Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3309: The wicked have their own wicked grind

"But my sister will be able to send you back soon. And the nanny aunt is also waiting for you." Wang Qianqianyou said.

Young Master Zheng couldn't help but trust Wang Qianqian, so Wang Qianqian pushed him forward.

Surveillance video, what was captured is not very clear, and the words are a bit intermittent, but where is everyone still unable to understand what is going on?

The content of the video is almost over at this place.

Although the latter part was not filmed, everyone basically knew what was going on with Young Master Zheng.

"Wang Qianqian's home is at school, and she doesn't need to stay in a hotel at all. She went to steal the room card, definitely to enter Xia Jiu's room!"

"She framed Master Zheng in order to bring Master Zheng to Xia Jiu's room and make Xia Jiu ugly! Although Master Zheng is usually kind and harmless, after all, he drank and took medicine, and then saw Xia Jiu so beautiful. The girl, it is inevitable that a man's instinct will arise!"

"It's just that I didn't expect that Young Master Zheng would be with Wang Qianqian?"

"What's so hard to understand, it must be the effect of Zheng Gongzi, and Wang Qianqian didn't have time to leave, so she was ridiculed by that! This is called self-sustaining, and the wicked have their own wicked torment!"

"Deserve it! Wang Qianqian is also ill in her brain, and she used Master Zheng to frame Xia Jiu. What else did the other masters Zheng and Xia Jiu do?"

"Wang Qianqian is afraid that Wang Youde's matter is also unfair, so she has adopted such a wrong way!"

"No matter how the grievances are raised, you shouldn't use this criminal method!"

When Xia Jiu heard these words, he glanced at Shen Muhan subconsciously. Seeing that his expression was not abnormal, he withdrew his gaze.

Xia Ruomeng didn't dare to defend Wang Qianqian any more at this moment. In fact, she was very puzzled. Why didn't Wang Qianqian escape from Young Master Zheng if she was fine?

But at this moment, he can only press all the doubts back into his stomach.

The person most angry is Mrs. Zheng. She has always felt sorry for her son. Even if his son has a problem with IQ, she and her husband are also careful to teach, hoping that his son can at least live upright in the future without being looked down upon.

Who knows, it was actually used by Wang Qianqian in this way!

She strode to Wang Qianqian who had not yet woken up, and slapped Wang Qianqian on the face with both slaps.

Wang Qianqian finally woke up, her face swollen high and completely unrecognizable.

She felt a chill on her body, and then she noticed countless eyes falling on her body, only to realize that she was just wearing a piece of clothing casually, and other places were difficult to cover.

She screamed, and there was pain in her face.

"Ruomeng, what's the matter? What's wrong with me?" Wang Qianqian stretched out Xia Ruomeng's hand, and was shocked by so many people around.

"You are really confused." Xia Ruomeng only said this, and didn't want to talk to her anymore, so as not to lose her reputation.

Madam Zheng sneered: "What's the matter with you? Do you want me to tell you every word about what you did? Wang Qianqian, you grew up with your dad in this school since you were young, and you feel better than others. After several years of nurturing, who knows that what is raised on this campus is just like you!"

"Aunt Zheng, don't be angry, I really don't know what happened..." Wang Qianqian still wanted to defend.

"Don't call me auntie! I don't know someone like you either!" Madam Zheng shook her face angrily.

The person next to him said, "The surveillance video has been taken of the drug you gave Young Master Zheng."

"How is it possible?" Wang Qianqian shouted subconsciously, but she used the convenience of growing up in school to destroy the surveillance of various places.

Then she knew what she had said wrong, and hurriedly covered her mouth.

Wang Qianqian realized that it was not only the fiery pain on her face, but also on her body, and then thought of her unclothed appearance, and before she passed out, she was given a slap on her neck...

She opened her eyes in horror, "I was also framed. Someone threw me into Xia Jiu's room..."

When she brought Master Zheng into Xia Jiu's room, Master Zheng was still sober. After she closed the door, she had to wipe the soles of her feet and leave to find Xia Jiu. However, before she went out, she met a few people in black.

She yelled: "Some people in black knocked me out and threw me into Xia Jiu's room. I really didn't do anything..."

But how could Mrs. Zheng still believe her? Her demeanor, what she said wrong just now, all exposed herself.

And that factual monitoring!

Mrs. Zheng said coldly: "If you haven't done anything, go and explain to the police!"

When Madam Zheng was about to call the police, Wang Qianqian became anxious: "Aunt Zheng, please don't call the police, don't call the police..."

If it were to call the police, her whole life would really be ruined.

Seeing that his father was implicated because of Xia Jiu's affairs, and now he was expelled from school, if he left the case in the police station, his future would really be ruined.

"Because of my dad's sake, please take it for the sake of our family's childhood acquaintance, please don't call the police!"

Xia Ruomeng had already lost sight of it, and cursed viciously from the bottom of her heart: "Idiot!"

Wang Qianqian accepted everything she had done in disguise, and cooperated with the surveillance video, this time things became more and more unavoidable.

Mrs. Zheng has lost patience with her, she is too lazy to even look at her, and quickly adjusted her state, saying to everyone: "Everyone, this happened in school, I really feel sorry. Tonight It shouldn’t have been something a person with a higher education could do. I hope everyone can take a warning, keep their eyes open, and recognize the people around them. I brought it for everyone with my son. I apologize for the trouble. For the rest, I believe the police will give me fairness."

Even after her anger, she was able to maintain the attitude and modesty of an intellectual woman, and Mrs. Zheng was really an amazing woman.

She walked to Xia Jiu and said, "Xia Jiu, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you before. As a mother, I was really angry at the time. I hope you can forgive my impulse."

Xia Jiuping said, "I understand your feelings."

Mrs. Zheng said nothing, and turned to leave.

Wang Qianqian suddenly softened into a puddle of mud, kneeling on the ground, crying loudly.

The people around her couldn't sympathize with her at all. First, Wang Youde was exposed to academic misconduct, and Wang Qianqian did such an unconventional thing. Seeing that the father and daughter were in the same position, everyone was only happy to see their fate.

At this moment, Xia Ruomeng wished to leave the relationship with Wang Qianqian soon.

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