Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3433: Enough for you

"What do you say about this?" Ding Qinen smiled, "I will be very happy if you can come. By the way, my family doctor is also very researched in obstetrics and gynecology. I was pregnant with several babies before. She was the one who helped the fetus and the fetus."

Hearing her words, Shen Muhan didn't immediately take Xia Jiu to the hospital.

After a while, the family doctor came over, a female doctor who was a little older.

She checked Xia Jiu's pulse and briefly looked at it, and said with a smile: "Slightly anemia, low blood sugar, it's not a big problem, just eat more."

"Nothing else?" Shen Muhan asked with a frown.

"I see a lot of situations like this, young girls nowadays, don't be reluctant to eat, raise them well and it will be fine. Especially now that this is a meal for several people alone, don't be harsh on yourself for the sake of your figure." Said with a smile.

Xia Jiu smiled embarrassedly, she wasn't deliberately harsh either.

After this, the old lady Shen spoke again to leave Xia Jiu for dinner, and Shen Muhan had no objection.

Just knowing that Xia Jiu might not eat well, his face was a little unpleasant.

Ding Qinen went to the kitchen in person and soon brought a lot of dishes.

Shen Fengshan glanced at his wife with an expression of "Why work so hard for outsiders" on his face.

Ding Qinen glanced back at him, "It's not an outsider, Mu Han is also his nephew."

Shen Fengshan no longer showed any attitude.

Mrs. Shen was very happy, and gave Xia Jiu some dishes: "Xia Jiu, eat more."

When Shen Muhan saw her bowl full of vegetables, his heart was a little tensed.

She has a bad appetite. If this meal loses her appetite, she doesn't know how long it will take to bring it back.

He was planning that as long as Xia Jiu frowned, he would replace her bowl with his own bowl, and not let her eat anything, Xia Jiu's eyebrows smiled: "This fish is delicious."

He looked sideways at Xia Jiu.

She is not a person who would wrong herself, holding a fish at the moment and eating it with a big bite, it looks like she is really eating very fragrantly.

He raised his eyebrows slightly.

Very unexpected

Ding Qinen smiled and said, "I made this. If I like to eat it, I will make it for you next time."

"Auntie San’s craftsmanship is really good." Xia Jiu smiled and admired. Recently, she has eaten dishes made by Shen Muhan, and she can’t smell other people’s cooking, but she didn’t expect Ding Qinen’s cooking to be very suitable. appetite.

She gave Shen Muhan a clip: "Muhan, you can try it, it's really super delicious."

Shen Muhan reluctantly ate a piece.

Ding Qinen looked at him expectantly.

He had no choice but to say: "It's not bad."

Ding Qinen gave Xia Jiu a tribute dish: "Try it, can you get used to it?"

"It's so fragrant and crispy, and the taste is good." Xia Jiuzhen is not telling a lie, she hasn't eaten such a smooth dish for a long time, "Aunt San made it too?"

"Well, I made it. You like to eat it." Ding Qinen laughed.

"I like it." Xia Jiu nodded.

Ding Qinen picked up dishes for her, and Xia Jiu tasted all the dishes, and they all matched her appetite.

Then, she ate.

When Shen Muhan left, she was very embarrassed, but the old lady Shen and Ding Qinen were very tolerant: "Come and play again next time."

Shen Fengshan's study.

Ding Qinen brought tea in and said, "You didn't eat much at night, and you are in a bad mood?"

"Do you remember that your husband didn't eat much?" Shen Fengshan's beard curled up.

"Xia Jiu is a guest, and she is pregnant, so naturally I want to take care of her."

Shen Fengshan is not a stingy person, but when he thinks of the old things, he still feels a little confused: "Shen Sihai, he killed our three sons."

When Ding Qinen thought of this, his eyes were red, and Shen Fengshan couldn't bear to say more when he saw this. He stretched out his hand to greet her and sat beside him.

"I just thought, Shen Sihai is dead. We don't need to attribute the sin to Shen Muhan. After all, when our child died, Shen Muhan was still young. When will the grievances be reported?" Ding Qin Chui Tears said.

Shen Fengshan knew that he was right, but how could the estrangement in his heart be eliminated for a while?

"Then I won't..." Ding Qinen wanted to say that Xia Jiu would not be allowed to come home next time.

Shen Fengshan first said, "That's not necessary. Since it's all the past, forget it."

It's rare to see that Ding Qin'en is in a good mood now, and Shen Fengshan feels no need to force it.


Xia Jiu and Shen Muhan went out together, and asked curiously: "The doctor just said that the third aunt gave birth to several children, but all I know about is Shen Ye and his eldest brother. What about the others?"

She has recently learned more about the family affairs of the Shen family, and she has some impressions about the composition of the staff.

Shen Muhan said quietly, "Shen Ye, his elder brother, is not the son of Shen Fengshan and Ding Qinen."

"Huh?" Xia Jiu was really strange.

"At the beginning, they gave birth to three sons, all because of various accidents. They died young and were lost. Ding Qinen became depressed because of this. Shen Fengshan took Shen Jingyu back and deceived Ding Qinen. That was the third lost A son to appease her. This incident was not revealed until Shen Jingyu became an adult, after getting married and having children. In fact, Shen Jingyu is the son of the current President Fu Hongxuan."

Xia Jiu said "Oh", "The three sons are gone, it is really sad enough."

Shen Muhan didn't say that these three missing sons were all killed by Shen Sihai.

Afraid to scare Xia Jiu.

So actually... he is wary of Shen Fengshan and Ding Qinen.

Afraid that Ding Qin'en would harm Xia Jiu by falsehood.

Shen Muhan secretly sent someone to check and stare at the food Ding Qinen gave to Xia Jiu before, so as not to let any hands or feet appear inside.

However, after so long together, Ding Qinen was really frank with each other.

Therefore, Shen Muhan also acquiesced to the relationship between her and Xia Jiu.

He was cultivated by Shen Sihai since he was a child. He never believed that anyone has a kind heart. In his opinion, human nature is evil.

However, after getting to know Shen Jingyu, Ding Qin'en, and Shen Ye, his cognition gradually changed.

"Then, can I visit my third aunt and grandma more in the future?" Xia Jiu said.

She knew that they had quarreled with Shen Muhan's family before.

But when Xia Jiu met the old lady Shen and others, what she saw was their kindness and gentleness. She didn't want Shen Muhan to continue to maintain the previous hatred.

Shen Muhan gave her a fixed look: "My father, Shen Sihai, has done many wrong things before. Are you afraid that Mrs. Shen and Ding Qin'en have any wrong intentions for you?"

Xia Jiu was terrified by his eyes: "Really? Will it?"

She didn't think so well.

But she also believed what Shen Muhan said.

Especially the look in his eyes is deeply frightening.

She couldn't help but shudder.

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