Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3408: Really want to change it back?

Shen Muhan had the final say: "I don't know how much time I have forgotten. However, it is worthwhile to spend more time for you."

This person... is talking about love?

Xia Jiu felt that she was dreaming, and she stretched out her hand and pulled the tip of her nose, feeling a little bit painful.

She was surprised.

Can Shen Muhan talk about love?

"What's wrong with Shen Muhan?" Xia Jiu said dissatisfied, "Return him back."

Shen Muhan raised his eyebrows: "?"

Xia Jiu said: "Isn't the former Shen Muhan who wanted to **** me? When will he say something that makes me happy? It's really strange, and people are very uncomfortable. My heart is fluffy."

She noticed her change, and Shen Muhan smiled. It was not difficult to say these things originally.

He bowed his head: "Really want to change it back?"

"Change it back." Xia Jiu felt that when he left, he felt more at ease.

Shen Muhan stretched out his hand and put her down: "Then you go by yourself. Let Chen Qi take away these things. Chen Qi!"

"Don't don't!" Xia Jiu hurriedly shouted at Chen Qi, "No one called you, don't come up!"

Chen Qi scratched his hair, what's wrong?

Could it be that I stayed up all night last night and heard hallucinations?

Xia Jiu was not willing to take these things away.

It is very difficult for her to buy exactly the same many things, and I don't know how much time it will take.

This is good now, it always makes her feel that her parents are still there, and she is not far away from herself.

Shen Muhan called again: "Chen Qi!"

Chen Qi climbed upstairs.

Xia Jiu grabbed Shen Muhan: "Stop calling him, give it to me, I want it!"

Seeing him unmoved, Xia Jiu's voice softened a bit: "Give it to me, give it to me, I really want to~"

When she acted like a baby, it was a little milky voice, and it sounded extraordinarily soft and cute.

Chen Qi's footsteps stopped, what did he hear?

Isn't it running up to see something unsuitable for children?

He covered his eyes with his hands.

"Do you really want it?" Shen Muhan looked down, rare, with a relaxed expression, with a smile on the corners of his lips.

It turns out that speaking well, you can really get what you want.

Jiang Bai's handbook of love words, when he goes back at night, he can memorize another two hundred pages!

"Really~" Xia Jiu was in a good mood, she was coquettish unconsciously, and the environment here was comfortable and comfortable, which reminded her of her teenage years and when she was coquettish with her parents here.

The whole person relaxes.

"Chen Qi, I will give you three days off, double your monthly salary, go back and rest!" Shen Muhan said to Chen Qi at the corner of the stairs.

Chen Qi was overjoyed: "Thank you Master, thank you Miss Xia!"

Xia Jiu couldn't help laughing when he saw him let Chen Qi leave, knowing that these things would not move anymore.

Her smile was unprecedentedly bright, running out of the corner of her eyes, running out of her lips, and even her ears were smiling pink.

Shen Muhan lowered his head and kissed her lips.

Xia Jiu immediately wanted to push him away. Although he and her were the only ones upstairs, the workers Chen Qi brought to clean up were still downstairs!

How could he be like this.

Shen Muhan grabbed her restless little hand and held her down: "You didn't say it was all for you, what do you want?"

Xia Jiu's face all turned pink: "You know what I'm talking about is not that!"

"Which one is that?" Shen Muhan was also in a particularly good mood, and asked in a low voice. His voice was low, with only a slight air noise. When it was brushed by her ears, it seemed particularly low and sultry.

Xia Jiu's originally red ears are now even more red.

This person... where did he learn something?

Is it really still Shen Muhan? Really?

"Really...return Shen Muhan to me!" She stretched out her hand and looked for Shen Muhan's important person.

"So, do you like me more?" Shen Muhan frowned, and a touch of coldness passed between his eyebrows.

Xia Jiu: "..."

When did she say she liked it?

Didn't you say who you "like more"?

However, after Shen Muhan's trouble, the plan to see Xia Lin in the morning fell through.

Can only be moved to the afternoon.

When Xia Jiu and Shen Muhan appeared, Xia Lin had already been so happy, and she was very happy to ask questions around Xia Jiu.

"So, really took it all back?"

"So, the furnishings are exactly the same as before?"

"So, it was my brother-in-law who asked me to help arrange?"

"So, when can I go back and have a look?"

Charlene was very impatient and looked forward to it.

Xia Jiu smiled happily: "I asked the doctor. He said that if you are well, you can go back and stay for a few days, but you still have to come back for treatment at that time. It is safer and more convenient in the hospital. If you want to go back, I will accompany you. You go back. But be careful not to run around."

Charlene was so happy to fly: "I can go back! Can go back!"

The nurse helped her pack things, Charlene chatted endlessly.

The three returned home together.

Seeing that it was exactly the same as before, Xia Lin was very happy. When she came downstairs, she admired Shen Muhan extremely: "Even my room is almost the same as before. Brother-in-law, you are really amazing!"

Shen Muhan nodded, looked at Xia Jiu, and saw that she was smiling happily, and the corners of his lips rose.

Charlene saw it earnestly and knew that she had eaten a handful of dog food.

However, after playing for a while, Xia Jiu remembered that apart from Xia Lin's caregiver, there were no servants or housekeepers at home.

The ones Xia Huangshan had used before--Xia Jiu didn't dare to trust, so Chen Qi's help was all dismissed.

I haven't found a new one yet.

If you go out to eat, Xia Lin is not in good health, so Xia Jiu decides to order takeaway.

"I'll do it." Shen Muhan stood up, walked towards the kitchen, rolled up his sleeves, revealing a sturdy arm.

In the refrigerator in the kitchen, Chen Qi left fresh fish, vegetables and fruits last night.

Charlene stuck out her tongue, "Sister, brother-in-law is really a good man out of a million. When will you get married?"

Xia Jiu knocked her head: "It's early, don't talk nonsense."

She has done everything she will need to settle in France in order to stay away from him.

But now Shen Muhan... so that Xia Jiu couldn't understand.

She was a little confused about what he was going to do.

But every time she remembered the suffocation fear when he was pinching her neck, she resolutely thought.

"If you don't settle down earlier, what if someone else wants Xiao to miss him? You also know how good your brother-in-law is, and he is considerate and kind to you. It's nothing but a man who loves you alone. What do you want?"

Xia Jiu went to get the fruit: "I ignore you."

Love her alone?

She really remembered that she was by Shen Muhan's side and hadn't seen any other women.

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