Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3358: God lives up to my expectations

"Well, so, as long as you make a mistake, it is unintentional, right?" Xia Jiu asked back.

Xia Ruomeng's face changed slightly, but she quickly adjusted to normal: "Mistakes are mistakes, and unintentional loss is human nature, and it is inevitable. Just like just now, you are too close to Cyro, and Yunhua is worried that you will be in a foreign country It’s really hard to avoid worrying about the problem."

The words and sentences of Xia Ruomeng are quoting the relationship between Xia Jiu and Sailuo to the unspoken rules that have been clarified just now.

Fang Minghao stared at Xia Ruomeng, thinking, Xia Ruomeng said hurriedly: "Minghao, Yunhua is innocent, I must explain to her."

Fang Minghao nodded, and didn't like Xia Jiu's appearance now. He walked too close to other men, and there was nowhere to put his enthusiasm.

Xia Ruomeng's words really aroused everyone's suspicion. Since Sai Luo and Xia Jiu didn't know each other before, why are they so close now?

Just now the young designer also jumped out and said, "So you didn't know each other before! So where did the friendship come from?"

Sai Luo said: "Xia Jiu repaired and left a fairy skirt. It is my idol. I saw her with a little enthusiasm. Is it too much?"

"Leave a fairy skirt?" The crowd was in an uproar.

Many people who do not understand the Dragon Empire dialect can also understand the pronunciation of this word.

"So, did Siro talk about wearing fairy skirts? It's the fairy skirt of dancer and designer Ms. Gong Enci?"

"I heard that it was repaired before, but I just don't know who it is, so do you have a look now?"

"Did you not listen to what Sai Luo said just now? It is the lady he hugged, named Xia Jiu, who has repaired the fairy skirt."

"Sorry, I don't understand the language of the Dragon Empire, so I didn't hear it clearly. What? You said that was the one who repaired the fairy skirt? Xia Jiu?"

Most of the people present were designers, and they were very interested in and paid special attention to the skirts that have been handed down in history.

Now I heard that it was Xia Jiu who repaired the fairy skirt, and the expression in his eyes changed a long time ago: "Don't say Siro, I also want to embrace Xia Jiu for me!"

"Add me!"

"I want me too!"

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

The young designer who questioned Xia Jiu just stepped forward to Xia Jiu, knelt on one knee, and held Xia Jiu's hand: "Goddess, please accept my sincere apologies! I shouldn't question you! You don't know, Since you repaired the fairy skirt, I have been thinking about seeing you day and night! God has lived up to my expectations and finally let me see you!"

There were a lot of people who were more fanatical than him at the scene, and the noise was abnormal for a while, and they all surrounded Xia Jiu.

The wildness of foreigners is manifested in this kind of place. If you are better than me, I will recognize you!

Perhaps everyone's design abilities are not the same, and it is difficult to distinguish between them, but their ability to repair fabrics is definitely not as good as Xia Jiu.

Where did Xia Ruomeng expect that this would be the case?

She was just trying to give Xia Jiu an initial bad impression, who knew... but it caused everyone's enthusiasm for her?

She did not expect at all that the power and appeal of a fairy skirt could reach this level!

I knew...

Ma Aiguo crossed the crowd and grabbed Xia Jiu's hand: "This is an excellent designer of our Dragon Empire! It is a treasure in our precious culture!"

"It is also a treasure of world culture!" Sai Luo followed.


After a period of chaos, the tricks of Xia Ruomeng and Xiao Yunhua have been annihilated.

The preliminary round has officially started.

The preliminary contest is divided into two parts. The first part is to submit the design draft, and the second part is to make the clothes in the design draft and hand it over to the judges.

The first part will screen out a batch of unqualified design drafts.

Only the selected design draft can the designer enter the second part.

Today is to hand in the design draft, three days later, the real finished product will be handed in.

After the design draft was handed in uniformly, the result came out very quickly.

Xia Jiu naturally passed, and Xia Ruomeng and other designers also passed.

After three days, the finished product will be handed in.

In these three days, the designer can work with the assistant to make the finished product.

As for whether anyone cheated in the process of making the finished product?

This point does not exist at all.

After all, who has that ability, who wouldn't compete on their own?

People who don't have that ability are useless even if they ask for help.

For these three days, everyone did not live in a hotel, but in a house arranged by the organizing committee to make finished products.

Although Jiang Bai did not participate in the final competition, he still lived with Xia Jiu as Xia Jiu's assistant.

Xia Jiu devoted himself to the production of design works.

Xia Ruomeng was also busy, but most of the basic work was left to Xiao Yunhua to handle, and she was quite leisurely.

I don't know what kind of design Xia Jiu gave, and Xia Ruomeng is a little worried.

Xia Jiu's aura was far superior to her, which made Xia Ruomeng feel weak and angry, but when she thought of her plan, she was no worse than Xia Jiu, and she gained confidence.

Xia Jiu was making clothes in the prescribed house. Hearing a knock on the door, Jiang Bai said, "I'm going to drive."

She opened the door, and Xia Ruomeng and Fang Minghao were standing at the door. Xia Ruomeng's tone was a little anxious: "Xia Jiu, Xia Lin's body may be in some condition."

Xia Jiuxiu frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Don't I often call the hospital to care about Xia Lin's physical condition? When I called today, I heard that Xia Lin's situation was a bit repetitive..." Xia Ruomeng said, "I'm going to see you soon. I'm also worried... …"

Xia Jiu was furious, took out his cell phone and called the hospital.

The attending doctor said: "It's just that the weather turns cold, and Charlene has a cold condition. Nothing else is serious."

"Well, then please take care of it." Xia Jiu hung up the phone, "It's just a cold. Is that what you said is serious?"

"I..." Xia Ruomeng said hurriedly, "Don't worry about Xia Jiu, I just heard that Xia Lin is not doing well, she was in a hurry. You know, Xia Lin is also my sister, and I have always treated her very much. Concerned, for fear of something wrong with her."

Xia Jiu raised her eyebrows, her eyebrow tails were slender, with a charm: "Oh, now you are caring. Before Xia Lin was hospitalized, why didn't you see you once?"

"Xia Jiu, Ruomeng has always been concerned about Xia Lin's condition." Fang Minghao said, "I can testify."

"Of course, I care about who doesn't, and I can sell well in front of you, and I'm just a good one. Do you believe that?" Xia Jiu ruthlessly pierced Xia Ruomeng's hypocritical mask.

Fang Minghao glanced at Xia Ruomeng subconsciously, but he didn't believe it very much.

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