Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3390: Use the child to frame yourself

"Xia Jiu, you didn't come over on my wedding day. I also owe you an apology for the previous game. Today is the day when I am going back to Xia's house. If you don't mind, come over and have a meal together. "Xia Ruomeng said very sincerely.

"Okay." Xia Jiu thought for a while and said.

She wanted to see if Xia Ruomeng would really apologize to herself in public.

She quickly went to Xia's house.

Today, when Xia Jiu returned home, there were many guests at home, all of them envied and lamented that Xia Ruomeng was blessed for her good marriage.

Xia Ruomeng was holding her belly, smiling like a flower, accepting compliments from everyone.

When Xia Jiu appeared, the guests couldn't help but squat their mouths: "Xia Jiu is back."

"Why didn't Xia Jiu come to the wedding? That's a great day for Ruomeng."

"Hey, if you didn't come that day, why did you come again today?"

Most of these relatives belonged to Chen Meiru, and Xia Jiu was too lazy to take care of it and walked in quickly.

Xia Ruomeng stretched out her hand and held her: "Xia Jiu, you finally came back."

Her face was full of smiles, as if the things in Paris weren't what she did.

It also seems that the relationship between the two people has always been so good, and there has never been a gap.

"Come in and sit down. I know you have something to be busy that day, so I didn't come to my wedding. Actually, I feel a little sorry that you didn't come."

Xia Jiu smiled and said, "I regret not being in front of me, do you show affection with Fang Minghao?"

Xia Ruomeng: "..."

Xia Jiu uttered her true inner thoughts in one mouth, which made her a little embarrassed.

But today, she is not afraid of Xia Jiu's aggressiveness, what she wants is Xia Jiu's aggressiveness.

She had already taken the abortion pill...

If Xia Jiu is not aggressive, how can she succeed?

"Xia Jiu, you are really joking, these things are all over, you won't remember them all the time?" Xia Ruomeng said softly.

Although everyone else knew that Xia Ruomeng could not do this thing authentically, but after all, she was about to give birth, and Xia Jiu was still obsessed with this matter, which really made people unable to sympathize with Xia Jiu.

Besides, didn't Xia Jiu and Fang Minghao just fell in love at school? Can you remember so long?

Who doesn't know that campus love is a "graduation death"?

Xia Ruomeng relieved Xia Jiu: "Actually, Xia Jiu didn't think about it much, right? Otherwise, Xia Jiu won't come to my homecoming banquet today."

"I don't want it to be my business. Didn't you say that you have to apologize to me for business today?" Xia Jiu asked.

When everyone heard the apology, they thought it was Fang Minghao's thing, so they didn't care about what they said.

Xia Ruomeng hurriedly pulled Xia Jiu aside and said, "You accompany me upstairs. I want to show you my apology to you. That matter is very serious. I think about it, but it is also deep. I deeply feel that my behavior is not good, and I can't help you. In any case, I should apologize to you."

"Then you should apologize now. If you apologize, then apologize. What do you still need to write?" Xia Jiu really didn't bother to pay attention to her, "You really take everything seriously."

Xia Ruomeng squeezed his palm: "Xia Jiu, you should also be considerate of me. It must be a great damage to my reputation to say this. I want to apologize, but I also want to find a more acceptable excuse. "

"Is it possible to apologize and put gold on your face? Do you want to find a stage for you, dress up and apologize?" Xia Jiu was fed up with Xia Ruomeng's hypocritical attitude and was merciless.

"Xia Jiu, you can't do this, right?" Xia Ruomeng said embarrassingly, "I already want to get back to you, but your attitude is really unbearable."

Based on Xia Jiu's current understanding of Xia Ruomeng, she knew that it was impossible for her to apologize properly.

There is probably another mystery.

However, Xia Jiu now has a lot more mystery than Xia Ruomeng, she doesn't mind to announce it to everyone, knowing that she hasn't found the most suitable opportunity yet.

Since Xia Ruomeng still wanted to dig a hole for herself, she wanted to see what else Xia Ruomeng could do.

"If that's the case, let's check your belly draft." Xia Jiu said lightly.

Xia Ruomeng was overjoyed. She had taken the abortion pill and was about to have an attack.

As long as Xia Jiu goes upstairs with herself...

The two quickly arrived upstairs.

Originally, this room was Xia Jiu's room, with the best lighting and the largest room. Her parents had let her live here since she was a child. Now, Xia Ruomengjiu has occupied the magpie's nest, and all her things are placed.

Xia Jiu raised his eyebrows and smiled, just to see how long Xia Ruomeng could still occupy here.

"Xia Jiu, look, this is the belly draft I want to apologize..." Xia Ruomeng called Xia Jiu over and stood very close to her.

Xia Jiu just walked over.

Xia Ruomeng's body suddenly fell backward.

Her body was already heavy and there was no support behind her. When she fell, her abdomen slammed into the corner of the table, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Between her legs, red blood stains suddenly appeared, which was shocking.

The blood dampened the carpet, and a strong smell of blood permeated the room.

Xia Jiu was stunned.

She hadn't encountered Xia Ruomeng just now, it was Xia Ruomeng who fell down by herself.

Even, there is no external force that can make Xia Ruomeng fall. She is obviously wearing flat shoes, and the carpet here is very soft and without any ties.

What is Xia Ruomeng's fall in front of him?

Is it because she doesn't even care about the child in her stomach in order to frame herself?

"Xia Ruomeng, you..."

Xia Ruomeng was already pale with pain. Someone outside heard the sound and ran over and screamed, "It's not good, the eldest lady fell and bleeds!"

Soon, many people rushed into the room.

Xia Ruomeng lay on the ground and pointed to Xia Jiu: "Xia Jiu...Why are you doing this to me? Why? Why?"

Xia Jiu was sure, she really wanted to use the child in her belly to frame herself!

I really can think of it, use the child to frame myself!

Is her child so not worth cherishing?

Chen Meiru's heartache was overwhelming, and she cursed: "Xia Jiu, how can you be like this! Even if there is something wrong with the dream, you can't attack her child! Are you still a person? You are really crazy, inferior to animals!"

Xia Fen also pointed at Xia Jiu's nose and yelled, "If there is anything to do with my sister's child, you have to go to hell! Go to hell! You are such a cold-faced murderer!"

Xia Ruomeng lay on the ground and wept, her face looking paler with the red blood.

Fang Minghao's eyes were red, he looked at Xia Jiu coldly, and stretched out his hand to hug Xia Ruomeng.

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