Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3391: Do you dare!

Xia Ruomeng wept in sorrow: "I'm sorry, Minghao, I'm sorry, but I didn't protect our children... But I really didn't expect Xia Jiu to do something like this... I'm sorry... I shouldn't... "

Her face was pale and she couldn't help crying. Others saw this scene, and everyone who heard it was sad and tears, and looked at Xia Ruomeng unbearably.

Some people followed Fang Minghao's footsteps downstairs to send Xia Ruomeng off. Someone had already called the police and an ambulance outside, while some people gathered around Xia Jiu and prevented her from leaving.

"Xia Jiu, you are so frantic! You are not allowed to leave!"

"Yes! Xia Jiu, you are really damn! Isn't it just a relationship? People Ruomeng and Young Master Fang are already married, and now the child is about to be born, you are still holding on! You are simply unworthy!"

"If Ruomeng has some shortcomings, you can't eat it!"

All the relatives surrounded her and attacked.

People from the Xia family and Fang family all followed to the hospital.

Xia Jiu lazily raised her eyebrows: "She said it was me who pushed me?"

"Otherwise? Only you are with her. You didn't push it. Could it be that Ruomeng did it by herself?" Relatives can't get used to Xia Jiu's current practice. "Do people still use their own children? Can't you come to frame you?"

Xia Jiu was actually suspicious. Just now Xia Ruomeng was just an accident. Because of an accident, she would blame herself. After all, it was Xia Ruomeng and Fang Minghao's children.

It is self-evident that Xia Ruomeng had high hopes for that child.

But thinking about it now, Xia Ruomeng called herself upstairs and then fell down again, there are all kinds of doubts in her own right.

I never touched her, and the moment she fell down was a coincidence. How could the child in my stomach disappear by such a coincidence?

Seeing Xia Jiu meditating, the relatives thought that she had been exposed to her true colors, and they were scared, and continued: "You are not allowed to go anyway! You want to slip away after such a big thing, what do you think this is?"

With that, someone came forward to push Xia Jiu.

These people were resentful and couldn't help but start a little hard.

If all were surrounded, Xia Jiu would definitely be hurt.

When everyone was clamoring to besiege Xia Jiu, a figure appeared in front of them, shielding Xia Jiu behind him, and said, "Stop!"

Someone recognized him and said, "It turned out to be Qin Zheng? Didn't you and your dad be kicked out of Xia's company? Before, your dad embezzled company assets and caused many problems in the company. You still have a face. come?"

Qin Housheng and Qin Zheng were both driven out of the company by Xia Huangshan.

Because they were all loyal subordinates of Xia Jiu's father, Xia Huangshan had long looked down upon them, and used a plan to drive them out.

By the way, all the economic problems encountered by the Xia family's company have been pushed to their father and son.

For this reason, Qin Zheng had long ago had deep grievances in his heart.

Hearing what everyone said, his face was gloomy, and he stretched out his hand to hold Xia Jiu, and said, "No matter what, no one can hurt Xia Jiu today!"

He was tall, and everyone was quite jealous. Now that he was glaring at him, these relatives would naturally not stop him for Xia Ruomeng, cursingly let go, and watched Qin Zheng take Xia Jiu away.

After going out and getting into Qin Zheng's car, he said, "What happened to Xia Ruomeng?"

"There are signs of miscarriage, I don't know what happened." Xia Jiu said, "She said I hit her, but I clearly saw that she fell down by herself."

Qin Zheng pondered.

Xia Jiu said strangely: "I don't know what's going on. She cares about the child so much, but she is so careless today. If she wants to frame me with miscarriage, then she is really willing, a good child, even for the sake of Fuck me and made a miscarriage?"

This is the problem that Xia Jiu can't figure out.

Qin Zheng was not surprised: "Then you know, when she was with Fang Minghao, she was entangled with several other rich second generations?"

"You said it last time." Xia Jiu remembered what he said, and then suddenly woke up, "So what you mean is... She was worried that the child was not Fang Minghao's, and deliberately wanted to miscarry, but she was afraid of being killed by Fang's family and Xia. I blame it, so I deliberately want to lean on me?"

"I'm not sure." Qin Zheng is also a speculation after all, but he sent the photo to Xia Ruomeng, so he thinks his speculation is somewhat reasonable, "but besides that, can you think of any other reasons? ?"

Xia Jiu felt that this woman was frantic!

Willing to do such a thing!

Qin Zheng said: "If this is the case, you have to look for evidence as soon as possible, otherwise the situation will be very unfavorable to you at that time."

Xia Jiu nodded immediately: "I see, thank you for today's matter."

Qin Zheng didn't say anything. In fact, compared to Xia Jiu's help to him, these were nothing.

Especially, he himself was the person Xia Jiu's father valued before, and he should have a share of responsibility for Xia Family and Xia Jiu.

Xia Jiu thought of someone, he should be able to help himself.

She took out her cell phone and dialed Gu Yannan's cell phone.

I can't talk about friendship with Gu Yannan too much, and haven't been in contact for a long time. In fact, she is not sure, Gu Yannan can help.

But this time, it was a little bit troublesome, and only Gu Yannan could do it.

Of course...In fact, Shen Muhan should be able to do it, but subconsciously, she didn't want to ask him for help, nor did she want to trouble him or owe him something.

But because of various things, she was a little cautious when she spoke to Gu Yannan.

"Is this?" Gu Yannan obviously felt that this requirement did not meet the hospital's rules.

"If it's too much trouble, then forget it." Xia Jiu also knew that the hospital had hospital rules.

Sure enough, Gu Yannan was still too troublesome.

"Although it is troublesome, but since you did nothing wrong, I will apply to go through the formal procedures for you to deal with." Gu Yannan said.

"Really? Thank you so much."

Gu Yannan's voice was gentle: "If you have something you can think of coming to me, I will not be too unkind."

With his help, things can be more certain.

Xia Jiu's mood also relaxed a lot.

Qin Zheng asked: "Where else to go?"

"Come with me to the hospital. I want to see how Xia Ruomeng slanders me." Xia Jiu said lightly.

What should be faced is always something to be faced, when the time comes, what Xia Ruomeng should bear will not be less at all!


As soon as she and Qin Zheng showed up in the hospital, they were surrounded by Chen Meiru and Xia Fen: "Xia Jiu, you dare to come to the hospital! Do you still have any conscience?"

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