Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 324: Shen Jingyu is the best at protecting shortcomings

Xie Yichen also said: "We know that woman, she belongs to our hometown and has a bad reputation. Robbing men and stealing things is all she can do!"

Of course the manager didn't believe it. Just before He Ning entered the door, someone reported her. He Ning's identity is amazing. How could she steal things?

"No, that lady won't. We think of other ways, or adjust the monitoring." The manager took the initiative to clarify for He Ning.

"I said she would do it. If you don't believe it, call the police and search!" Xie Yichen said angrily.

He Ning, you owe the debt to the Xie family, and today I want you to pay it all!

He Ning walked over slowly, and the manager said hurriedly: "No, we will solve it..."

"Manager, call the police. Just say that someone is stealing something here." He Ning curled his lips slightly, with a confident smile on his face.

Xie Yichen also shouted loudly: "Manager, don't you hurry up and call the police?"

Managers dare not offend anyone, so they can only call the police directly according to their wishes.

The police came soon.

The look on Xie Yichen's face is even more proud, He Ning, this time in Jingyuan City, I want you to walk around!

In my home court, I see who will come to save you!

I won't die you, my last name is Xie!

As soon as the police arrived, Xie Yichen immediately said: "Mr. Police, it is her who took away our favorite diamond ring. We saw her put the ring in her handbag with our own eyes! You will know it as soon as you search!"

He Ning said indifferently: "No need to search, I will pour it out for you to see by myself!"

"If not, you two, do you have to kneel down and apologize?"

Xie Yichen and He Lu personally put things in her handbags, of course it is impossible not to have them.

He Lu immediately said: "We won't apologize to you! Because you are a thief!"

"The thief does not deserve an apology!"

"He Ning, you just wait to go to jail in Jingyuan City!" Xie Yichen was also unusually arrogant.

Your fiancé is Shen Yaozong, apologize? These two words are not in her dictionary!

He Ning sneered, clutching the bag, and dumped it on the counter.

The contents are very simple, a mobile phone and a small packet of tissues.

Immediately afterwards, a diamond ring rolled out with a grunt.

"It's this ring!" He Lu and Xie Yichen said in unison.

Their faces were full of excitement, and they grabbed He Ning's current situation, which was even more fun than drinking iced Coke in summer!

The two looked at each other and seemed to be saying He Ning, you stupid woman, you are dead!

The manager was also very surprised. How could He Ning steal the ring?

"Police, catch her!" Xie Yichen shouted.

The police are about to take action.

"Wait!" The person speaking was the manager.

Because the manager saw a black card that rolled out with the ring.

The style and style of that exclusive black card is very familiar, and when I look closely... it turned out to be Shen Jingyu's exclusive black card!

Others may not recognize this card, but as the manager of the Shen's high-end jewelry store, he has had the privilege of seeing it several times.

In other words...He Ning in front of him is actually closely related to Shen Jingyu.

No wonder, before she came just now, someone said hello in advance.

How can Shen Jingyu's woman be comparable to a person like Xie Yichen?

Even if she takes away the ring, what's the big deal?

Shen Jingyu is the most protective of shortcomings, who dares to offend his people?

"What else?" Xie Yichen looked at the manager unhappy.

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