Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3359: A hundred birds and phoenix skirt

Xia Ruomeng said: "Since you don't believe me, then forget it. Anyway, as long as Xia Lin is fine, I will feel at ease. Xia Jiu, I am not here to fight with you. I hope you are clear, I just care about you."

"Then really don't need it, I can't afford such a concern." Xia Jiu stretched out his hand to the door, obviously meaning to see off the guests.

Xia Ruomeng and Fang Minghao could only go out, Fang Minghao comforted: "Don't think too much, as long as Xia Lin is okay, that's the most important thing."

"Well, I think so too." Xia Ruomeng said in a low voice.

On her mobile phone, Xia Jiu's work has been recorded, and at first glance, it is simply stunning and stunning.

Although I have seen this design, the finished product is still difficult to extricate.

Xia Jiuyi used such a high-end thing when she shot it. Xia Ruomeng was really jealous and crazy. Even if she copied this design, she couldn't turn it into a real thing...

In the preliminary round, Xia Jiu will definitely pass with a high score!

But she couldn't let those judges who had a good impression of Xia Jiu, and then give her high scores.

Xia Ruomeng gave things to Xiao Yunhua anonymously.

After receiving it, Xiao Yunhua felt strange and didn't know who sent it to herself, but if she had the opportunity to black Xia Jiu, how could she not black?

This is a great time!

Xiao Yunhua soon put Xia Jiu's finished product on the Internet.

In places like Weibo in China, Xia Jiu's finished pictures were posted on the Internet, which immediately aroused heated discussion.

Because this is a phoenix dress with hundreds of birds facing the phoenix, the long skirt that is dangling the ground is covered with colorful feathers of various colors, which is vivid.

Xia Ruomeng has seen Xia Jiu's design concept. All the colorful feathers used are collected from cherished birds and purchased from underground channels at a high price.

Nowadays, animal protection is a deeply rooted concept. Especially in foreign countries, there are various specialized organizations to protect animals. They are very resistant to the animal fur and feathers used in various clothing and bags.

Various demonstrations against the use of animal products in the clothing industry are also endless.

Once Xia Jiu's finished picture was posted, it caused countless people's resistance and protests.

After Xiao Yunhua finished releasing, he saw Xia Ruomeng also looking at these pictures.

Xia Ruomeng frowned and said, "I don't know who it is. I have to have trouble with Xia Jiu. Xia Jiu is also true. She knows that people in France are very concerned about animal protection. So bold, use these things."

"I think she really wants to be promoted and wants to be crazy, so that's the way she is." Xiao Yunhua said, "However, since she did it herself, she can only take it on her own. It is impossible to take up all the benefits. ?"

"If I had known it, I would have persuaded her." Xia Ruomeng said.

"You persuade her to listen. Do you think Xia Jiu is the kind of person who listens to you? Ruomeng, I think you should focus on your own design, regardless of Xia Jiu's life and death."

Xia Ruomeng nodded: "Now, it can only be so."

Xiao Yunhua asked with some worry: "In this way, the judges really won't give Xia Jiu a place for promotion?"

"Definitely not. They must consider the opinions of the people." Xia Ruomeng's tone was very regretful. It seemed that Xia Jiu would not get anything. "But the judges themselves would not like Xia Jiu to use these things, right? Those? Why bother to post it on the Internet?"

Xiao Yunhua said: "The judges like Xia Jiu so privately, who knows if they will favor favoritism? Now that it is public, they can't favor favoritism."

She was afraid that this matter would arouse Xia Ruomeng's disgust, so she wouldn't tell Xia Ruomeng that she did it for the time being.

But sooner or later Xia Ruomeng would know who helped her behind.

"Hey, Xia Jiu is really difficult this time..." Xia Ruomeng was worried on her face, but she was about to laugh in her heart.

Xiao Yunhua nodded: "It makes sense, since Xia Jiu can't make it to the finals, Xia Jiu is not qualified to fight with you."

After being boycotted, many people called Xia Jiu to ask about the situation. Jiang Bai was also very worried: "Xia Jiu, do your clothes really use rare bird feathers?"

"Look at it." Xia Jiu didn't worry at all.

Jiang Bai stepped forward and looked at it for a while: "It's really a feather. What can I do? The design drawing has been handed in, and it is impossible to change it now."

"No, why do you want to change?" Xia Jiu asked with a smile.

On the day of the preliminary round, many people outside the organizing committee were clamoring against Xia Jiu's behavior.

Although I can't fully understand what they are talking about, from their tone of voice and angry expressions, it can be seen how loud the opposition is.

Everyone waved their fists. The tall Frenchman made Xia Jiu extraordinarily petite.

Fang Minghao frowned when he saw such a scene. He had already asked Xia Ruomeng about how Xia Jiu's finished picture leaked out.

Of course Xia Ruomeng completely denied it.

However, thinking of that day, Xia Ruomeng borrowed Xia Lin's affairs and entered Xia Jiu's room. Later, the finished picture revealed things, Fang Minghao's face was still a little unsightly.

"You believe me, Minghao, I really didn't do anything like this. This time the competition is so fierce, it is possible for other people to use small moves against Xia Jiu? Also, those from the National Animal Protection Association are very concerned about clothing. It’s not surprising that they pay attention to Xia Jiu on industry trends." Xia Ruomeng defended herself.

This argument is actually far-fetched, but Fang Minghao has no evidence and can only believe her.

The louder and louder the noise outside.

Inside, the judges are scoring the finished products handed in by all the players.

Each player enters with the finished product individually, and will be notified on the spot whether they can enter the finals.

Xia Ruomeng soon obtained the permit to enter the finals.

She came out with a smile on her face, threw into Fang Minghao's arms excitedly, and said excitedly: "Minghao, I passed! I can enter the finals!"

"Congratulations, I know you can do it." Fang Minghao was indeed very happy. Xia Ruomeng was able to enter the finals. Not only her, but the entire Xia family will also benefit from it.

When the time comes, the Fang family will marry her, and it will be even more beautiful!

Especially, if Xia Ruomeng can go further and get an award...

Xiao Yunhua was also very excited: "Congratulations, Ruomeng, you are really amazing. Xia Jiu is just so good at repairing skirts, you are so badly blown, your current results are much better than her!"

"Yunhua, don't say that, Xia Jiu's ability is also outstanding. It's just that she chose the wrong path this time. I didn't expect that she would be so aggressive." Xia Ruomeng said.

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