Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3241: All the responsibility is transferred to Xia Jiu

"This shawl has a problem!" The assistant found that only the shawl was in the position, the skin had a problem, and everything else looked good.

Everyone hurriedly took off the shawl from Mrs. Gao's shoulder, and sure enough, red spots appeared on the shoulders.

Xia Ruomeng was shocked: "Mrs. Gao, what's the matter?"

"Are you embarrassed to ask?" The assistant threw the shawl on the ground angrily, "Mrs. Gao still has important events to attend tonight and the next few days! And look, what are you doing now? ! What exactly is this shawl made of? Designer Xia, does your BIR do this? If Mrs. Gao has something to do, you can’t eat it!"

Xia Ruomeng's face was pale, her nose was moving, and her mind was blank, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Gao, I don't know what's going on. I must find out and give you an explanation..."

She could only repeat this sentence.

Mrs. Gao's smile has been completely lost. Her skin was maintained at a high price and energy. There was no blemish at all, and no problems were allowed. But now, just because of Xia Ruomeng, such problems have appeared.

She didn't have any mood to stay here anymore, she said to the assistant: "You don't need to say anything to her anymore, BIR will be responsible for BIR's responsibility. Let's go!"

"Mrs. Gao! Mrs. Gao! Listen to my explanation!" Xia Ruomeng yelled in a panic. The assistant separated her and didn't give her a chance to approach Mrs. Gao at all!

Xia Ruomeng staggered and almost fell, Xiao Yunhua hurriedly supported her: "Ruomeng, you are still pregnant, don't be too excited. Otherwise, it's easy to go wrong!"

Xia Ruomeng squeezed her fist, feeling a faint pain in her stomach, and she didn't dare to chase anymore, gasping for breath, trying to calm herself down. where is the problem?

"Yunhua, what is the reason?"

"Could it be Xia Jiu..." Xiao Yunhua said hesitantly.

"Xia Jiu!" Xia Ruomeng figured it out all of a sudden!

It's Xia Jiu! It must be Xia Jiu! It was the accident she caused!

Mrs. Gao was very disappointed and angry. Not only did BIR fail to solve her problem, but it also caused her huge troubles. Not to mention the clothes Xia Ruomeng made now. Now, even BIR does not want anybody. See!

She strode out, assistants, bodyguards and others followed her, and the group of people walked hurriedly towards the outside with great momentum.

"Mrs. Gao!" A tall young woman walked towards her, with long curly chestnut hair, very eye-catching.

She walked over a few steps and said, “I’m Xia Jiu, BIR’s designer assistant, Mrs. Gao, I know you still have a dinner party at night, but now your skin has a problem, it’s difficult to find a suitable evening dress for a while. I have prepared an evening dress for you, hoping to solve your urgent needs, and it also represents BIR's apologies to you."

Mrs. Gao paused and looked at Xia Jiu, who was neither humble nor overbearing in front of her, "BIR made such a big mistake, which caused me to have such a serious problem. So I arranged for an assistant to come over and treat me with the aftermath? How much do you think you are capable of Solve the problem like this?"

"I'm really sorry, Mrs. Gao, for causing you to have such a problem. But I came here with sincerity, and I hope you can take a look at my evening dress."

Xia Jiu unfolded his evening dress pattern, which is an evening dress that can cover the neck and shoulders. It should have been a conservative style, but it was surprisingly bright.

"It is made by improving the style of cheongsam. Mrs. Gao can just cover your neck and shoulders. This cheongsam uses the design of Su embroidery, which is soft and elegant, which can completely outline your body curve." Xia Jiuping said, "I believe that Mrs. Gao and this dress will complement each other."

Mrs. Gao turned her eyes slightly and said, "Are you Xia Ruomeng's assistant?"

The things Xia Jiu took out were quite close to the designs she liked before in the depths of her memory. However, under her anger, she didn't have much to think about.

"Mrs. Gao has good eyesight. This time I am indeed an assistant helping her."

"Your design philosophy and technique are very close to Xia Ruomeng. However, regardless of your internal competition and scheming, I use it on me and cause me problems, then it is impossible to give up. I will also accept reporters. The interview will tell you everything I have encountered today in accordance with the facts. As for how BIR treats you, it is a mistake in your work and a responsibility that you should bear."

After Mrs. Gao finished speaking, she crossed Xia Jiu and left.

The assistants and bodyguards followed with hail, and crossed Xia Jiu.

Xia Jiu slightly pressed her red lips, and she was doing her best, not for Xia Ruomeng to save anything, but for her own design, to save a customer who liked them.

Since Mrs. Gao refuses to accept it, then it can only be forgotten.

Xia Jiu took the file and walked towards the backstage just now.

She wandered in and saw Xia Ruomeng and Xiao Yunhua standing over there with aggressive eyes in the huge backstage room, with Jane also present, and the atmosphere looked serious and deep.

Xia Jiu just stood still, and Manager Du followed in and said to Mr. Jian: “Mr. Jian, I didn’t stop Mrs. Gao. She was very emotional and refused to listen to me. I called her assistant. Her assistant said that this time, it is difficult to handle."

Xia Jiu had already met Mrs. Gao just now. She was so angry that she probably wouldn't easily forgive BIR for what she did this time.

President Jian really looked annoyed and said: "Manager Du, this cooperation with Mrs. Gao has a great impact on BIR's reputation. Although she only represents an individual, she is only in the clothing and fashion circles. Underestimate. What does your group do?"

Manager Du did not expect that such an accident would occur. He was always present when he was in contact with Mrs. Gao before, so all aspects have been smooth. This time, he did not talk to Xia Ruomeng because of something important temporarily. Reception together.

Thinking of Xia Ruomeng's previous experience of receiving Shi Youxuan and other clients successfully, Manager Du put the affairs in her hands with confidence, but just broke things up like this.

"Mr. Jian, Mrs. Gao, I will try my best to contact again and try to get it back. As for the problems here, I will also understand clearly and clarify the responsibilities."

President Jian looked bad and said: "Then understand clearly now! How can you tell me to explain to others after such a big thing has happened?"

Xia Ruomeng's face changed from time to time, and she said, "Mr. Jian, this matter is my responsibility. I didn't check that there was something wrong with the things Xia Jiu gave, which caused Mrs. Gao to have a problem and his skin became red. I am dereliction of duty."

She was very refreshed to take on the responsibility herself, but what she meant was to pass all the responsibility to Xia Jiu. It was Xia Jiu's problem that caused Mrs. Gao's skin to become red.

Mr. Jane immediately asked, "What is the problem? Who passed the hand?"

"It should be the shawl problem that caused Mrs. Gao’s skin problems. Xia Jiu was responsible for preparing the shawl—it’s my reason. I’m pregnant now. It’s really not convenient to prepare me in detail, so let her take care of me. Xia Jiu, what's the matter with your shawl, and who else has it touched? I believe you will definitely not do such a thing, but there are so many people in the background, in case someone accidentally I have encountered such situations before."

Xia Ruomeng thought about Xia Jiu everywhere, but every word and every sentence accused Xia Jiu of responsibility.

Mr. Jian looked at Xia Jiu, and Manager Du looked at her.

Jane clearly recognized that this was the assistant of Manager Du Libao who had no academic certificate, and his expression was a little unpleasant: "Xia Jiu, tell me! What the **** is going on!"

"Mr. Jian, Manager Du, there is a problem with the shawl, so when Designer Xia came to pick up the shawl, I had already stated clearly that she should not use this shawl, but replace it with other items. But Designer Xia insists I couldn't use it, so I had to give it to her." Xia Jiu said flatly, with a calm expression, light and simple eyes, and no emotion at all, "The staff around you can testify to me."

President Jian was about to call the staff to understand the situation. Xiao Mei, who was standing not far away, raised her hand timidly and said: "Assistant Xia did say such things. Reporter Zhang and I, as well as other staff, listened. Arrived."

She dare not say who is right and who is wrong. It is also true to worship Xia Ruomeng, but telling what she sees is also the basic principle of her behavior.

Following her words, Xiao Yunhua's eyes were directed at her immediately, wishing to eat her as terrible.

After Xiaomei finished speaking, she backed away timidly, for fear of participating too much and being hated by others. Today, Xia Ruomeng's idol filter was broken in her heart, and she couldn't stick to it.

Xia Ruomeng's hair became heavy, and her nose was heavy. It turned out that Xia Jiu kept saying that she wanted people to testify to her, and she was staying here waiting to embarrass herself.

This Xia Jiu, really put herself together, playing with herself between her palms!

Xia Ruomeng's heart choked, but she still said, "Assistant Xia, you have seen this design a long time ago. You know the use of shawls. That's why I insisted on using shawls. This is my role as a designer. You must stick to it, and Mrs. Gao also said that she likes the style of this shawl very much. So I think I must use it, there is no problem. But as for the shawl you mentioned has a problem, why didn’t you say it then, it must be in the present When to say it? If you said it earlier, wouldn't it be okay?"

Xia Ruomeng's words made sense, and the more she said it, the more aggrieved.

When he got to the back, he even brought a hint of crying.

It is natural for Mr. Jian to feel that Xia Ruomeng's words are not unreasonable.

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