Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3492: All the children are mine

Shen Muhan's room.

Feng Ying walked in and said in a low voice, "The wound has been treated."

"Yeah." Shen Muhan nodded.

"Young Master, do you think Xia Jiu knows that these two children are hers?"

"Whether she knows it or not, the child is mine." Shen Muhan's voice became colder, and his eyes became colder.

Feng Ying knew that it was impossible for him to let Xia Jiu take the child away.

"But... Little Master and Little Miss are in a bad situation."

Shen Muhan stretched out his hand to support his forehead.

He was in a coma at the beginning, and the child was naturally handed over to the nanny.

In fact, even if the children are around, he is not sure that he can raise them well. After all, he really has no interest in them.

But now, Xiao eleven looked more and more like Xia Jiu, and he gradually began to feel that Xiao Shi and Xiao eleven were not that annoying anymore.

It's just... these two little guys have first-class ability to tear down homes.

I can go from the top floor to the first floor every day.

The flowers and plants in the yard are almost gone.

It's nothing more than misfortune, just buy it when the misfortune is over.

The misfortune nanny Shen Muhan didn't care, and just changed at any time.

But when they were miserable, they didn't even let it go, and they were scarred at every turn.

This is really a headache.

Under such circumstances, Shen Muhan wouldn't be at ease with whom to raise them.

Can't even send it to kindergarten.

He himself... is helpless and inexperienced.

Parenting experts are not uninvited, but the frequency of change is not lower than that of babysitters.

He seemed to face the only choice now.

Although that was the choice he was most reluctant to face.

Xia Jiu and Xiao Shi Xiao 11 sat together eating fruit.

Xiao Eleven likes to eat cherries and bites like a groundhog.

One small eleven is extremely fast.

Xia Jiu picked up one and ate slowly, slowly losing consciousness.

Seeing that Xiao Eleven hadn't paid attention, Xiao Shi stretched out her hand to get her... Xia Jiu's eyes and bright hands were almost held by him.

"Eat your own!" she said sternly.

Xiao Shi could only bow his head: "Oh."

It's not that they didn't give them more food. Xia Jiu felt that their rules were too bad, so he gave them the same amount, not allowing Xiaoshi and Xiaoxi to mess around.

Xiao Shi and Xiao eleven only felt that with Xia Jiu, there were so many rules and no freedom at all.

But when they couldn't see Xia Jiu, they would miss it again, and felt that this little rule was not unacceptable.

Xiao Shi raised his hand and said, "I took a bath by myself last night and didn't mess up the bathroom!"

A small proud expression on his face.

"Good!" Xia Jiu praised.

At the first eleven, I couldn't think of anything I could praise, so he tilted his head and felt wronged: "I, I, I..."

"She's not good!" Xiao Shi said.

"I missed Mommy!" Xiao Eleven said with tears in her eyes.

Xia Jiu picked them up and put them on her lap: "Then why quarrel? Why did you push the vase down?"

"No way, why would you come?" Xiao Shi raised his head and said.

"But this is wrong, you know? Especially the act of tearing down the vase, hurting others, hurting yourself, is not good."

Little eleven sobbed: "Don't be angry."

Xiao Shi also twitched: "Who told you to leave."

Xia Jiu put the two of them down and said with a sullen face: "So what I have said has no effect, right?"

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