Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3242: Whose question

He looked at Xia Jiu. Xia Jiu still maintained the same indifferent attitude as before. Her face under long curly chestnut hair was only the size of a palm, and her thin lips were as gorgeous as a spring peach blossom. She said with red lips, "Designer Xia Do you know Mrs. Gao's wool allergy?"

Xia Ruomeng was stunned for a moment. Obviously, she only paid attention to the design drawings stolen from Xia Jiu, and did not think about anything else. In addition, she was pregnant, and she was afraid that she would damage her body through exertion. Xia Jiu prepared She only read the main content, but didn't look at the other content carefully.

"Of course I know." Xia Ruomeng was a little guilty, but the tone of answer was still firm.

"Because she is allergic to wool, I asked the staff to come over when delivering materials and asked them to avoid wool products as much as possible. However, when I checked the shawl today, I found that the shawl is made of wool, which naturally cannot be used. That’s why I temporarily wanted to replace this shawl with another design. But you had to use it at the time, and I couldn’t help it.”

"Then why don't you remind me?" Xia Ruomeng was so angry that she pinched her hands, it turned out that Xia Jiu had another trick waiting for herself here.

Knowing that the situation like this would happen, Xia Jiu still didn't speak, but now watching her jokes, Xia Ruomeng felt furious just thinking about it.

How many pits did Xia Jiu buried waiting for herself?

President Jian also feels that Xia Ruomeng makes sense: "Xia Jiu, you and Xia Ruomeng are a team, and should cooperate with each other for mutual benefit. Your actions like this have harmed the interests of the team and the interests of BIR."

Xia Jiu raised her eyes and said softly: "Mr. Jian, that shawl is made of wool, and outsiders may not be able to touch it, but as a designer, he should be able to react quickly, and I have repeatedly reminded him at that time. The reason why I did not speak is because there are many staff members in the entire backstage, and even reporters. Mrs. Gao's allergy to wool has always been only raised by her assistant to the partners, and she is unwilling to spread it. Afraid of being used by someone with a heart

It is precisely because of this consideration, that I did not directly put it forward in front of everyone in front of Designer Xia. Originally, I wanted to go with Designer Xia to help Mrs. Gao dress, but Designer Xia refused to let me follow and had to stop me. I had indeed tried my best.

I think I am worthy of the team and BIR, and I have not done anything to damage the interests of everyone. "

As Xia Jiu talked about it, Xia Ruomeng's face became more and more ugly. These blind spots were things she didn't care about at all, and Xia Jiu took advantage of these and pushed everything on her head. on.

The more she thought about it, the more she knew that she had been calculated by Xia Jiu.

The bottom of my heart has become cold, and the chances I finally won are almost all folded here.

Although President Jian has always been optimistic about Xia Ruomeng, he is not very satisfied with Xia Jiu, but after all he is in that position, after listening to Xia Jiu's words, he understands that Xia Ruomeng is afraid of Xia Jiu's merits, so he refuses to show Xia Jiu any face. It’s nothing more than the chance of getting a chance, but because I didn’t prepare carefully, I came up with such a situation.

He was really disappointed with Xia Ruomeng!

Before Mr. Jane could speak, Xia Ruomeng immediately said with tears and sincerely: "Mr. Jane, I'm really sorry. I was really negligent this time. I used to receive customers and I prepared everything in detail. It was also because the child in my stomach was in a temporary condition, and I didn't dare to be careless, so I handed the matter over to Assistant Xia.

It's all my fault, Mr. Jian, forgive me this time, I will definitely get things done in the future.

I will try to remedy Mrs. Gao's matter. "

She said it all, and she was a pregnant woman again. Even if Jane was angry, she really couldn't impose too heavy punishment on her.

President Jian is still thinking about it. Xia Ruomeng is already holding her belly, and the expression on her face is getting paler and paler, and she looks very bad.

"Are you okay, Ruomeng?" Xiao Yunhua quickly helped her, his expression also worried.

President Jian and Manager Du, seeing her like this, how could she say anything important, they still had to ask with concern: "Xia Ruomeng, don't worry too much, now we are just here to understand the situation! Do you want to Call you an ambulance?"

"I can still hold it, President Jian, Manager Du, this time, I really have a problem. It's just that I am pregnant now. There are indeed some things that I have overlooked. Please forgive me and give me a chance... "Xia Ruomeng said pretentiously, but his face was not very good, and he didn't know whether it was angry or his stomach hurts.

"Okay, you go back and rest now, the child is important." Jane always had to suppress her temper.

Xia Ruomeng said repeatedly: "Thank you, President Jian, and thank you Manager Du."

Xiao Yunhua also hurriedly followed her and walked out quickly, for fear of the flames of war on her body.

Chief Jane stood up, pointed at Xia Jiu, and wanted to say a few words, but in the end he didn't say anything, so he could only walk away.

Manager Du glanced at Xia Jiu and said, "Work hard, leave this matter alone. I will take care of it."

"Okay, Manager Du."

Xiao Mei walked to Xia Jiu and said softly, "Xia Jiu, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. But why are you so stupid, I just let the reporter testify for me, you can't stand up by yourself."

"I'm just telling the truth. I really didn't expect that Xia Ruomeng would be such a person. At that time, she obviously requested it like that. If something went wrong, she would push it to you again." Xiao Mei said grumblingly, "From now on I will never fan her again!"

Xia Jiu smiled, "Your likes are right, she is not worthy of yours. You are also a very good person, and your character alone will slap her."

"It's just a pity, I finally like a person's work so much..." Xiao Mei sighed.

"If you miss the wrong one, you will meet the right one later." Xia Jiu looked at her with a smile.

"Then when you become a designer, I will love you! I don’t know how your design is, but the feathers you just used are really great. Moreover, I think it’s just because of your needlework and the quality of your clothes. The ability to understand, you will have the talent and talent to become a designer!"

"Then you will be honored!" Xia Jiu said with a smile.

"Then I'm going to work, I won't disturb you Xia Jiu. I hope you will be fine this time." Xiao Mei said sincerely.

"Go, I'll be fine, after all, the wrong person is not me, right?" Xia Jiu blinked at her.

Xiao Mei was suddenly picked up, she covered her chest and smiled: "Well, then I'm leaving!"

After Xia Jiu finished speaking, she sat down and thought about Mrs. Gao's situation. She was only allergic to wool. When she was allergic, she looked shocking, but it disappeared in two or three days.

However, as Mrs. Gao's status, although this matter is not a big trouble, it brings a lot of inconvenience to the work. Xia Ruomeng didn't even understand this point clearly, so she dared to take this case without authorization.

This time President Jane left it like that, Xia Ruomeng relied on the child in her stomach to avoid any disaster.

Xia Jiu was thinking about it, but there was another sound of footsteps outside the door.

She ignored it, stood up, cleaned up the cloth in her hand, and cared about who came outside, it had nothing to do with her.

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