Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3311: Why should I care about him?

Xia Jiu and Shen Ye looked at each other helplessly, and they both saw their dislike for Shen Muhan from the look in each other's eyes.

Shen Ye hugged his arms and said: "I don't care, relatives have no choice, why would you choose him?"

"Do you think I have a choice?" Xia Jiu replied with a desperate smile. Since they were all victims, she would not hide her true emotions.

"These days, can you still rob civilian girls?" Shen Ye followed in her footsteps, "Shall I help you find someone to hold justice?"

Shen Muhan, who was walking in the front, suddenly stopped, and turned around and glanced at Shen Ye in a gloomy way. That look made Shen Ye horrified as a person who was frozen like ice.

Only Xia Lin, who was out of the situation, asked curiously: "How did you stop?"

After sending Xia Lin back to the hospital, Xia Jiu boarded Shen Muhan's car and returned to the villa.

After the problems in the school were almost resolved, Xia Jiu would not attend the school celebration meeting in the next few days.

Shen Muhan sat aside and answered two calls to deal with work matters.

When he was finished, Xia Jiu asked faintly: "Wang Qianqian, you asked her to stun her and put him together with Young Master Zheng?"

"Almost." Shen Muhan's tone was light, and he didn't care much about this kind of thing.

"I can solve my problem. I hope that Young Master Han will not intervene less in the future." Xia Jiu had long been prepared for Wang Qianqian's affairs. Even if Shen Muhan didn't do anything, she could still fight back.

"I don't care if I don't see it. If I see it, of course I can't ignore it." Shen Muhan looked sideways, his eyebrows pressed coldly, "I want to take care of the child, I must take care of you."

Xia Jiu concludes at one time.

Subconsciously, I don't want to get involved with him in any public place.

I used to worry about his unwillingness.

Now she is unwilling, pure unwilling.

She sighed softly: "You said you want to give me an investment line. Next time I don't open your line, I will be talked about and talked about in the future. I don't want to get caught up in such a thing."

"Then I invest in you and it's over?"

Xia Jiu laughed and smiled brightly, but did not reach the bottom of his eyes, "No, my things are for people who really like my design. Someone really likes them, optimistic about them, and invest in them, then they are valuable. If you are young, don't It's a waste of money."

"Do you mean that I can't satisfy you?" Shen Muhan raised his eyebrows, with a playful smile.

Xia Jiu: "..."

Why is the word tiger and wolf involved?

She frowned slightly, and Shen Muhan asked, "Huh?"

His tone has always been light, but it shows great oppression.

Especially in a cramped and small space, the pressure increases even more.

It was breathlessly dull.

The man leaned closer and pulled off his tie casually with one hand: "I can't satisfy you?"

The car stopped abruptly, and Xia Jiu suddenly found a sense of security, "Here."

She opened the car door as if fleeing, trying to get out of the car before him and return to the room.

Knowing that this would happen, she would live in school tonight, and it would be better than pestering him.

With a tight wrist, he was pinched by Shen Muhan, he opened the car door, took her all the way back to the villa, went upstairs, and threw her on the bed.

All of his movements are not hurried and slow, but they give people a beast hunting feeling, as if this is not hurried or slow, just because of his confidence, the other party is in danger, and he does not need to spend too much.

He pulled off his tie, threw off his shirt, and leaned over, his cold breath mixed with heat: "I will make you change your mind."

Xia Jiu kicked it over: "Young Master Han, I am too tired to play games with you."

"You don't need to consume energy, I will play with you."

Xia Jiu: "..."

She grabbed her pajamas: "Then I will take a bath first."

The man grabbed her wrist.

"You have to pay more attention to the taste, it's fine." Xia Jiu sat down and closed his eyes simply, "Whatever you want."

After a long time, that hand relaxed, Xia Jiu grabbed the pajamas and went to the bathroom.

She took off her hair without a hassle, and began to clean it slowly.

Her thick, long hair has always taken a long time to take care of. If you spend a little thought, one hour will not be enough.

She doesn't bother to care about the man who is waiting outside, she is upset, why bother to care about him?

She washed her hair slowly, treated her hair again, and blown it almost dry before she walked out of the bathroom slowly.

Originally thought he would leave first bored, or was already asleep.

But nearly two hours passed, and he was still sitting on the head of the bed full of energy, a little impatient between his eyebrows, but he didn't intend to give up.

When she came out, the man's sight was projected directly.

The little face that has been steamed by steam, can be like peaches and plums, long hair that is blow-dried at will, fluffy and soft, and every strand of hair has a fatal charm.

The skin is so transparent that there are no pores, and the porcelain is white like a piece of the best soft tofu. It tastes great, as if you can squeeze out the juice with a poke.

Fatal attraction.

Shen Muhan felt that the two hours of waiting was worth it.

But I felt that after waiting too long, she shouldn't have given her so much time.

Xia Jiu knew that the drag was almost done, and she spread herself on the bed, saying without any expression on her face: "If you want to do it, hurry up, I have to sleep."

The man turned over, he didn't need her invitation, it was already difficult to hold on to himself.

From the beginning, I was caught in her curse, the more I thought about it, the more I wanted, the more I wanted more.

Xia Jiu was so shocked that he thought that such a dead fish like this would make him lose interest.

But she really underestimated the limit of this man.

At the moment when his mind was blank, Xia Jiu suddenly remembered the words he had said in front of everyone: "...The cooperation with Young Master Han has not been settled yet. My requirements are too many and too complicated, and Young Master Han cannot If you satisfy me, I forgive me for not considering it!"

So, what he minded was this sentence?

What a strange self-esteem of a man!


As usual, Xia Jiu struggled to take the pill as soon as the alarm clock rang, although Shen Muhan took other measures.

But I don't know if Shen Muhan has been idle lately or what's going on. Since that night, he has been living in Xia Jiu's room. As soon as the evening time comes, Xia Jiu will accompany him to do what he thinks should be done.

Let Xia Jiu really doubt, what is his purpose in doing this!

Doing this kind of thing, in his understanding, shouldn't it be done for the sake of children?

But now he obviously can't have children for the time being!

Xia Jiu has been late for work for several days.

But fortunately, now the entire company is turning a blind eye to her, all counting on her special line clothing to be on the market.

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