Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3341: Particularly prefer him

It was Xia Jiu, sitting aside very quietly.

In Fang Minghao's Weibo and circle of friends, Xia Ruomeng's so-called girlfriends are unusually large, and they all come to eat dog food, envious of Xia Ruomeng's talent.

When they saw Xia Jiu's figure on the scene, they couldn't help but complain: "What's the matter with Xia Jiu? As a designer, there is no work to participate in the big show of the National Clothing Association. What's the difference between the work and the carpet stars on the red carpet?"

"That's right, because she still has the face to sit there with such calmness."

"If you want to face, it is impossible to rub the heat of this kind of activity. Look at those carpet stars, walk on the red carpet for several minutes, and be driven off by the security guards. You don’t feel ashamed, but think Rong."

"Tsk tusk tusk, so ah, sometimes you have to be a little shameless if you want to get out of your head well."

"I see she followed, I'm afraid it's not coveting Young Master Fang, right? Is this going to give Ruomeng a predicament?"

"Give me power? She must have that strength. Just because she is neither a member of the clothing association, nor has any work been invited to participate in the association show, what can I give Ruomeng a power?"

Fang Minghao's Weibo has started to gain popularity in a small area, and there are countless people watching the excitement, all vying to watch this good show.

Xia Ruomeng naturally discovered this too, she didn't say anything, just raised the corners of her lips, unable to conceal her inner joy.

Fang Minghao couldn't help frowning when he saw these comments. Xia Jiu came over today, and he did feel a little self-inflicted, but he and Xia Ruomeng had done their best, and if she was talked about again, he could do nothing.

The show of the Fashion Association did not last long and ended soon.

Next is the auction of the Clothing Association.

This auction will mainly auction some items within the association, focusing on the relics of Mrs. Jiang. All the auction proceeds will be donated to charities to support children whose families are poor and unable to go to school.

It is said that there will be many VIPs at the auction.

Everyone rested for a while, and the auction was about to begin.

Fang Minghao looked down at Xia Ruomeng and said, "In a while, I will definitely help you buy what you want."

"Thank you, Minghao." Xia Ruomeng said softly, seeing the figure appearing at the door, and hurriedly greeted, "Xia Fen, come here!"

Xia Fen wore sunglasses and walked in. The strange dress attracted the attention of many people.

Everyone looked at her.

Xia Ruomeng hurriedly pulled her to sit down and said, "You have finally come. Come out and walk more when you have time, so you have the right to relax."

Xia Fen just sat down in the corner, because the invitation letter for the auction was not as strict as the show, and there were more seats, so Xia Fen was able to enter the venue at this time.

Since at the last wedding, in front of the Meng family, she was seen taking the initiative to show off to Shen Muhan. The Meng family, who was dissatisfied with her, felt deeply embarrassed. It’s just that. Having received the certificate, the Meng family couldn't ask for an immediate divorce because of their face.

However, although there was no divorce, the attitude of the Meng family towards Xia Fen was not good. She stayed at the Meng family but was just a cow and a horse. She was stabbed from time to time, and even the servants dared to kick her. The nose is on the face.

Although Meng Zetian really liked her before, he is also disillusioned with her now. His attitude is no longer the same as before, and he is busy with work and has a lot of entertainment. How can he manage her so much every day?

The reason why Xia Fen appeared today wearing sunglasses was because of the scars on his face that were beaten out by the servants.

"Are you okay?" Xia Ruomeng asked.

In fact, I know in my heart that Xia Fen's current situation is not good, but she can't do anything.

In other words, she doesn't have the mind to manage, who can manage the affairs of the Meng family? What's more, the Xia family now considers itself as the in-laws of the Meng family, and it can bring some benefits. If you tear your face with the Meng family again, I am afraid that even these will disappear invisible.

"Okay, don't be sad, I'll help you buy something for a while." Xia Ruomeng comforted a few words.

Xia Fen took off her sunglasses and saw Xia Jiu sitting not far away, resentment rose again in her heart. She attributed all her circumstances today to Xia Jiu.

Xia Ruomeng looked at the door: "I heard that there are other VIPs coming today, but I don't know who is coming?"

Fang Minghao and Xia Fen also looked towards the door and waited.

Just thinking about it, there was a cry of exclamation from the door, Xia Ruomeng couldn't help but stretched her neck and looked over there.

I saw Shen Ye wearing a casual suit, not self-cultivating style, but he outlined his slender figure, the collarbone around his neck was well-shaped, and the light seemed to favor him especially, frozen in his clear eyes, shining brightly.

He seems to be that boy forever, as far as the eye can see, he can think of his youth.

He smiled, and wherever his eyes looked, his smile was left behind, causing many girls to cheer in surprise.

Xia Ruomeng said in a low voice, "It turns out that Shao Ye is here. He is indeed a distinguished guest."

She and Fang Minghao still had a seat next to her. Xia Fen took the seat next to her. The seat next to Fang Minghao was still empty. Most of the other places were already full. Both of them were looking forward to Shen Ye being able to sit over.

Able to climb the Shen family...in the entire Dragon Empire, you can run wild.

When Shen Ye passed Fang Minghao, Xia Ruomeng's heart was lifted, and Fang Minghao squeezed his palm slightly, very nervous and looking forward to it.

Shen Ye paused, both of their hearts stopped beating at this moment, and they said in unison, "Young Master Ye."

Shen Ye nodded at them, looked up a little, but didn't stop, and walked towards Xia Jiu's position.

Xia Jiu was sitting next to Jiang Bai and Mrs. Jiang, but at this moment, Jiang Bai and Mrs. Jiang had both gone to the bathroom, and the places were naturally empty. Shen Ye walked over and sat down directly beside her.

The hearts of Xia Ruomeng and Fang Minghao fell at the same time and broke.

Although I knew that Xia Jiu and Shen Ye knew each other, I thought that I didn't see how much they met in school last time, so I thought they didn't have much friendship.

who knows.

"Young Master Ye, there are people on my side." Xia Jiu reminded.

"It's okay, when people come, I will let me go back." Shen Ye had a pair of long legs with nowhere to put, and sat with a golden sword open. "Linlin asked me to come. I can't help but come?"

Xia Jiuyi realized that after thinking about it, Gong Enci was a dancer Xia Lin liked very much. When Xia Lin was not seriously ill, she often danced Gong Enci. This auction was for Gong Enci’s relics. Xia Lin couldn’t come by herself. It was also normal for Shen Ye to come over.

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