Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3329: I can only help you forget

Fang Minghao and Xia Ruomeng's car had not started yet. Seeing that luxury car came, Xia Ruomeng said a few words enviously just now, and then saw Xia Jiu being politely put on the car.

In her eyebrows, jealousy flashed, and her heart felt like this rainy day, moist and depressing, and depressing.

Xia Jiu originally thought that Chen Qi was the only one to pick him up, but he didn't expect Shen Muhan to be there.

Or is he not leaving at all?

Seeing Xia Jiu, he put down the official duties he was dealing with, took her over, took a towel, put it on top of her head, and wiped her dry.

In fact, Xia Jiu was caught in a few drops of rain, not how wet it was.

She lowered her eyebrows and looked out the window. The glass was covered with water stains, blurred her vision, and the car moved slowly.

Shen Muhan stretched out his long arms and hooked her to his side.

Xia Jiu was taken aback for a moment, and then sat firmly beside him.

"I heard that someone can't forget the past, huh?"

His pleasant voice sounded, but it fell into the ears like the remaining cold wind in winter, and it was really not very warm.

Xia Jiu's eyebrows no longer stretched: "Are you listening to me?"

"Need it? Those two people have already quarreled very clearly."

Xia Jiu's mind shifted, knowing that Fang Minghao and Xia Ruomeng had quarreled, so he talked about the cup of coffee for himself.

A smile appeared on her face, and she thought it was such a deep feeling that she couldn't stand a word.

Her smile stabbed Shen Muhan.

Pulling her wrist, she brought her whole person directly between her legs: "Then I can only help you forget about it!"

The kiss came as violently and eagerly as a violent storm, Xia Jiu made a sound.

The driver in front and Chen Qi, watching their noses and noses, regarded themselves as complete tool men, and they didn't even dare to look at the rearview mirror too much.

With a slap, the shutter was lowered, isolating the picture and most of the sound in the back row. The two men seemed to emerge from the dull lake and breathed heavily.

When Xia Jiu got out of the car, she was exhausted, and she was directly carried upstairs by Shen Muhan.

Along the way, it is natural to meet the housekeeper, Aunt Zhang and various servants and bodyguards.

She didn't have the energy to care so much, and she couldn't lift her fingers.

Being put on the bed, Xia Jiu was too lazy to not want to move at all when he touched the solid support, and she shrank herself up, not even opening her eyes.

"What do you want to eat?" Shen Muhan's voice sounded on his forehead, and he seemed to kiss her at any time when he was so close.

"Whatever you want, you can cook it. Others don't want to cook it." Xia Jiu's voice was lazy, with a long aftertaste.

It provoked Shen Muhan to kiss again, until she couldn't breathe.

Xia Jiu deliberately tossed him. Isn't he full of energy anyway? Cooking can consume him a little bit.

Who would have thought that this person was tossing like this last night, and that he could have such physical strength during the day?

Shen Muhan got up resignedly and went to the kitchen downstairs.

Aunt Zhang and other servants were busy in the kitchen. When they saw Shen Muhan, they were shocked, and the vegetables in their hands were scattered all over the ground: "Master, Master..."

Everyone stood up in a hurry, wondering if they had done something, and caused Shen Muhan to come to the back kitchen to check.

He had never stepped into the kitchen before, anyway, everyone had never seen him come to the kitchen.

Everyone was so scared that their faces turned blue, for fear that the fate of everyone would be expelled in the next second.

"You go out first." Shen Muhan said.

"Master, we can change anything we did wrong..." Everyone was trembling.

The housekeeper rushed to hear the news with a dumbfounded expression, "Master!"

"Let them all out!"

The housekeeper was more calm, after all, he had been with Shen Muhan for many years, and he called everyone out.

Everyone was panicked and didn't know what Shen Muhan was going to do.

In fact, Shen Muhan himself cooked several times for Xia Jiu in the villa before, but in those few times, either everyone had a vacation, or everyone was doing something else, and he didn't even know that Shen Muhan had been in the kitchen.

How can you not panic now?

"Butler, what shall we do?"

"Will the young master fire us?"

"Is there something wrong with the recent meals?"

Aunt Zhang was even more anxious: "Our whole family, young and old, and our grandson who is nursing are all leaning on me."

The butler calmly said: "Okay, let's do other things first. The young master is here, I will wait. Don't be screaming one by one, don't let the young master have no temper, and make you angry. I can’t do anything about it."

Everyone hurried to work on other things, but there was always something hanging in their minds, and they were very concerned about the movement in the kitchen.

When they learned that the young master was cooking food, everyone was shocked again.

When did this young master go to the kitchen?

Isn't this burning the kitchen?

However, what they were worried about did not happen. Soon, Shen Muhan took the dinner plate and walked upstairs.

Aunt Zhang took the lead to take a look at the kitchen. Not only was the kitchen unburnt, everything Shen Muhan used was placed in an orderly manner, and the fragrance in the air was even more mouth-watering.

When it was over, everyone felt the pressure of unemployment!

The things that the young master cooks are actually better than the craftsmanship they cook!

Xia Jiu was tired, but her mind was very clear, so she lay on the bed and didn't fall asleep, just bored her mobile phone and waited for dinner.

Shen Muhan appeared at the door holding the dinner plate, she turned over and got up, and she pulled her waist, whispered in pain, and then slowed down and sat up.

He saw the delicious food on the plate, his red lips pressed slightly, restraining his saliva.

"Eat." He neatly opened the table on the bed and put the food on it.

Xia Jiu was also not polite, who asked him to take his own lunch until three or four o'clock in the afternoon.

Shen Muhan also picked up the chopsticks, constricted his eyes to eat.

Xia Jiu ate half-full, and the refreshing food made her sigh comfortably, and Shen Muhan suddenly asked, "Enough for you to forget the past?"

Xia Jiu was startled for a moment, only to remember that he still remembered what he said to make Xia Ruomeng say today. Isn't his memory too good?

"If one meal is enough, are my past events too worthless?" she said casually.

The atmosphere suddenly stagnated.

Shen Muhan's tone was not serious: "If one meal is not enough, then two meals. If it is not enough, add more.

He was talking about eating, but Xia Jiu realized that he was not only talking about eating.

She supported her waist subconsciously, and whispered: "Enough is enough, and my past is not so valuable."

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