Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3493: Am I well behaved, praise me

Seeing that she was really angry, Xiao eleven hurriedly ran to the place she painted last night and pressed it up with her hand: "I was wrong, I thought about it for fifteen minutes!"

Xiao Shi also walked over slowly: "Me too!"

Xia Jiu wanted to laugh, holding back hard.

I heard the sound of a wheelchair coming from the position of the stairs.

Probably this young master is a person who often sits in a wheelchair, so a wheelchair access is reserved.

He was still wearing a mask and couldn't see the real appearance. Xia Jiu could only speculate that he was certainly not bad. After all, Xiaoshi and Xiaoxi were better-looking than ordinary children.

"Mr. Mu." She stood up and said hello.

She wore a white woolen winter dress today, the fluffy one she always liked, and the loose white style enveloped her thin body.

There is no belt around the waist, which looks casual and natural.

The flat shoes are also inlaid with white fluff, which makes her look extraordinarily delicate.

It's like a woman who has given birth to three children, saying that she is too much to be twenty years old.

However, this "Mr. Mu" just glanced at her without speaking.

Feng Ying said: "Our young master said, please come here several times a week, and help take care of the young master and the young lady. We will pay you."

They were so arrogant, Xia Jiu really didn't bother to take care of it.

Does she lack this pay?

But when he heard this, Xiao Eleven rushed over and said, "Thank you, Dad! Dad is so handsome than you! Mommy, will you come? Will come? Will come? Yes Are you here?"

She rarely talks to Shen Muhan and rarely calls him.

Shen Muhan was called by her, and couldn't help but subconsciously look at her, her pink beeping look really resembled Xia Jiu.

Xia Jiu didn't want to agree, why should she take care of other people's housework?

But for Xiao Eleven's eager eyes, she couldn't bear to refuse.

She whispered: "I'm going abroad soon, and I will be here in two weeks."

Do your best.

After she finished speaking, she felt "Mr. Mu" glance at herself, but when she looked over, the person's eyes looked away again, as if it was just an illusion of hers.

Feng Ying emphasized: "You can only stay in the villa with the young master and young lady, and you can't take them out here for half a step."

Xia Jiu choked: "If you don't worry, you don't need to let me come."

Feng Ying glanced at Shen Muhan and said, "I just told you."

Xiao eleven said happily: "Then when will you come over, Mommy?"

"I will come here when I have time. Also, call me aunt, don't call mommy."

"Okay, Mommy!" Xiao eleven clapped his hands.

Xia Jiu pursed his lips and smiled.

Shen Muhan stared at her, tightening his fingers little by little, and his face became deeper and deeper.


Coming out of the Qiandao Lake Villa, Xia Jiu went to the Shen family mansion.

Old lady Shen and Ding Qinen couldn't help tears in their eyes when they saw her.

"Xia Jiu, you finally came back." The old lady Shen held her hands.


During Xia Jiu's stay in France, the old lady Shen was also very concerned about her. She also asked the old lady to find out about the two children and Shen Muhan.

A lot of words don't need to be said, and they understand each other.

The old lady Shen sighed for a while and said, "You came back this time with the child?"

"Well, take Sihan with you. I will bring him over to visit you another day."

The old lady Shen became happy: "Okay, okay. Now that Shen Sihai has been wiped out, your mother and your son can live with peace of mind. You can come to grandma if you have anything in the future."

"Yeah," Xia Jiu nodded.

Ding Qinen stayed with her for dinner, and Xia Jiu shook his head: "No, Auntie San, I have an appointment with a friend, next time."

Ding Qinen did not force her to send her out.

Speaking of Xia Jiu, the two old men were a little sorrowful, thinking that she was not easy.

Although Shen Sihai's incident was related to her, everyone knew that she was not at fault.

Her child is also of the Shen family's blood, and the old lady Shen and Ding Qinen naturally feel that they have some responsibility for taking care of their mother and child.


Xia Jiu agreed to "Mr. Mu"'s request to take care of the children, and the time spent with Sihan would be reduced.

Sihan didn't care, and said, "I like Xiao Eleven, too. I hope she can do well."

Xia Jiu smiled: "On the weekend, I will let you meet each other."

Sihan nodded: "Okay, but don't work too hard."

Xia Jiu also asked about Jiang Bai's situation there.

She is preparing for the final ceremony of the wedding.

However, Qin Zheng and her parents are very helpful. In fact, Jiang Bai doesn't have much to do, so he doesn't need Xia Jiu's help.

On the phone, Jiang Bai smiled and said, "You just have to prepare the toast suit in advance. I have read the design draft. It is my perfect ideal! I'm just waiting for this!"

"Okay, I will definitely!" Xia Jiu smiled.

"Then I must be the most beautiful in the audience!" Jiang Bai was full of confidence.

Xia Jiu put down the phone, and Shen Ye and Xia Lin came back.

Xia Lin accompanied Si Han in the morning and went for a physical review with Shen Ye in the afternoon.

"What's the situation?" Xia Jiu asked with concern.

"Everything is fine, the doctor said that she is recovering well." Xia Lin was very happy, "It's just academic, I always feel a little bit unable to keep up."

This is also normal. She had been in good health from time to time and was hospitalized all year round.

There is a lot of study left, and now I have applied for a second year of high school. I started studying at an older age. Without any foundation, it is very difficult to study.

Fortunately, Shen Ye is helping her and tutoring her.

Xia Lin didn't want to delay any time now. She was 21 years old and she would be 26 by the time she finished college, so she felt worried when she thought about it.

Xia Jiu comforted her: "Do your best, don't force yourself too much. Step by step, it will be fine in the future."

"Yeah." Xia Lin nodded and ran to play with Sihan.

Shen Ye was uncomfortable with Xia Jiu, always thinking of what he owed her, and ran to play with Sihan.

Xia Jiu went to tailor Jiang Bai's toast suit.


On the weekend, Xia Jiu went to Qiandao Lake Villa.

Xiaoshi and Xiaoxi waited for her neatly.

When the servant saw Xia Jiu, they all smiled and said hello: "Miss Xia, the little master and the little lady have been very well-behaved these past two days. They ate seriously and didn't fight anymore."

Xiao Shi and Xiao eleven held their heads high, with an expression of "Am I being behaved, please praise me".

Xia Jiuren smiled, "Oh, let me see which two children are so behaved?"

"It's me, it's me!" Xiao eleven stood straight.

Xiao Shi even wanted to jump up.

"Xiao Shi is awesome! Xiao Eleven is awesome!" Xia Jiu took the two to the sofa.

She removed Xiao Eleven's braids, re-groomed her with a beautiful fishbone braid, and put on her a colorful bow that she made.

Make little eleven beautiful around the house.

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