Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3407: Do you feel bad for me?

What happened to the Xia family overnight?

Mrs. Fang took the phone and asked, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, Mrs. Fang, Xia Huangshan and others moved overnight, and now the house is clean."

If Mrs. Fang was at fault, after putting down the phone, seeing Fang Minghao coming downstairs, she immediately asked Fang Minghao this question.

Fang Minghao apparently just learned: "Xia Jiu went back to manage the Xia family?"

"Yes, Xia Ruomeng is fine now." Mrs. Fang was anxious.

Fang Minghao smiled, "That's great, the company was originally Xia Jiu's."

He also thinks clearly now. When he liked Xia Ruomeng before, he would naturally not question what Xia Ruomeng said.

But deep down, do you really know that the Xia family belongs to Xia Jiu?

All he knew was that he was blinded by lard at that time, and he didn't bother to care about it.

Mrs. Fang said, "You... but have you thought about it, did we return the money to the Xia family? What should we do with the money now?"

"Let's find Xia Ruomeng in a lawsuit." Fang Minghao said, somewhat indifferent.

Mrs. Fang was too impatient.


Xia Jiu stayed the most impatient this night in the villa.

My heart was about to fly to Xia's house, but still pretended not to care too much.

She didn't want Shen Muhan to see her eagerness to leave, fearing that something might happen again.

When I went to bed at night, I had already tossed and turned.

In the middle of the night, she was so excited that she couldn't sleep, turning over and over.

As a result, Shen Muhan was caught in his arms.

She was shocked, thinking that after taking the Xia family back, people might not be able to leave, her heart was cold for a while, so, on the contrary, she was not so eager, and she slowly fell asleep.

Shen Muhan wrapped her into his arms, thinking to himself, if it were to move to live in Xia's house, it would seem to be good too?

When she got up early, Xia Jiu had calmed down, but she was eating breakfast steadily as she had a thin blue color right now.

Shen Muhan said, "Should I accompany you back to Xia's house?"

Xia Jiu knew it, he knew everything.

She refused him for no reason, and said, "Okay."

After thinking about it, she said, "Can Chen Qi find some people for me? Help me clean up the house."

Last night, Huangshan and others moved away overnight, but now I don’t know how messy it is.

Moreover, she wouldn't want everything they left behind.

It will take a lot of effort to clean up at that time.

"Okay, I'll tell Chen Qi." Shen Muhan tapped a line on the phone and sent it out.

After Xia Jiu's dinner, she changed into a simple and loose-fitting dress to avoid the Xia family's trouble.

In the car, her mind could not calm down.

Thinking of her parents, her eyes were a little sour. Before she had done her filial piety, her parents passed away.

She can't let her parents down, so Xia's family and company must take it back.

And now, she finally did it.

The car drove past slowly, she got out of the car and walked in slowly.

Surprisingly, there was no mess. The entire yard was already cleaned up. It seemed that no one had moved out overnight. The lawn was neatly trimmed, and some winter flowers were in full bloom. It's going to be prosperous.

Xia Jiu thought it was Chen Qi who cleaned up the outside first, so he didn't think much, and stepped into the house.

In the past, many things here were made by my mother, and the furniture and curtains were also selected by her personally. It was very warm and peaceful.

After Xia Huangshan lived in, many things made him feel like a nouveau riche. Xia Jiu didn't like it very much, and he would definitely have to change these by then.

She walked in, thinking of the warm time spent with her parents and sister, and her mood was unspeakable for a while.

Immediately, she lifted her eyelids and took a look.

This glance made her very surprised. Didn't Xia Huangshan move out overnight last night?

However, the sofas and curtains in the living room were replaced with the styles she used to live in. They are the styles that my mother likes most!

The decoration is exactly the same as before!

She looked at Shen Muhan who was behind her, and asked him in shock with her eyes.

Shen Muhan did not speak, but looked at her calmly.

Chen Qi was reluctant to waste his young master's thoughts, and hurriedly said, "Miss Xia, don't you know? After Huangshan moved out last night, the young master asked me to go to the whole city to buy all these things according to the photos! Hundreds of people have been busy all night, knocking on the doors of many shops, and finally getting them all night."

Xia Jiu was shocked.

Made it overnight?

This is exactly the same as what she remembered.

How did he know?

As if seeing her doubts, Shen Muhan said: "I have seen photos in your circle of friends, and I have asked for a lot of photos from Xia Lin."

It was by relying on those photos to piece together all the memories of Xia Jiu, except for some items that were especially difficult to buy, the others were almost restored.

However, his eyes were very calm, as if he felt that this was not a big deal, and it was just a matter of effort.

Xia Jiu looked into his eyes, but he didn't know why, his eyes became sore, and he felt tears about to fall.

She turned and ran upstairs and rushed to her room.

All the traces of Xia Ruomeng’s staying in the original are gone, replaced by her original favorite light blue curtains, the huge pink double bed, the desk she usually reads, and the lazy sofa she lay on when she is free. .

And she had a weird clock. At the time, my father laughed at her for the weird clock, which she liked.

When Huangshan Dove occupied the magpie's nest in the summer, none of these things survived, and I don't know where they were thrown away.

But now, they are all back.

Shen Muhan asked them all to come back.

Even the little bit of regret that she took with her, all made up for her.

Xia Jiu hugged her doll, sat on the lazy couch, sat blankly, with tears on her face and a smile.

Shen Muhan leaned at the door, looking at her figure, standing quietly.

Let the wind blow in from outside the window, passing her and passing him.

After a long time, he walked slowly over, reached out and picked her up: "Didn't you go to see Charlene when you come back?"

Xia Jiu pursed her lips: "Did you let Chen Qi exercise all night last night?"

No, to be able to do this, logically he had already spent his time thinking about it.

With some photos to restore these decorations and make the home look like she remembers, he will not just use the efforts of last night.

What does he think about himself...?

"Well, wouldn't it be nice to keep him busy occasionally? He is enjoying it himself." Shen Muhan said.

"Then how long did you spend?" Xia Jiu asked again.

Shen Muhan smiled: "Why, do you feel bad for me?"

"Are you annoying, who cares about you?" Xia Jiu looked away.

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