Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3214: This is not his style

Shen Muhan thought of the girl's smile with brilliant eyebrows, she was squeamish and affectionate, but the aesthetics was pretty good, and he was pleased with all his heart and soul.

So when he left, he specially left a check for her as a gift, hoping she would like it.

When I arrived at the company, when Shen Muhan appeared, almost everyone was shocked.

Everyone looked at Shen Muhan, what happened to the big boss today? It turned out to have a spring face and bright eyes.

Some veteran employees who have been in the company for more than ten years have never seen Shen Muhan wear clothes other than formal wear. Even light colors are extremely difficult to appear on him, let alone such sassy colors.

What happened?

When Shen Muhan entered the exclusive elevator for the president, everyone whispered: "What's wrong with Young Master Han? This is not his style."

"Don't you think this is so handsome! There is a rare **** in maturity. It used to be as cold and unapproachable as an iceberg, but now it is the handsomeness of a real man."

"But it's so horrible. With such a sudden change, it always feels like the sky will change, scaring me to death."

"Just handsome!" Someone held his face nymph.


Xia Jiu went to work the next day and picked up the shopping bag. Since Shen Muhan didn't like the gift, she naturally wanted to return it.

You can't spend money now as arbitrarily as before.

When Xia Jiu picked up the shopping bag, he realized that there was a check underneath the shopping bag. It was signed with Shen Muhan's long and flying name. The handwriting was as strong as his own.

Xia Jiu's eyes deepened, her eyelids were slightly closed, her long eyelashes blinked, and the corners of her lips slightly provoked ridicule. The good mood of last night disappeared.

He couldn't help it last night and tossed her. He originally thought that there was at least some elements of mutual affection. Xia Jiu's delusions were wiped out by this check.

Throwing the shopping bag into the car, she wrapped her long hair behind her ears and looked at the scenery moving outside the car window.

The weather is good today, the breeze is rolling white clouds, roaming and sliding.

Slightly laughed at himself, Xia Jiu cast aside the thoughts in his heart.

Carrying shopping bags to the company, Xia Ruomeng and Xiao Yunhua looked at her shopping bags and took a more thoughtful look. It was obviously a menswear brand. Why did Xia Jiu buy it?

Xia Ruomeng had heard Chen Meiru mention this matter last night. Chen Meiru was worried that Xia Jiu and Fang Minghao would rebuild the old and remind Xia Ruomeng to pay more attention.

"Today the company's all-hands meeting, everyone prepares for a meeting in the big conference room later." Someone came in to remind.

Everyone was busy packing up the things in their hands, and Xia Jiu quickly packed up and went to the large conference room.

Today, the company’s senior leaders and bosses came over, and everyone was facing a big enemy, so hurry up and find a seat.

Jiang Ai sat with Xia Jiu and said, "Xia Jiu, don't be nervous, the leaders on the stage rarely come. We just need to do our own thing."

"Yeah." Xia Jiu nodded.

What was said at the meeting was nothing more than work. For the most part, Mr. Jian said, “We received an anonymous report saying that the company is currently recruiting. Someone abused their power and recruited unqualified people. Employees enter the company. Since today is a company meeting, I think I might as well pay attention to this matter. Manager Du, mainly refers to your situation."

Dewey was the manager who hired Xia Jiu in an exceptional manner, and was also the main person in charge of Xia Jiu's group.

Seeing that he was named, Xia Jiu knew it was his own business.

As for the anonymous report, Xia Jiu does not need to guess who it will be.

The one who is most afraid of staying is the one who is most suspicious.

Dewey stood up and said, "I don't know, what does the disqualification mainly refer to?"

"The report said that there are new employees who did not even get their diplomas, and the academic qualifications are not enough for the company." Mr. Jian said, "Although we do not only follow the academic qualifications, but if we don't even have a diploma, right? Explain that this employee is lacking in other areas and is not suitable for entering the company?"

Dewey leaned back and said, "The whistleblower should be targeting Xia Jiu. Xia Jiu did not get a diploma for some reasons, but she impressed me with her work. I think if such talents are lost from the company, she will It was a great regret, that's why Xia Jiu was left behind.

During this period of time, Xia Jiu's work is enough to show that she can do the job.

If she has a degree, I think her current position is not just a designer assistant, but a designer. Jane can always look at her works. "

Mr. Jian still gave Manager Du face, and said: "Since you said so, then I have to give this employee a chance. However, her employment has always violated the company's management regulations. So, we will deal with it in a compromise. , It happens that the company has a semi-annual assessment, and every designer assistant needs to be assessed. If Xia Jiu officially passes the assessment, he can stay outside the standard, and no one can object in the future; if not, what about the resignation at that time? "

Dewey also wanted to help Xia Jiu speak. Xia Jiu stood up and said: "Mr. Jian, I agree with your proposal. I will accompany everyone in the assessment."

"Then prepare, and participate immediately. The results of the assessment will be available tomorrow." President Jian finished speaking and stood up and said, "The meeting is over."

Xia Ruomeng squeezed her palm, and Jane didn't even expel Xia Jiu directly.

She has reported anonymously several times in a row.

The rules are always the most important in the company. She took great pains to report continuously about Xia Jiu's affairs.

This time it finally attracted the attention of the company's senior management, but did not expect that it was just such a result.

It should be easy for Xia Jiu to pass the assessment.

In this way, her painstaking efforts were in vain.

She didn't know that although the company emphasizes rules, talents are also more important. Talents are the foundation of the company, not fixed rules.

No, if Xia Jiu is allowed to go on like this, she will not only pass the assessment, but will also attract the attention of the company's senior management, and quickly get promoted and raise her salary with her talent and beauty.

Xia Ruomeng would never want to see such a thing happen under her nose.

What's more, if he is pregnant now, and if he takes maternity leave, Xia Jiu will have more chances to seize his position.

Xia Ruomeng had an idea in her heart. She asked Zheng Fusha, who is also a designer assistant, with concern: "Sasha, are you ready for the assessment?"

"Of course not. How can I expect such a sudden? I thought it would take a few days before the assessment."

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