Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3240: Embellished with an amazing empty inspiration

"It will be ready soon." Xia Jiu said. This set of clothes is a slim-fitting dress with a very light veil design and a **** v-neck, which can just right highlight Mrs. Gao's charming collarbone. The overall feeling is very three-dimensional.

"Xia Jiu, the shawl you want is here." Xiao Mei ran over and put the shawl in Xia Jiu's hand.

Xia Jiu touched, this material...

"Didn't you say that you don't want such materials?"

Xiao Mei shook her head immediately: "I don't know, this is the one who sent the materials yesterday. I checked and there is nothing wrong with the style."

"No, you can't use this shawl." Xia Jiu said decisively, "I'll see if there are any other shawls."

Because the shoulders of this dress are very thin and completely exposed, if there is no shawl, it will look a little hollow, even if there is a necklace, it will not save too much.

Seeing that she was still searching, Xiao Yunhua thought she was deliberate, and said, "Xia Jiu, are you finished yet? I'm still waiting outside."

"Not yet. Hurry is not enough. I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Haven't you heard of it?" Xia Jiu glanced at her lazily.

"Then how long will you take?"

"Don't make noise." Xia Jiu said, in that tone, there was a bit of arrogance in the cold, and he was used to the appearance of calling people, just like she used to be the eldest.

Xiao Yunhua was stunned by her aura, and she was silent for a while, and could only watch Xia Jiu slowly picking up her shawl over there.

She looked at the watch on her wrist and urged: "Could you please hurry up, Xia Jiu? Who will show you the delay?"

Xia Jiu put the dress in her hand into a pile, and said: "Then you can take it like this, I don't bother to find it. Don't delay everyone."

Xiao Yunhua hugged a bunch of hot potato, and hurriedly withdrew her hand as if it had been scalded. If something goes wrong, how can she afford this responsibility?

"Either wait or take it away." After Xia Jiu entered the working state, the whole person carried a powerful aura that couldn't be ignored.

The cold eyebrows were full of confidence, and his face was so strong that no one would come close. When thinking, he tilted his head, making people afraid to speak up.

Xiao Mei wanted to persuade her not to offend Xiao Yunhua. Seeing her posture, she was a little bit afraid to speak.

Xiao Yunhua hurriedly walked out to Xia Ruomeng's side.

Xia Ruomeng was speaking with Mrs. Gao. Obviously, Mrs. Gao's time was also very precious. She couldn't help but wait so long, and her smile was already stained with impatience.

"Mrs. Gao, please try this coffee. This is the new imported Brazilian coffee today." Xia Ruomeng handed a cup of freshly brewed coffee to Mrs. Gao, "I will temporarily lose my company."

She walked to Xiao Yunhua's side and said, "Where are the clothes?"

"Xia Jiu is ditching, I don’t know what I’m doing. I urged it several times, and she refused to give me a dress." Xiao Yunhua complained, "I think Xia Jiu is like that, it’s deliberate. Okay. And, she knows the situation now, you are very anxious, and she deliberately talked about it on purpose."

"I'll go over and take a look." Xia Ruomeng glanced at Mrs. Gao, knowing that the time is urgent and cannot be delayed.

Xiao Yunhua immediately followed Xia Ruomeng and entered the background.

Xia Jiu was still picking and choosing over there, and it seemed that he couldn't finish it for a while.

"Xia Jiu, are you still busy?" Xia Ruomeng smiled softly, suppressing the anxiety in his heart, and stepped forward and said, "What's the matter, what's the point?"

Xiao Mei was looking for something with Xia Jiu, she saw Xia Ruomeng at a glance, her eyes shone, she was extremely happy! She saw her idol today!

Xiao Mei covered her cheek with excitement, then let go, and rushed over to surprise and said: "You are Xia Ruomeng, that very agile genius designer, right? I admire you very much! Designer Xia, you can sign for me. A name?"

"If Meng is still busy, don't disturb her." Xiao Yunhua stopped Xiao Mei.

It's okay for her not to stop. In this stop, a reverse force almost caused Xiaomei to fall onto Xia Ruomeng.

Xia Ruomeng hurriedly covered her belly, frowned, and glanced at Xiaomei in disgust. This look was like a heart-wrenching and bone-chilling.

Xiao Mei was stunned for a moment.

Xiao Yunhua said in air: "Do you know Ruomeng has a child in his stomach? What if something happens to you who is so reckless? Do you want to continue doing it?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Xiaomei narrowed her mouth aggrievedly, and stood aside, not coming forward wittily.

"Stand far away!" Xiao Yunhua pushed again.

Xiao Mei almost couldn't stand firmly, Xia Jiu reached out and caught her, and got a grateful glance from Xiao Mei.

"When you go to Xiao Yunhua, Xiao Mei has already stood very far away, and you have to pay attention to the basic law even if you are too powerful." Xia Jiu pulled Xiao Mei aside and glanced at Xiao Yunhua indifferently.

Xiao Yunhua's stomach was about to burst into flames, and Xia Ruomeng said, "Okay, it's important to get your clothes first."

The reporter also came over just now. I heard that it was Xia Ruomeng who came, and his face also showed respect: "Miss Xia, I am a reporter who will be interviewing Mrs. Gao and you for a while. I didn’t expect to meet him here. you."

"Hello, Reporter Zhang." Xia Ruomeng said politely after seeing the name tag on his chest, "Then we'll see you later."

"Okay, let's not delay your work." The reporter stood aside and sighed secretly at Xia Ruomeng's youth and her design full of inspiration. She was already eager to try the interview for a while.

Xia Ruomeng walked to Xia Jiu and said, "Looking for a shawl?"

Xia Ruomeng has seen this design many times, and it is quite clear to her heart. She also has some understanding of why a shawl is needed.

"It's not suitable." Xia Jiu said with his hands. Then, her eyes lit up obviously, and she found two colorful feathers on the shelf on the side.

She pinned the feather to the top of the dress, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she became.

Xia Jiu temporarily added two pieces of colorful feathers on it, embellishing it with amazing empty inspiration.

Even if there is no shawl, it will not leave too much space at the neck, and it can also bring out the ethereal feeling of the material.

"Okay." Xia Jiu handed the clothes to Xia Ruomeng.

Xia Ruomeng frowned unnoticeably. In front of the reporter, she could not blame Xia Jiu, but said: "I remember, my initial design was to use a shawl?"

"Yes. But now I think it's better to embellish with feathers, it is not cumbersome, and it is more suitable for this material." Xia Jiu temporarily changed his design, but felt that this sudden design was more in my heart. Overturned the previous idea, although the previous idea is not bad.

The reporter next to him and Xiao Yunhua both showed a slight strangeness. This Xia Jiu is too self-assertive. She is just an assistant. Changing the size here is just to move the designer's design? He also said so arrogantly that he didn't mean to respect the fruits of other people's labor in the slightest.

Xia Ruomeng held the dress and said, "No, Xia Jiu, feathers are too frivolous. Use a shawl."

She picked up the shawl that Xia Jiu abandoned just now, took it, and took off the feathers.

"Xia Ruomeng, you can't use that shawl!" Xia Jiu's tone was cold and strong, and both the reporter and Xia Ruomeng were taken aback.

Immediately, Xia Ruomeng laughed: "Xia Jiu, this is my design. What I want to use is my freedom. And this has already been given to Mrs. Gao. You suddenly change my design. Disgusted, how do you make up for the company's losses?"

"Xia Ruomeng, then I also tell you that you can't use that shawl. If you want to use it, you can also change to a shawl. Otherwise, you will not be able to bear the consequences!"

Xia Jiu's expression was serious, and Xia Ruomeng was also shocked by her.

But in an instant, Xia Ruomeng believed even more that Xia Jiu didn’t want to see that she had done a great job for the company this time, and she didn’t want to be appreciated by Mrs. Gao, so she came up with such a method, halfway through. , To stop yourself.

What can be wrong with shawls? Xia Jiu's initial design draft used a shawl. When Mrs. Gao looked at the design draft just now, she must have seen this dress. Otherwise, Xia Ruomeng would not dare to take the lead in conquering Mrs. Gao with these two sets of clothes.

Therefore, all of this must be Xia Jiu, trying to delay his progress, making himself unable to complete this matter smoothly.

After Xia Ruo dreamed of this, she had a plan in her heart, and said, "I am a designer, and of course I will bear the consequences. Xia Jiu, here is not your turn to beak."

After speaking, Xia Ruomeng turned around and left.

Xiao Yunhua also snorted from the tip of his nose, and said, "Who is this, is it impossible to distinguish the priority of the matter? At this time, there will be troubles, and I don't think the position of the assistant is what I want."

The reporter stood aside, admiring Xia Ruomeng's decisiveness a little bit more. The designers who turned out to be favored by Mrs. Gao are indeed not mere appearances.

"Wait!" Xia Jiuqing said coldly.

Xia Ruomeng was already a little impatient, but in front of reporters, of course she still had to show it, and said, "What else are you talking about, Xia Jiu?"

"Xia Ruomeng, as I said, that shawl can’t be used. Since you must use it, it happens that the reporters and staff are here. Ask them to testify together that you have to use a shawl instead of using it. What I said about Caiyu. If something really goes wrong, I hope everyone can witness that this matter has nothing to do with my assistant, otherwise, my little assistant can't bear such a big responsibility. "

Because of these quarrels between Xia Ruomeng and Xia Jiu, in addition to Xiaomei and the reporter, other staff members also gathered around.

Hearing Xia Jiu said to be a witness, everyone spread their hands and didn't know what to witness.

Xia Ruomeng chuckled and confirmed in her heart that Xia Jiu wanted to play tricks with herself, so that she just couldn't use that shawl, humiliated in front of Mrs. Gao, and affected her work.

Do you want this trick to succeed in front of yourself? Xia Jiu is almost ready for her!

Xia Ruomeng said with a smile: "Xia Jiu, you are just an assistant. Everything you do now is carried out according to my design. Including these clothes, the patterns are all given by me. Your handwork is good. The modified clothes are also very good. When the time comes, I will mention this in front of Manager Du. In front of Mrs. Gao, I will also tell her."

What she meant was that Xia Jiu wanted to take credit with herself, and she was generous, and Xia Jiu would have nothing less.

The staff next to me understood, and couldn't help snickering, "Xia Jiu is eager to win the credit at this time. Isn't it a bit too funny?"

"I'm just an assistant, and I still want to compete with the designer. Isn't this an act of death?"

"I didn't see it, Xia Jiu looks beautiful, and his mind is so dark!"

Xia Jiu’s face did not change, she walked slowly towards Xia Ruomeng, her bright face and eyes were light expressions, she said, “Xia Ruomeng, I don’t want to claim any credit with you, neither do you I need to keep telling me what I want to give. BIR has its own assessment process, and it belongs to whoever it belongs to, and others will never be able to grab it.

However, now I say that this shawl cannot be used. If you use it, I don't want to take this responsibility for you. How about it, in front of everyone, this shawl is something you absolutely want to use, it has nothing to do with my Xia Jiu, is it so difficult? "

Everyone looked at Xia Ruomeng and Xia Jiu, wondering why Xia Jiu, as an assistant, had a stronger attitude than a designer?

However, what Xia Jiu said, there is indeed some truth, whoever wants to wear a shawl is naturally responsible.

The reporter next to him also looked at the two of them. He was more inclined to Xia Ruomeng, and said, “I’ll be fair, since I’m not from BIR, maybe it’s more fair and objective. In the current situation, I think It makes sense that whoever wants to use something is responsible for this. But Xia Jiu, you are so stalking and delaying everyone's work time. I suggest you, it is better to say a few words less."

Seeing that this reporter had spoken, Xia Ruomeng smiled: "Reporter Zhang, thank you for speaking up, and I will lead you to this love. Everyone is optimistic about it. This shawl was designed by me to match Mrs. Gao's. Dress. If something goes wrong, of course I will be responsible for it. But Xia Jiu, I hope you, the assistant, will also earnestly complete your work, and there is no better way to do anything with this shawl."

"Then you'd better check it out before taking it out, otherwise I can't tell what is going on," Xia Jiu said lightly.

Xia Ruomeng also squeezed the shawl from the head in front of everyone seriously, and found nothing wrong with the needle and thread, and nothing to respond to.

"Can you check it clearly? If you go out of this door, the future things will have nothing to do with me."

"Of course it has nothing to do with you." Xia Ruomeng smiled, seeing Xia Jiu about to follow her, her tone was slightly mocking, "Why, do you want to follow? The assistant won't use it, Mrs. Gao brought a bodyguard. You can't come in when it comes."

Xiao Yunhua stepped forward and stopped Xia Jiu: "Assistant Xia, stay."

Xia Jiu could only stop.

Xia Ruomeng finished the inspection and it was not too early. She said, "Okay, it has nothing to do with you, Yunhua, let's go!"

Xiao Yunhua followed Xia Ruomeng's footsteps.

Seeing that Xia Jiu had a strong attitude, other staff members had to oppress even a genius designer like Xia Ruomeng, which shows that Xia Jiu has a bad temper.

Everyone dispersed and ignored Xia Jiu.

Only the little Mei, who was just now, was still by her side and wanted to ask for needlework skills, but the eager anticipation in Xia Ruomeng's eyes had cooled down.

The reporter slumped. He came for Xia Ruomeng, so naturally he wouldn't pay much attention to Xia Jiu, and he didn't bother to take Li Xia Jiu, so he went to the side to visit and shoot.

Mrs. Gao waited for a long time, and Xia Ruomeng finally came in.

She raised her hand slightly and said, "Is it here?"

"Yes, Mrs. Gao, this is our tailor-made dress for you. You can try it now."

Mrs. Gao nodded. She has a lot of activities to attend every year. With such an identity, she can't wear the same dress every time. She also dislikes the easy-to-jump shirts rented by the brand, so she customizes it.

Seeing the dress Xia Ruomeng was holding in her hand, her smile became hotter, "This fabric is good, and it looks more textured than the design draft."

"This design is a bit picky for fabrics, so I went to a lot of places to find this fabric." Xia Ruomeng smiled, "This is still in line with your temperament."

Mrs. Gao put on her dress and looked at herself in the mirror, expressing satisfaction.

However, she touched her neck, even if she was wearing a necklace, the too low style still left the neck too white, and it would not look too good when taking pictures.

Xia Ruomeng brought the shawl over at the right time, "Mrs. Gao, the dress still has to go with this shawl. You can try it."

When she saw the shawl, Mrs. Gao nodded in satisfaction. The shawl looks very thin and has a strong sense of design. With this dress, there is no problem at all, which just solves the problem of white space on the neck.

"I will put it on for you." Xia Ruomeng said.

Mrs. Gao was not low in height, and she was wearing high heels, and she actively bent over, so that Xia Ruomeng put on this shawl.

In front of the mirror, the assistant helped Mrs. Gao tidy up her shawl. Mrs. Gao herself also pointed at the mirror back and forth, looking at her different postures, and the smile on her face involuntarily deepened.

This dress won her heart. Even if she wanted to attend an important occasion, she would not be crushed. She looked at herself in the mirror with a smile on her lips.

Xia Ruomeng stood beside her, her expression wafting with a smile no less than hers.

This cooperation will bring great hope to her career and will encourage her to enter the fashion circle at the fastest speed and become a well-known designer. The objects of future cooperation will be supermodels, actresses, and even the royal family. noble……

Xiao Yunhua imagined that he could follow Xia Ruomeng to a high position together.

However, the next second, Mrs. Gao's assistant let out a flustered cry: "Mrs. Gao, you..."

Mrs. Gao looked at herself in the mirror, and saw a red spot on her white neck and flawless skin.

"What's going on!" Mrs. Gao was surprised, her voice changed.

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