of Xia Fen.

The bodyguard took Xia Fen straight forward.

Xia Fen's face was filled with anxiety and tension, and more of expectation and excitement. The feeling of affection in her eyes could not be concealed.

She raised her head high, seeming to be trying her best to be noble, carrying her bag, and walking happily.

The bodyguard pushed open a door and made a request. Xia Fen adjusted his smile to keep himself in the best condition, and then walked in.

The places she walked in were exactly those places where the hungry wolves were closed. Xia Fen couldn't see it herself, but Xia Jiu could see it clearly.

Xia Jiu screamed subconsciously, tilted her head and buried her face in her long hair. Although she didn't know what would happen next, she felt a trace of fear deep in her heart.

And Xia Fen's movements were a beat slower than Xia Jiu's. After she walked in, she realized that it was not Shen Muhan's room but a wolf shelter.

There were a few hungry wolves inside, salivating from the corners of their mouths, as if they were waiting for their own food.

Seeing Xia Fen coming in, the hungry wolf lowered his head and let out a low, dark bark. That voice, with a harsh sound with grinded teeth, made people get goosebumps.

Xia Fen's bag loosened and fell to the ground, and the whole person also fell to the ground.

She crawled towards the door crying, but the door was locked, and even the door didn't even have a handle. There were only handles and locks on the outside, and she faced only a bare door with nowhere to start.

"Ah..." Xia Fen screamed.

Xia Jiu's head was also hooked by Shen Muhan's fingers and aimed at the monitor.

Although she was not in it, Xia Jiu also felt deep fear, and her whole body was trembling: "Shen Muhan, what are you going to do? Why do you let me watch this? What are you going to do?"

"Xia Jiu, no matter what woman you let in the future, it's just an increase in food for the wolves."

Hearing Shen Muhan's voice, Xia Jiu felt uncomfortable in her stomach. She covered her mouth and retched. He actually took Xia Fen to feed the wolf?

Xia Jiu shrank all over his body, and subconsciously grabbed his arm: "Shen Muhan, don't!"

"When you sent her here, I thought you should have thought of this." Shen Muhan's tone was cruel and cruel.

He had already vented his irritable mood in the afternoon, and he only picked up Xia Jiu, otherwise he might not be able to control his desire to destroy something at this moment.

Xia Jiu is the closest person to him, and she is probably the first to be destroyed.

Unspeakable fear flashed in Xia Jiu's eyes, and he shook his head, "I didn't send her here. I don't know why she appeared here."

"Really? But she called me personally, saying that she was coming over, and she was carrying your bag. I thought that you were the only one who could do such a thing. I didn't expect that she could come by herself." Shen Muhan said, obviously I didn't believe Xia Jiu's rhetoric.

Xia Jiuqiang endured fear and discomfort: "I threw the bag away. I never thought about giving it to her or anyone else. What's weird about her being able to call you, and your call is not a secret. She can be anywhere. Find your contact information. She and I dislike each other, why would we help her?"

"You mean, you didn't arrange it last time?" Shen Muhan squeezed the corner of her jaw tightly.

"It was last time, but not this time!" Xia Jiu acted frankly, and did it. If he didn't do it, it was impossible to carry the scapegoat.

"Xia Fen called me personally and asked me to have tea with me. If it weren't for you, how could she have my phone number?"

"Then how do I know? You are a dignified young master, and you have such a big company. There are countless people who know you, and you don’t know how many people you have sent your business card. It’s not normal that someone else has your phone number. Why? Why did I give it to you? Why don't you want to add a crime?" Xia Jiu asked back.

"Then, do you know, I only gave you this phone number." Shen Muhan's eyes were dark and hostility was surging in them. He lowered his head and said, "Xia Jiu, you pushed me to the others twice and twice. Woman, I didn't care about it last time, but this time, and countless times afterwards...you have to pay for this stupid behavior!"

He was cold before, but Xia Jiu was always not afraid of that kind of cold. Instead, he dared to provoke him from time to time, and when he supported him to do things, it was natural.

But this time was different. This time of indifference was mixed with irritability and ruthlessness, which seemed to evoke the dark factor hidden in his body.

He himself is a darkness, like a high Satan, like a **** messenger who rules evil. This time, Xia Jiu evoked the dissatisfaction deep in his heart, and Shen Muhan released all this.

His face was terribly gloomy.

Xia Jiu felt the terrible thing about this man for the first time, she couldn't provoke it.

"No...I didn't..." Xia Jiu's tone was full of grievances, how could she do that?

Not to mention that the relationship with Xia Fen is inherently bad, she also has a faint deep inner truth in her heart, and his presence will affect the emotions and gains and losses.

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