Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3340: You are really too sensitive

Some people curiously looked at the two raw faces of Xia Ruomeng and Fang Minghao.

Vice President Luo smiled and said: "Xia Ruomeng is a new member of the association. He has just passed the application for membership qualification, and will become a colleague with everyone in the future."


"Nice to meet you."

Suddenly, congratulations around me were endless.

Vice-Chairman Luo is a world friend with Equation, so he is particularly optimistic about Xia Ruomeng: "Xia Ruomeng not only has outstanding design ability, but has also been invited to this year's fashion design competition, and will soon go to Paris to participate."

Everyone sighed for a while.

"Miss Xia, please give me more advice in the future."

"Miss Xia, I've seen your design before, it's very good. It's impressive."

Xia Ruomeng raised the cup in her hand and responded to the compliments and greetings around her, her face becoming more radiant.

It's just that, occasionally someone whispered: "Xia Ruomeng? Isn't that the designer who provided Mrs. Gao with clothes last time, and they didn't wear it?"

"Even though Mrs. Gao didn't wear it, Xia Ruomeng didn't touch the porcelain too much, forcing Mrs. Gao's assistant to come out and make a face."

Xia Ruomeng's face suddenly changed, a little ugly, but in the next second he quickly recovered his composure.

Vice President Luo knew about this. Xia Ruomeng and Fang Minghao had long attributed all the reasons to Xia Jiu. He smiled and said, "There are some things that have no evidence, so everyone had better not just talk about it. This world On the previous page, in addition to touching porcelain, there is also the saying of plagiarism. Xia Ruomeng did not investigate this matter in detail, but it does not mean that some designers can use her things to slander the market."

Hearing this, those people said: "So there is such an inside story about this matter?"

"Speaking of which, the last time Mrs. Gao wore Xia Ruomeng's design, that Xia Jiu embezzled and copied Xia Ruomeng's creativity and effort?"

"I didn't expect that there would be such a thing."

"Tsk tusk, plagiarism is shameful, and theft is even more nasty!"

With Vice President Luo's response, those people naturally spoke to Xia Ruomeng, who was the one that the President could guarantee.

What's more, is Xia Ruomeng still Fang's future young grandmother?

Xia Ruomeng had gained so much deflection, the unpleasantness on her face had long since disappeared, and her face was humble and gentle smile.

Fang Minghao was afraid that she would be sad, so he comforted: "They don't know the inside story, forget it, don't have to anger with them."

"Yes, fortunately, Vice President Luo clarified for me. As for myself, I'm not angry anymore. After all, it is Xia Jiu. Given my relationship with her, I don't care about that little thing anymore." Xia Ruomeng The voice changed back to being very gentle, like a little lamb, never questioning the man around him.

What's more, now, her world is no longer confined to fighting with Xia Jiu.

Now, she has entered the clothing association, and soon, she will go to Paris to participate in the design competition. All of this has left Xia Jiu behind.

These opportunities, even if Xia Jiu spent his entire life, I am afraid that he would not be able to get it.

Xia Ruomeng was immersed in her thoughts, and she saw a familiar figure flashing by in front of her. She was a little dumbfounded, suspecting that her eyes were lost.

"That's..." Xia Ruomeng really doubted whether the person she saw was Xia Jiu.

How could Xia Jiu be eligible to come to the show and auction scene of the National Clothing Association?

Everyone present today is a person with extremely identities and qualifications, and even she has to rely on Fang's family. How did Xia Jiu come here?

However, it was obviously Xia Jiu again, and Xia Ruomeng confirmed that he could not be mistaken.

"What's the matter?" Fang Minghao asked.

"I seem to see Xia Jiu." Xia Ruomeng said, "Why is she here? Couldn't it be..."

She didn't speak out her guess, but the meaning was obvious. Xia Jiu didn't get the qualification for membership because of her beauty, right?

Fang Minghao frowned, and looked in Xia Jiu's direction unhappily.

How did she get in?

"Xia Jiu!" Xia Ruomeng stopped Xia Jiu immediately.

Xia Jiu heard the voice, and a coldness appeared on the originally smiling face, and he looked at the two people.

Xia Ruomeng asked with concern: "Why did you come here?"

Doubts are obviously greater than concerns, and I don't believe that she is qualified to come.

"Where you can come, why can't I come? Why, is this amazing place?" Xia Jiu asked with a smile, the distance between eyebrows and eyes is very obvious.

She is wearing a dark green dress tonight. Under the light, her skin looks particularly white, and the force of the shock is as eager and violently as a tsunami.

Xia Ruomeng swallowed a mouthful of water, and was shocked by Xia Jiu's beauty, filled with jealousy.

"Xia Jiu, don't get me wrong. It's just this occasion that you must be qualified to come in. I am also able to come here because I joined the National Clothing Association and became a member. So I just kindly asked you."

"Then naturally I got the invitation letter to come. Otherwise? How do you think I came?"

Xia Jiu asked very straightforwardly, but Xia Ruomeng was not very good at directly connoting that she was relying on a rich old man.

Xia Ruomeng could only smile: "I didn't mean that, Xia Jiu, you are really too sensitive."

"Is it sensitive or you are sensitive? Why do you have to explain what I say is a misunderstanding, and that it doesn't mean that. Is it because you didn't learn Chinese in elementary school well and couldn't communicate and chat with others, or is there something hidden? "Xia Jiu's smile is still bright, his words are not hurried or slow, and he doesn't mean aggressively, but Xia Ruomeng answers every word when asked.

Fang Minghao saw this and said, "Xia Jiu, don't think too much, Ruomeng just cares about you."

"That's not necessary, you care about yourself. I'm going to watch the show." After she finished speaking, she didn't take a look at Fang Minghao, then turned and left.

Xia Ruomeng was so angry that her stomach faintly hurts, but she couldn't say anything, she could only grieved: "I am also a sister. I can't see my sister being hurt. I have been more concerned. Who knows Xia Jiu's reaction. "

"Let's leave her alone. If she doesn't respect and love herself, we can't control it." Fang Minghao was a little annoyed, and his tone was unhappy. If Xia Jiu really found an old man... he was stuck in his heart and couldn't pass his own barrier. .

The show that night was not the highlight, but because Xia Ruomeng became a member of the association, several of her designs were also selected and appeared in front of everyone, so the compliments around her have been endless.

When the host announced her name and her design was put on the stage by the model, she looked happy. Fang Minghao personally filmed the catwalk scene, posted a circle of friends and Weibo, and intimately praised her for her outstanding talents and gains. A lot of likes, comments and reposts.

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