Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3326: Do you want to be a junior?

Shen Muhan picked up a chopsticks dish for her, and stared at her eyes: "Are you jealous?"

The word jealous was learned from Chen Qi. Chen Qi always liked to mention this word. He checked it on the Internet and found out its meaning.

Xia Jiu's tone at this moment was quite similar.

"I'm crazy and jealous." Xia Jiu bowed his head and grilled rice. "If you remarry, tell me earlier."

So she can leave.

The woman has delicate eyebrows, a little familiar, and her look of desolation also reveals the pitiful beauty. It's no wonder that Shen Muhan is willing to marry her.

A man like him will even get married.

It seems that she does not know him enough.

"Do you want me to remarry?" Shen Muhan asked.

"Will you?" Xia Jiu met his eyes.

Shen Muhan continued to eat, and when he chewed, it affected the muscles on his cheeks, and he was too handsome to eat.

He stared at her, as if looking at her, but also at random.

Xia Jiu tilted his head, waiting for his answer.

"Do you want to be a junior?" He asked slowly after all.

Xia Jiu was frustrated: "I can't have other choices? For example, leave?"

The only result she was looking forward to.

The bottom of Shen Muhan's eyes was slowly covered by a deep gloom: "Don't think about it. Impossible!"

Before going to bed at night, Xia Jiu searched the Internet for He Peishan's name and got a wide range of answers. There were people who didn't look like this at all before. She was completely plastic surgery like a love rival, and also attached a photo of Chu Ning.

No wonder Xia Jiu felt that she was quite beautiful, and her downright appearance was not bad. Comparing it in front of the Lord, she revealed her original form.

However, no one on the Internet mentioned the status of her marriage with Shen Muhan. There were many scandals about her, but most of them were just her own scandals, and few others were mentioned.

Moreover, the scolding of her on the Internet is obviously notorious.

It is also strange that Shen Muhan would marry such a notorious woman.

She threw away the phone and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Before closing, the man who didn't know when to enter the house supported her door with one hand.

"What are you doing?" Xia Jiu felt a little uncomfortable.

Although the only feeling for him has long since been obliterated, it will never arise again.

But when she thinks of this man, there have been so many women, she feels like a trash can, and she keeps everything tattered.

"Let me in." He spoke in a negotiating tone.

But there is no room for negotiation in the things in hand.

With one hand, the bathroom door will naturally not close.

He stepped forward, Xia Jiu couldn't stop it, so she didn't stop it, and began to tie her hair in front of the mirror. Her hair was thick and thick like seaweed, and she didn't wash it every night.

As soon as she raised her hand, the man hugged her from behind, kissed her earlobe, and followed the curve of her neck.

Xia Jiu was really upset: "Young Master Han, I am a little tired today."

Shen Muhan said with doubts: "When did I use you to do anything?"

Xia Jiu: "..."

She talked: "Don't you have other women out there and think about them occasionally? However, when you are with them, remember to wear a condom. I don't want to get sick."

The hand placed on her waist froze for a while, and then moved like a beast, unstoppable.

He picked up Xia Jiu, placed it on the sink, and drew a bath towel to cushion her. Shen Muhan was satisfied with the height of the sink and leaned over.

She raised her slender swan neck, dazzled.

Shen Muhan's voice sounded softly in her ears: "Are you annoying?"

Xia Jiu kicked him angrily, but he pinched the soles of his feet, letting him ask for anything.


Next, it was time for Xia Jiu to reply.

In order to show fairness and justice at Jingyuan University this time, Xia Jiu and Xia Ruomeng's graduation project must be reworked.

The defense will also be specially re-transferred to the teacher to conduct it alone.

However, Xia Ruomeng, who already has work experience, is not particularly worried this time.

After all, the graduation project is not a difficult thing. She copied Xia Jiu before just to become famous in one fell swoop.

Now that the reputation is in sight, you only need to barely qualify.

Even if it is a separate defense, Jingyuan University will not specifically embarrass her.

During this period of time, it was probably for Xia Jiu to get pregnant smoothly. Apart from never leaving her empty at night, Shen Muhan stayed with her as long as he had time during the day.

When she came to school, Shen Muhan came to the school with him.

Xia Jiu originally thought that he owed Tang Zheng a cup of coffee before, and compensated him this time. Now it seems that this is a delusion.

Speaking of coffee, coffee is here, and the driver happily delivered a few cups of coffee and handed them to Xia Jiu.

"I have no plans to drink coffee." She frowned slightly.

Shen Muhan sat aside, so he had a lot of time: "Don't you like to drink coffee as soon as you arrive at school?"

Xia Jiu: "..."

She took two cups in her hand, covering both her left and right hands, and said, "Thank you."

It didn't mean to really thank you at all.

Her waist was a little sore. When she got out of the car, she staggered slightly, and the man gave her a hand behind her.

Xia Jiu stood up straight, and there was a laughter that seemed to be him behind him.

She took a deep breath and didn't care about this kind of person, don't be angry, no one will take care of her anger.

She walked in with two cups of coffee, just when Xia Ruomeng and Fang Minghao came to face each other.

"I'm going to buy coffee and milk for you." Fang Minghao was lowering his head and talking to Xia Ruomeng, speaking softly.

Now Xia Ruomeng is pregnant with the Fang family's future son, Fang Minghao is naturally with him everywhere, for fear that she will have the slightest accident.

Xia Ruomeng nodded gently: "Then I will go to the classroom to prepare first, you can buy it."

When the two of them finished speaking, they looked up and saw Xia Jiu coming over with two cups of coffee.

And one of the cups is Fang Minghao's favorite latte.

Xia Ruomeng's face became unsightly immediately, what does Xia Jiu mean? Is it so pretentious that you have come to seduce Fang Minghao openly?

Fang Minghao was also an accident, and he was suddenly moved a little, and Xia Jiu still remembered his preferences.

She treated her this way, but she did not completely give up hope for herself...

"Xia Jiu." Xia Ruomeng stopped her, "Are you here so early?"

Xia Jiu noticed these two people. She was holding coffee in one hand, and the whole person was not very good, so she responded casually.

"You brought coffee to your friend?" Xia Ruomeng said softly, "I don't know what friend is so lucky to be treated so deliberately by you. Are you in love?"

Fang Minghao was slightly displeased, obviously he didn't think Xia Ruomeng was telling the truth, and his guess was correct.

Xia Jiu realized that Xia Ruomeng was intentional, and she glanced down at the coffee in her hand.

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