Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3328: There is a kind of woman

Xia Ruomeng shook her head, glanced at Xia Jiu not far away, and motioned her not to say anything.

Huang Shasha persuaded: "Okay, Ruomeng, Young Master Fang didn't come because he was busy with work. What's the matter? Men who are not busy with work? Fortunately, my driver is outside. I will let him drive over. ."

Huang Shasha was about to call, and when she saw a car coming in not far away, she was pleasantly surprised: "Master Fang is here!"

Xia Ruomeng took a closer look. Indeed, it was Fang Minghao's luxury car coming. It should have been raining, so he came to pick him up.

She was touched and gratified in her heart, knowing that Fang Minghao would not hold grudges just because of those few words, and he always had his own in his heart.

Huang Shasha said, "Look, I said, Young Master Fang wouldn't be that kind of person. He will pick you up as soon as he finishes his work, and he has you in his heart. Don't worry, okay?"

Xia Ruomeng nodded lightly, her face full of happiness.

Huang Shashabai glanced at Xia Jiu and said: "Some people are really shameless, knowing that others have girlfriends, and trying to get so close, I don't know what the idea is in my heart. I don't think so. People are sordid, lewd, and disgusting!"

Xia Jiu suddenly turned her head and looked at her with a smile and said, "Miss Huang, you are right. Those who deliberately take away other people’s boyfriends are vulgar, lewd, and disgusting! It's just annoying to look at it more Is the friend of such a person also very sordid, lewd and disgusting, after all, knowing that the other person is such a person, and still be friends with her?"

Huang Shasha: "Xia Jiu, you!"

"What's wrong with me? I slept with someone else's boyfriend, carried someone on his back and got a child, and then I wanted to sell it again? Is it because I sleep with someone else's boyfriend who is not sleeping well enough, and I want someone else to come and beg you Say, please be sure to take in such garbage. After all, there is no such garbage. I can’t eat well and sleep well, right? I don’t know if Ms. Huang has a boyfriend. If so, it really matters. Click it. After all, there is a kind of woman in this world. She doesn't want a good man. She only wants to **** it from others to feel the fragrance!"

Xia Jiu spoke, always carrying the arrogance of the eldest lady. When he said something, he was not anxious, but with a bright smile. While talking and laughing, the faces of Huang Shasha and Xia Ruomeng became extremely ugly.

Huang Shasha could not refute, after all, how did Xia Ruomeng get this boyfriend, outsiders don't know, can she still be unclear?

She reluctantly adjusted her smile and said, "Anyway, if Meng has children, fiances and parents-in-laws who love her, there are some people who are nothing, and don’t know what they have done, which has caused the family to ruin. Sorry to show off!"

Xia Jiu's eyes flickered when he heard the words about home broken and dead. He walked up to Huang Shasha and slapped her directly. Huang Shasha was stunned and said, "Xia Jiu, why are you hitting me!"

"Then why are you talking about me?" Xia Jiu asked back.

Xia Jiu was tall, and Huang Sasha was not her opponent at all. Xia Ruomeng had a child in her stomach, so she didn't dare to come and persuade her.

"Me!" Huang Shasha was speechless, furious.

Fang Minghao's car was approaching, and he went upstairs with the big umbrella a few steps, just when he saw this scene, his brows were slightly frowned.

"Master Fang, you can come to meet Ruomeng! If you come later, Ruomeng will really have an accident!" Huang Shasha said angrily, "Xia Jiu has made up his mind to bully Ruomeng!"

Fang Minghao's eyes moved back and forth between Xia Jiu and Xia Ruomeng.

Xia Ruomeng had argued with Fang Minghao just now, and now she doesn't want to have trouble, and said, "If there is nothing, it is a misunderstanding. Sasha, don't say it, just say it clearly."

Huang Shasha was depressed and helpless.

"Sa Sha, you are also kind, don't worry, we will meet again for dinner next time." Xia Ruomeng took the opportunity to appease Huang Shasha again.

The business of Huang Shasha's family is for the Xia family. Speaking of which, Xia Ruomeng's status is still higher than hers, and she can only bear it.

Fang Minghao said, "If it's okay, let's go."

Huang Shasha has recovered her calm and said, "No, my driver is outside, so let's go by yourself. I won't be a light bulb anymore."

Xia Ruomeng smiled and said, "Then Xia Jiu will go with us."

"I don't need it anymore," Xia Jiu said lazily, "I'm afraid of being killed by the garbage."

"Forget it, Minghao, let's go."

Fang Minghao glanced at Xia Jiu deeply before walking downstairs with Xia Ruomeng's waist.

Xia Ruomeng followed him pitifully and said, "Minghao, are you still angry with me?"

"how come?"

"I'm just too worried that Xia Jiu will **** you back, I'm afraid of you...I didn't mean it. I couldn't help falling in love with you before, but I was 100% sincere to you. Now Xia Jiu just wants to avenge us. I don't want you to be hurt by her, and I don't want her to hurt herself. I really feel sorry for her and I feel very sorry for her."

Fang Minghao was a little absent-minded: "Don't think too much, it's impossible between me and her."

But in the bottom of my heart, I still have expectations...

Fang Minghao and Xia Ruomeng left, and Huang Shasha contemptuously said: "Xia Jiu, do you want to take a taxi? It's such a heavy rain, I'm afraid that no one will take the order? But if you increase the fare, I am afraid that the order will be taken. It will not be less. If you want to have a special car pick up by the lady like before, I am afraid that I will have a delusion in this life."

Xia Jiu was too lazy to pay attention to her. The family provided fabrics to the Xia family before, and the quality of the goods was uneven. Xia Jiu's father then reduced the cooperation with their family.

The Huang family later bore their grudges. After the Xia Huangshan family gained power, they couldn't ask for it, and immediately resumed various cooperation with the Xia family. Every Xia Ruomeng would lick it, and every Xia Jiu would step on it.

After all, it's just rubbish.

Rubbish slipped your foot, are you still angry with the rubbish?

Xia Jiu was thinking that a familiar car appeared in the rain curtain. It was not very clear, but it should be the car Shen Muhan sent her in the morning.

The speed of the car was very fast, and in a moment, he arrived downstairs, vaguely as if he was Chen Qi's figure, coming upstairs with an umbrella.

In Huang Shasha's stunned eyes, he went straight to Xia Jiu and said, "Miss Xia, please get in the car!"

He held an umbrella for Xia Jiu, respectful, and escorted her into the car all the way.

Huang Shasha's eyes became more and more stunned. Although she couldn't see exactly what car it was, it was obvious that it was definitely an uncommon car on the market. Not to mention unique, it was also priceless.

For example, Fang Minghao's car is so good how many times.

Who on earth did Xia Jiu climb on?

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