Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3409: What the **** are you guys doing?

He had misunderstood some other women before, but later proved that it was a misunderstanding.

She was in a daze when she was peeling the apple with a fruit knife.

Shen Muhan held her wrist: "You go out first."

She lowered her head and realized that an apple had been smashed by herself. It was simply ugly. If she cut it down, the core would be lost.

No wonder Shen Muhan can't stand it anymore.

At dinner in the evening, Shen Ye came and brought a lot of things.

Just in time for dinner.

Seeing the dishes on the table, he smiled and said, "Miss, your craftsmanship is really good! I can't tell, you are so talented and good-looking."

"Brother-in-law did it." Xia Lin said hurriedly.

Shen Ye glanced at Shen Muhan in surprise: "Are you going to cook?"

It was a shock to his chin.

He is the young master who has always been spoiled by the Shen family. Naturally, he doesn't know this, but Shen Muhan is different. Shen Muhan was born without being spoiled.

"Brother-in-law, don't you mind that Shen Ye stay here for dinner too?" Xia Lin asked, looking at Shen Muhan with a smile.

Shen Muhan nodded when her brother-in-law shouted in a good mood.

Shen Ye could see it, calling him brother-in-law is more generous than calling him cousin.

"Brother-in-law, then I'm not welcome." Shen Ye sat down directly.

Shen Muhan handed him a bowl.

Shen Ye was simply moved: "Then I will call you brother-in-law from now on!"

Xia Jiu: "..."

Has anyone asked her opinion?


On the Xia family company's side, from the beginning of the morning, the high-level staff had people clean up the office.

But knowing that Xia Jiu won't be here on the same day, everyone didn't expect much, knowing that she must go back to Xia's house first.

However, the office must still be cleaned up and kept for Xia Jiu.

After all, the entire company will rely on her in the future.

Everyone in the company now has a clear understanding of who will have a future with, and no one complains.

But early in the morning, an uninvited guest appeared in the company.

That is Xiao Yunhua.

She had no sources of information, and Xia Ruomeng would not specifically inform her that she had been defeated, so when she went to Xia's company, she didn't know anything about these things.

She went to the front desk, took out her resume, and said with a smile: "I'm here to apply for the job."

"Apply for entry?" The front desk gave her a surprised look, "Which period of recruitment did you participate in?"

"I didn't participate in the recruitment. Miss Xia asked me to come over and join the job directly."

I heard that it was Miss Xia's person, so the front desk didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly greeted her in, made coffee and sent it over, asking her to wait.

Xiao Yunhua rarely enjoyed such treatment. He was in a good mood. He took a sip of coffee and looked at the spacious living room, knowing that Xia Ruomeng would not treat him badly and that he had made the right choice.

Sometimes, you have to be so decisive and resolute to get everything you want.

What is the future of staying in BIR?

After setting up Xiao Yunhua, the lady at the front desk immediately called Xia Jiu—yes, the default Miss Xia is no longer Xia Ruomeng, but Xia Jiu.

If there is anything, naturally I need to report to her.

Xia Jiu was in Xia Jiu looking at the decoration of his home, and when he heard Xiao Yunhua's name, he knew what was going on.

Xiao Yunhua thought that after leaving BIR, he could go directly to Xia’s company as a designer. The wish is good, but the reality is cruel.

Xia Jiu will not leave someone like her, let alone, she has such a good relationship with Xia Ruomeng, isn't it a time bomb?

"I don't know this person. You'd better ask clearly, which Miss Xia found this person." Xia Jiu hung up the phone.

The front desk suddenly panicked, yes, she didn't ask Xiao Yunhua which Miss Xia was looking for.

What if it is Xia Ruomeng?

Although the previous Xia Ruomeng was an existence that the entire Xia family did not dare to offend, it has long since changed.

The front desk almost offended Xia Jiu, and he was immediately unhappy.

She walked up to Xiao Yunhua, her attitude was no longer as polite as before, and she asked, "Which Miss Xia did you invite?"

Xiao Yunhua naturally didn't know these things, and immediately raised his head proudly and said, "Of course I was invited by Miss Xia Ruomeng. She asked me to join the job today. You can take me over."

I heard that it is Xia Ruomeng’s person, and the front desk does not need to report to the manager to know, so you can call the shots, "Then Miss Xiao, you can go back. We don’t need a designer anymore."

"You let me see your Miss Xia! Or see your manager!" Xiao Yunhua was very angry when she saw her treating herself like this.

She really wants to join the job, she must persuade Xia Ruomeng to expel the front desk!

The front desk smiled and said: "If you want to see Miss Xia Ruomeng, then please leave here. Because here, you won't see her anymore."

"Why? What the **** are you doing?"

"Don't you know that Xia Ruomeng has been kicked out of the company?"

Xiao Yunhua was taken aback, but looking at the front desk, it didn't seem like he was lying.

The front desk actually followed Xia Jiu's mother to enter the company before. She liked Xia Jiu more than Xia Ruomeng, but she was light-hearted, so she couldn't say anything for Xia Jiu.

Now Xia Jiu is back again, and she is in a good mood. Seeing Xiao Yunhua's deflated appearance, she smiled and said, "In the company, you can't find Xia Ruomeng anyway."

Xiao Yunhua had to turn around and leave.

After I came out, I asked someone to find out, only to find out that Xia Ruomeng was really kicked out of the company and also from the Xia family.

No, not only Xia Ruomeng, but Xia Ruomeng's family!

Xiao Yunhua really panicked now.

She resigned desperately, left BIR, and also had a bad relationship with the company because of compensation.

Now that I can't join Xia's company, I have offended BIR. How can I get mixed up in the industry?

She immediately went to find Xia Ruomeng. Xia Ruomeng's family moved to another house. Although it was not bad, it was far worse than the place where she lived before.

This gap is too big.

Xia Ruomeng also had no intention of perfunctory Xiao Yunhua, and only briefly said: "Xia Jiu took all this, and now I can't take you in. You go."

"But my job..." Xiao Yunhua asked anxiously.

"I'm out of work, do you still ask about your job?" Xia Ruomeng asked rhetorically.

Xiao Yunhua was kicked out.

She was at a loss, now she went to find Manager Du, would he still let herself go back?

Obviously not!

Blame Xia Jiu, all this is Xia Jiu!

If it weren't for her, how could he have fallen to this point?

Xiao Yunhua's injustice for Xia Ruomeng, mainly for himself.

She quickly edited a provocative Weibo and sent it out.

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