Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3310: Can't afford to get a good impression

Not only did she not reach out to help Wang Qianqian, but instead took a few steps back subconsciously.

I definitely don't want to make people feel that I have a good relationship with Wang Qianqian.

She clutched her belly and said, "My belly is a little uncomfortable..."

Fang Minghao asked nervously: "Did your baby move?"

"I don't know, it just hurts a bit." Xia Ruomeng said delicately.

"Then I will accompany you to check it first." Fang Minghao said worriedly.

"But Qianqian's side..."

"What do you care about her after all this?" Fang Minghao also looked down on Wang Qianqian's behavior very much, "Let others stay with her first."

Some of the onlookers knew that Xia Ruomeng was pregnant. Seeing that her complexion was not very good now, she did not dare to delay her body, and said: "Ruomeng, you go to the hospital. Leave it to us!"

"Then trouble you." Xia Ruomeng said gratefully, and when she passed by Xia Jiu, she smiled weakly, "Xia Jiu, you are fine, it is really great. If something happens to you, I really don’t know how to explain to my family..."

Xia Jiuqian smiled faintly, "Are you worried that something will happen to me, or are you worried that I won't have it? So many people have been found by you to watch, I'm fine, are you disappointed?"

"I'm looking for them, not to watch. I was afraid of your accident, and I heard that Madam Zheng was anxious to find Master Zheng, so I went around to help inquire about you. I didn't mean to watch you at all." Xia Ruomeng eagerly defended.

"Really? Then you are so worried about me, why don't you call me?"

"I called, you didn't answer!" Xia Ruomeng suddenly felt guilty. She did not call. After learning about Wang Qianqian's conspiracy, she subconsciously thought that the woman in the room was Xia Jiu, so she didn't go. Call to remind Xia Jiu.

Anyway, Xia Jiu would definitely not care about these small details by the time, so he didn't let him talk about it.

It's a pity that Xia Jiu hasn't been affected in any way. He has a clear mind and took out his mobile phone. "But, on my side, there is no record of your call, so what about your mobile phone?"

"I..." Xia Ruomeng naturally didn't have it either.

She took out her phone and took a look, "I should be too anxious, so I called the wrong number. Blame me, if I call you right, so many things shouldn't happen."

But her answer is really far-fetched.

Fang Minghao also heard something wrong: "You really didn't call Xia Jiu?"

"I said, it was a wrong number. I was so anxious at the time. Xia Jiu changed the number before. It's not a big deal to make a wrong number, right?"

"I've only used that number before." Xia Jiu unhurriedly broke through her hypocritical rhetoric.

Xia Ruomeng: "..."

She clutched her belly and bent down. Fang Minghao didn't care about it and stretched out her hand to support her: "Ruomeng? Ruomeng? What's wrong with you?"

"I feel uncomfortable..." Xia Ruomeng's voice was helpless and weak.

Fang Minghao hurriedly picked her up and hurried downstairs. The doubts in his heart were temporarily thrown aside.

Xia Jiu shrugged and heard the people around him whispering: "Xia Ruomeng is also true. I know there is a problem, but I don't remind Xia Jiu."

"But you don't think she is pregnant, it's forgivable that she can't manage that much."

"Anyway, Xia Ruomeng is disillusioned in my heart today."

Everyone said while leaving the scene, Wang Qianqian was also taken away by the security guards, and many people even wondered if Wang Qianqian could graduate successfully because of what other people's graduation design Wang Youde had given her.

But no matter what, Wang Qianqian's reputation has completely ended.

Only Xia Jiu and Shen Muhan were left in the corridor, and Xia Lin hurried over: "Sister! Brother-in-law!"

She hugged Xia Jiu's arm: "Sister, I was so worried about you just now, I almost thought you really had an accident. Fortunately, no, and also, my brother-in-law came out to slap her face so beautifully! I saw Xia Ruomeng and Wang Qianqian When I left, my face was green."

"It's okay, you weren't here just now?" Xia Jiu asked. The picture just now was not suitable for children. Xia Lin was not yet eighteen years old. She sent Shen Ye a WeChat message to tell him not to bring Xia Lin up.

"I've been waiting with her down there. Otherwise, why would you be late?" Shen Ye's voice sounded, and he came over from the other side of the corridor with a smile, "Even if they were beaten in the face, it was me. I asked someone and told it to Charlene."

"Thank you." Xia Jiu nodded at him. He did everything he promised.

Shen Ye approached and when he saw Shen Muhan, the always bright smile on his face froze for a while.

Although the two are cousins, they have never been close to each other. When Shen Muhan and his father Shen Sihai openly came to grab the Shen family's property before, they turned the Shen family upside down.

Shen Ye has never been able to get a good impression of Shen Muhan.

However, after Shen Sihai's death, Shen Muhan had ceased, and although the relationship with the Shen family had not eased, it had not deteriorated further.

Shen Ye was very wary of him because he was afraid that this person was holding back some big tricks.

He smiled for a moment, and then asked: "Linlin, you said he is your brother-in-law?"

"Yes, isn't my brother-in-law treating my sister well?" Xia Lin asked happily.

Xia Jiu: "..."

If Shen Muhan's applause is good, there will be no bad people in the world.

Shen Ye: "..."

I'm really afraid of something, it's all right now, in addition to the cousin relationship, I have to add another layer of relationship with Shen Muhan.

Shen Muhan glanced at Shen Ye faintly, and in his eyes that couldn't see the emotions, he also expressed unmistakably at this moment, not wanting to get involved with him.

The two dislike each other, it's obvious!

Xia Jiu said, "I will take you back to the hospital first."

"Don't you want to live here? I got my room card." Xia Lin was looking forward to it, and her face collapsed when she heard Xia Jiu said that she was going back.

"You have also seen that it is not safe to live here. You have to come over tomorrow, and let Young Master Ye come with you again."

Charlene nodded: "Okay."

The four went downstairs together.

Shen Ye said, "Then I will accompany Linlin back to the hospital. My car has been modified, so I can only sit down with two people."

Xia Jiu was obviously not very relieved, and said, "Then let's take a taxi. Young Master Ye, I will trouble you to take a taxi tomorrow and take another trip."

She did not take Shen Muhan into consideration at all.

Charlene was straightforward: "Then can we trouble brother-in-law to send us off?"

Xia Jiugang wanted to say no, Shen Muhan said, "It's not troublesome."

Xia Lin happily followed in Shen Muhan's footsteps.

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