Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 325: This matter cannot be reconciled

He Lu also urged: "Police, catch her quickly!"

The manager said decisively: "This lady's ring was bought in our shop before."

"Are you sure?" the policeman asked.

"I'm sure, I gave it to her by myself," the manager said, "I remember it clearly."

"So, she didn't steal anything."

Seeing the manager defending He Ning, He Lu shouted unwillingly: "How is it possible? I put it in her bag by myself!"

As soon as He Lu's words were spoken, the scene suddenly became silent.

Everyone's eyes were focused on He Lu's face, it was clear.

It turned out to be a good thing she did!

Xie Yichen could not help but cursed secretly: "Idiot!"

He Lu hurriedly covered her mouth: "I didn't...I didn't, I mean, that was what I was after..."

He Ning's expression became serious: "He Lu, framing me, is the framing enough?"

"I really don't...I just...I..."

The manager said: "You take the things in the store and dispose of them at will. It is no different from stealing. We have the right to sue you!"

"I didn't steal! Didn't you say that He Ning bought it by herself?" He Lu finally found a reason to fight back.

"She did buy it, but it's not this. This is your framing!" The manager helps He Ning find reasons at any time.

Anyway, this shop probably belongs to He Ning, and he is right to say so.

"Mr. Police, we want to call the police, this woman steals our things." The manager said.

He Lu shook his head: "I don't, I don't..."

The policeman said: "Since the ring has not been lost, I will see you reconcile it."

Xie Yichen didn't want to have any more trouble: "I think the reconciliation is good, anyway, it's not a big deal, misunderstanding."

The manager looked at He Ning and let her handle it.

"The matter of the ring is reconciled, no problem." He Ning smiled slightly.

Xie Yichen and He Lu breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and they were finally all right.

It turned out that He Ning was still so bully.

However, before they were completely relaxed, He Ning glanced at He Lu's ear: "Her earrings were stolen from me. This matter cannot be reconciled."

"No! This is from Sister Yichen!" He Lu immediately said loudly.

"I gave it!" Xie Yichen took the earrings from Xie Yihao. She didn't think they were He Ning's at all.

"This earring was given to me by my husband. It is very expensive. It is worth hundreds of thousands. Because it is customized, my name is engraved on the inside of the earring. My one is engraved with he, the stolen one, Engraved with ning. Because one was stolen, my other one was also scrapped."

Upon hearing this, the police said solemnly: "He Lu, take it down, we need to check."

He Lu didn't believe it was He Ning's at all.

Because it was given by Xie Yichen, she was 100% sure that it was bought by the Shen family to Xie Yichen.

Thinking that He Ning was framing herself, she took off the earrings carelessly: "Take it for inspection! If it is really He Ning's, I shall be legally responsible!"

The police took it and checked it, and sure enough, there really was a word ning on it.

He Lu was taken aback, her face changed.

How can it be? How could this be He Ning's?

"Sister Yichen, you gave this to me, regardless of my business." He Lu said hurriedly.

Xie Yichen did admit it in person just now, and now he can't change his words.

Where could she think that this thing was picked up by Xie Yihao on Hening's side.

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