Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3215: Can't fool people

"In order to prevent everyone from talking gossip, and to prevent Xia Jiu from cheating, Mr. Jane must be assessed immediately to be able to block Yoyo's mouth." Xia Ruomeng said, "For her alone, it really drags everyone down. "

Zheng Fusha said, "Isn't it. This Xia Jiu is really an unfortunate broom star."

Xia Ruomeng glanced at the shopping bag that Xia Jiu brought today, and said lightly: "I think Manager Du has contributed to Xia Jiu's stay here. He is really optimistic about her."

"It's not because Xia Jiu looks beautiful. What do you say depends on the work to speak, what ability does Xia Jiu's work have?" Zheng Fusha said unconvincingly, "Look, maybe 80% of Manager Du really has something with her. What is the unclear relationship? Isn't Xia Jiu buying men's clothing? She doesn't have a boyfriend. Why are you buying men's clothing?"

Xia Ruomeng said in surprise: "Really. Xia Jiu shouldn't be with Manager Du... I heard that Manager Du is a married person. No wonder Manager Du said that when Xia Jiu got her graduation certificate, she recommended her for promotion. Become a designer instead of an assistant."

When Zheng Fusha heard Xia Ruomeng's words, her heart was even more sour. She was earlier than Xia Jiulai and had a higher qualification. Her goal is to be a designer.

If Xia Jiu had an affair with Manager Du, and Manager Du tried his best to protect her, wouldn't his road to promotion and salary increase be blocked?

"However, Manager Du is very decent and would definitely not do this kind of thing. I guessed it randomly." After Xia Ruomeng finished guessing, Zheng Fusha was suspicious, but he immediately put the matter aside.

"Your guess is reasonable! Xia Jiu is definitely selling himself for glory."

The more Zheng Fusha thought about it, the more it made sense, she reached out and took Xia Jiu's shopping bag, and found that it was a worn men's shirt inside.

Sure enough, there is a situation! Zheng Fusha found that this shirt looked a little like Manager Du's, and she secretly said in her heart that the two of them had already been secretive, so what pretending to be serious in front of them!

She picked up the phone, took a few pictures with a few clicks, and had an idea in her mind.


The assistant assessment in the morning came to an end soon.

Nothing was difficult. Xia Jiu didn't study seriously before, but he still had the foundation and talent. He completed the exam very smoothly, but his hands were a little painful, and the things he drew were not very suitable for him.

After the exam, you just need to wait for tomorrow's result.

After get off work, she picked up the shopping bag and checked it easily.

Huh? What about the clothes she bought yesterday? Shen Muhan hadn't even touched him, why did he disappear?

There was only one shirt that was changed.

Did the maid make a mistake when packing things up?

Xia Jiu didn't think much, carried this thing and went directly to Shen's house.

After going back, she sat on the sofa, scrolling through the news from the company group.

Everyone is discussing today's assessment enthusiastically, and all the assistants who participated in the assessment are also waiting tremblingly for tomorrow's results.

She was looking energetically and heard the sound of the housekeeper going to greet Shen Muhan.

She glanced casually, not paying attention to him, but was attracted by the clothes on his body.

Oh my God, Shen Muhan actually wore the clothes she bought!

Although the pale pink is not very demon, but it is extremely picky, and if it is not good, it will be set off to be thick and black.

However, Shen Muhan actually suppressed the clothes. His own temperament was gloomy and cold, like an extremely cold winter, with no temperature, thick ice covering, and no signs of melting.

This dress has a sense of spring, it is perfectly held by him, and it seems that the legs are abnormally long.

The shoulders are wide, the legs are long and the waist is strong, and the figure is tall and straight. It is really a clothes rack and can wear anything.

"Didn't you say you don't wear it? How did you wear it? I also said it was refunded in exchange for money."

Shen Muhan glanced at her lightly, "I woke up in a hurry in the morning and wore it wrong."

"Aren't you color-blind? You can wear it wrong?" Xia Jiu thought of the styles of his clothes. They were the same, completely different from this one. "Color-blindness can't even distinguish the styles?"

"If you wear everything, you can't retreat." Shen Muhan said quietly, "If you make a mistake, you will be wrong."

Xia Jiu raised his face to look at him, "You still like it, don't you?"

"The function of clothes is to keep warm and shame, and to fit one's own identity. I can't say whether I like it or not."

"That's because you haven't worn all kinds of beautiful clothes. If you wear clothes you like, your mood will become very wonderful, and the state of your whole person will be completely different." Xia Jiu glanced at her hand. Don't think about wearing nice clothes.

No, there is the one in her belly. She hasn't even thought about wearing nice clothes for more than half a year.

The belly hasn't been shown, and there is nothing to be seen in the flat lower abdomen, but Xia Jiu can already feel the existence of the child.

For no reason, she sighed lowly.

This child really shouldn't exist...

The butler came over and asked respectfully: "Master, dinner is ready."

"Let's have dinner." His cold and compelling eyebrows were stained with a bit of temperature tonight, and turned to look at Xia Jiu sitting on the sofa. She casually wore a non-slim flannel dress, hanging loosely. She looks extraordinarily thin on her body, but she wears a lazy **** style that is obviously not self-cultivating.

Hearing that she was going to eat, she stretched out her hand to stroke the long hair back, stood up, walked over Shen Muhan, and walked in the direction of the restaurant.

At the table, the servant began to set up dinner, and the exquisite dishes covered the entire table.

As soon as she sat down, the man sat down right after him. He was tall and long in legs. He always came first. He raised his chopsticks and started to eat.

Xia Jiu sat upright, with her shoulders flat, her demeanor was always elegant and good, and she looked down at the dishes placed in front of her.

They were all her favorite dishes, but the presence of the child in her belly made her feel a little lack of appetite, and it also reminded her that she was really pregnant, even if she had no other obvious symptoms or appetite. This thing can't deceive people.

She barely ate a few mouthfuls, her throat seemed to be pinched, unable to swallow too much, she turned her head and glanced at Shen Muhan who was taking a big mouthful, she felt a little disappointed and unspeakable resentment in her heart. Why is the child him? Yes, the person who suffers now is himself, and men are like okay people?

It just happened that the mobile phone received the message again. She put down her chopsticks, took the mobile phone, and swiped it in and took a look.

I don’t know when, someone established a new group and brought in many employees from the company. In this group, everyone speaks much more casually, not as restrained as in a company group.

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