Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3432: It's enough to have you

Xia Jiu spit out her tongue. She was only recently pregnant, and her belly didn't show up at all. So in fact, although she kept it in her heart, she didn't have much idea most of the time.

She played with her hair and said, "I will remember it next time."

Shen Muhan lost his temper and continued to massage her.

When eating, Xia Jiu came to the table. In order to make him happy, the first chopsticks served him. Then he lowered his head and ate a few mouthfuls of the food, indicating that he would correct his mistakes.

Shen Muhan looked relaxed and served her a small bowl of fish soup.

Xia Jiu picked it up in good faith and drank in small sips.

After drinking, give him the bowl: "Then I have another bowl?"

"If you drink it again, you won't be able to eat vegetables." Shen Muhan took the bowl and put it down, picking up vegetables for her.

Xia Jiu ate very seriously, really hungry, and didn't want to look at his disappointed eyes.

Seeing that Shen Muhan was eating slowly, she specially picked some chopsticks for him and looked at him with a smile.

Shen Muhan stretched out his hand to hold her hand and said, "Xia Jiu."

"Yeah." Xia Jiu answered casually, and then took him some food.

"Let's get married." Shen Muhan said in a low voice, there was a bright color in his deep eyes, looking at her seriously.

Xia Jiu was stunned for two seconds, raised his eyes to look at him, blinked his long eyelashes, and said, "Okay."

"Then we will get married." Shen Muhan clasped her fingers tightly.

"Okay." Xia Jiu replied.

"Then you are really married?" Shen Muhan continued to ask.

"Yeah." Xia Jiu didn't hesitate.

In Shen Muhan's deep eyes, the bright color was like the sun pushing away the dark clouds, shining brightly.

Xia Jiu bowed his head to eat, then raised his head after a moment: "Shen Muhan, I am so bad. If you propose a marriage at the dining table, I will agree?"

Shen Muhan smiled, stretched out his hand to hug her, and buried her in her shoulders with a smile.

After confirming the marriage, it is necessary to prepare various items for marriage.

However, even if it is in a hurry, the time is too late.

Xia Jiu's belly will show up soon, and she won't look good in a wedding dress.

She struggled to and fro, and decided to hold the wedding after giving birth.

"Once in my life, I want to be perfect, to put on a beautiful wedding dress, without leaving any regrets."

Shen Muhan naturally agreed: "Okay, then wait until after birth."

Xia Jiu was already looking forward to it: "Then I want a lot of roses?"


"I want to have traditional Western-style wedding dresses?"


"I also want the whole audience to be very beautiful and lively. Don't be the deserted one?"


Seeing that she stopped talking, Shen Muhan asked, "What more?"

"No more, the rest is up to you." Xia Jiu hooked his neck, "I said that there is no double standard, what else do you want, you can decide for yourself, I can do it."

Shen Muhan smiled and approached her shoulder socket.

"What are you laughing at." Xia Jiu leaned on his shoulder. The smell on his body was so good, it smelled of a calming man, "So what do you want?"

"I want you." Shen Muhan said in a low voice, whispering on the edge of her ear.


The Shen family mansion.

Xia Jiu came here for the first time.

Just because the old lady Shen heard that she and Shen Muhan had confirmed their marriage, she was so happy that she even got better, and she invited her to sit in the Shen family mansion and have dinner together.

Xia Jiu was sitting on the sofa, and Mrs. Shen looked at her and smiled: "I knew you were a blessed one, and that's true. I will be relieved if you and Mu Han will support each other in the future."

Ding Qinen also laughed: "Yes, the person your grandma is most worried about is actually Mu Han. Now I am relieved."

Although Shen Fengshan didn't speak, he looked kind.

These three elders are all open-minded people. Since they have accepted Shen Muhan, they don't mind being good elders and doing their part.

Shen Muhan is also a rare visit to the Shen family mansion.

In the past, I fought hard with Shen Sihai and Shen Fengshan, current affairs reversed, and when I thought about what I was fighting for, I only found it ridiculous.

Mrs. Shen smiled again: "Is my appetite good these days?"

"It's better, grandma." Xia Jiu replied shyly, "Morning sickness is not too serious anymore."

In fact, it is still serious, only eating things cooked by Shen Muhan is not serious, so Shen Muhan has been very busy recently, and Xia Jiu has seen him lose weight.

But when it comes to mental state, Shen Muhan is better than ever.

The old lady Shen looked at him and felt that he was very different. Needless to say, those ruthless expressions turned into a peaceful, heroic look. Where is the slightest bit of predator before?

"Then stay and have a meal together?" The old lady Shen invited.

Shen Muhan said quietly: "We have other things, next time."

He most knows how picky Xia Jiu's taste is recently, and it is inevitable to eat uncomfortably when he stays for dinner.

Xia Jiu actually wanted to agree. Her parents had no elders. It's rare that Mrs. Shen and Ding Qinen are both very good people now. Seeing Shen Muhan's rejection, she couldn't say anything.

The old lady Shen was really disappointed, and said: "Then you are busy with you, next time."

Ding Qinen was also a little disappointed. Today's dishes were selected and made by her hands. She hadn't personally cooked for some time. I heard that they didn't keep it, and this thought was a little wasted.

She didn't know why, in fact, she had had trouble with Shen Sihai before, but now she only wanted to treat Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu well.

Is it because people are afraid of loneliness when they get older?

But she also knew that she was not lonely. Her husband treated herself quite nicely. Although the eldest son, Shen Jingyu, was not his own person, he was better than his own.

Between her and Chu Ning, she said that she had no relationship with her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Although the youngest son had a temper, he did not move out.

She knew that she had more places to worry about, and she never knew what loneliness was, but she couldn't help but want to be concerned about this nephew.

Xia Jiu clearly felt the disappointment of Mrs. Shen and Ding Qinen, but the words had already been spoken and it was not easy to change.

She stood up, and was dizzy for a while as Shen Muhan was about to leave.

"Xia Jiu!" Shen Muhan stretched out his hand to support her, his expression changed quickly, and he was about to lift her up.

Ding Qinen said hurriedly: "Don't panic, let her rest for a while. Pregnant women are like this, she will inevitably get dizzy after sitting for a long time."

Her words soothed Shen Muhan's anxiety, Ding Qinen stepped forward and held Xia Jiu's hand, and said to the housekeeper: "Call the family doctor over."

Xia Jiu actually knows that she is a little weak and picky eaters. Only recently has she been like this: "I'm sorry, Auntie San, I'm causing you trouble."

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