Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3327: Just a piece of cake

Then after thinking about it carefully, Xia Jiu understood where the problem was.

She finally remembered that Fang Minghao seemed to like this taste before?

I just brought in a cup of coffee casually, so Xia Ruomeng has a tendency to jump?

Seeing Xia Jiu not speaking, Xia Ruomeng asked, "Yes, did you buy it for your new boyfriend?"

Xia Jiu sighed faintly, and said in a melancholy tone: "I want to buy it for someone else, but unfortunately someone has already had a girlfriend. Even if I give it to him, I don't know if he will want it."

When she said this, she also gave Fang Minghao a special look, her eyes were sad and sad, and the waves of her eyes almost drew away the soul of the person.

Hearing this, Fang Minghao's heart suddenly felt a trace of reluctance and pity.

If she had been like this before, why bother... Xia Ruomeng was a little anxious, and her voice was a little louder: "Xia Jiu, this is what you are wrong. There are so many men in the world, why should you stare at others already? Have a girlfriend? Three-legged toads are hard to find, but two-legged men are everywhere!"

"Really?" Xia Jiu looked at her with deep meaning, "You also know that you can't stare at a man who already has a girlfriend? I thought your brain was broken, and you don't understand the truth."

Xia Ruomeng immediately reacted, the sarcasm in Xia Jiu's words, bit her lip slightly, and stretched out Fang Minghao's sleeve.

Fang Minghao also heard it, but Xia Jiu clearly still had himself in his heart, and he was unwilling to attack Xia Jiu.

Faced with her bright eyes that were obscured by a thin layer of mist, Fang Minghao's heart jumped, and his tone became softer: "Xia Jiu, well, the past is over, it can't be restored. , The most important thing for you now is to live your life well and don’t let yourself be hurt, you know?"

Xia Ruomeng was very tasteful in her heart, but Fang Minghao's words made sense, and she could only refrain from expressing her position.

Xia Jiu's eyes flowed: "Then I don't want the past to let it pass?"

The air was suddenly quiet.

The end of her speech is elongated in the air, the floating voice is curled, and the aftertaste is long.

The emotions in her eyes were not real.

However, Xia Jiu knew that he was just saying it casually, let alone wandering, and didn't even think about it.

Xia Ruomeng's face suddenly became extremely ugly!

Fang Minghao's heart surged with compassion: "Xia Jiu..."

"Minghao, my stomach is a little uncomfortable..." Xia Ruomeng pulled Fang Minghao's sleeve, "I feel so uncomfortable..."

"What's the matter?" Fang Minghao hurriedly helped Xia Ruomeng, "I will take you to the infirmary."

Xia Ruomeng was full of resentment and pinched Fang Minghao's arm.

When Fang Minghao passed Xia Jiu, his eyes were complicated, staring at Xia Jiu, his eyes could not leave for a long time.

"Huh" Xia Jiu was immune to the look in the eyes, and only felt sick. It just so happened that the cup of latte in her hand also filled out, and she could get it everywhere. She threw the cup of latte like a hot potato. In the trash can.

Do you really feel that you can't live like this?

Want to provoke? When you are the little tabby cat whose paws have been cut?

Xia Jiu went directly to the classroom.

Today, she and Xia Ruomeng were defending in the same classroom. It was the same vice-principal who came to preside over the defense. However, the teachers have changed, and it is absolutely impossible for Teacher Wang to be present.

Xia Jiu drank almost the coffee left in his hand, only then saw Xia Ruomeng slowly walk into the classroom.

This time it was not Fang Minghao who accompanied her, but a friend of hers.

Her friend's name is Huang Shasha. The Huang family is a fabric supplier and has always been closely related to the Xia family. Huang Shasha is about the same age as Xia Ruomeng, and is naturally close to her.

Xia Jiu retracted his gaze.

The vice-principal said: "The time is almost up, let's start today's defense. Xia Jiu, you have drawn lots to the front, you go first."

Xia Jiu stood up, walked slowly to the front, with a confident smile on his face, summarizing his own content.

Afterwards, she answered several teacher questions.

Several teachers clearly felt that Xia Jiu had reservations in this graduation project, and did not fully show his strength.

However, this is enough to pass the defense, but it does not get very good results.

Huang Shasha couldn't help whispering to Xia Ruomeng: "They all say that Xia Jiu is very powerful. Not only does the graduation design slap you, but your own special clothing can also crush you. Now it seems that it is just a piece of cake. Strength, dare to talk about crushing and slinging? For the money earned, I bought the draft of the marketing account, right?"

Xia Jiu naturally heard these words and glanced at Huang Shasha lazily. She was really an idiot. She was just a graduation defense. All she wanted was a graduation certificate. It was not for excellent grades. Could it be that she Do you want to take out a good design, and then be copied by Xia Ruomeng?

Xia Ruomeng said: "Xia Jiu may just be in a bad condition today. My physical condition is also very normal, maybe not as good as Xia Jiu."

She was given an early shot for her failure.

Xia Jiu answered, "You are not as good as me, isn't it normal?"

Huang Shasha said angrily: "Xia Jiu, if people dream of being just a little humble, do you have to put gold on your face?"

"Why, allow her to be humble and not allow me to be true?" Xia Jiu asked with a smile.

Xia Ruomeng hurriedly stopped Huang Shasha: "Okay, it's time for me to take the stage, don't quarrel with Xia Jiu."

After Xia Ruomeng came to power, her level was really average, even better than Xia Jiu, who was especially clumsy.

However, it was barely enough to pass the defense. After all, this defense was not specifically designed to make things difficult for them.

In the end, Xia Jiu's defense result was still a level higher than Xia Ruomeng.

When I went out, it started to rain outside and the rain curtain was dense.

The sky was still bright when I came, so no one thought of holding an umbrella.

Xia Ruomeng was a little sad, looking at the rain curtain outside, Huang Shasha said, "I don't know when the rain will stop?"

"Wait first." Xia Ruomeng said, if something was missing.

"Still thinking about what happened to Master Fang just now?" Huang Shasha asked.

When Xia Ruomeng and Fang Minghao went to the infirmary just now, because when Xia Jiu, Xia Ruomeng did not control his temper, Fang Minghao said that he was busy and had to leave first. .

Xia Ruomeng was really depressed, both complaining that Fang Minghao was being seduced by Xia Jiu, and hating herself for not holding back her temper, but Fang Minghao had already left, and she couldn't help it.

Fortunately, I ran into Huang Shasha halfway. Huang Shasha saw that she was inconvenience and accompanied her to reply together.

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