Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3499: Then pull the hook

Shen Muhan looked at Xia Jiu's back upstairs, his eyes moved with her.

Xiao eleven ran to him, put a cherries in his mouth, and asked, "Is it sweet?"

Shen Muhan retracted his gaze and looked at Xiao Eleven. He found that Xiao Eleven did not reject being close to him.

He whispered: "Sweet."

Xiao eleven said: "Mommy said, I want to spend more time with my dad and talk to you more. Actually, Xiao eleven is also willing, as long as you don't hold your face, that's very scary."

Shen Muhan whispered: "Really?"

"Of course. It's scary when you wear a mask, and sometimes it's fierce." Xiao eleven grieved baba.

"Then we... will talk well in the future?" Shen Muhan was also not sure if he should treat the child like this, so he could only follow what Xia Jiu once said.

"Okay, then pull the hook."

Xiao eleven stretched out her little finger.

Shen Muhan immediately remembered that Xia Jiu stretched out his little finger and said to him, don't deceive each other in the future, hang on the hook, no change for a hundred years.

The past is vivid.

Xiao Shi ran over curiously, took a look, and said, "Naive!"

Then ran away far away.

Xia Jiu took the fabric and was in a good mood to go downstairs.

Seeing that Xiao Eleven was close to "Mr. Mu", she also felt very fulfilled. She was leaving. Xiao Shi and Xiao Eleven grabbed her, and she bowed their heads and said something to them. Xiao Shi and Xiao Eleven reciprocated. Arrived by Shen Muhan's side.

Xia Jiu went back that night and changed Jiang Bai's skirt with fabric.

The fabric has a lot of surplus, so it can be changed very quickly.

In the next few days, she did not break her promise, and went to Qiandao Lake Villa after breakfast.

When she was there, Xiaoshi and Xiaoxi were crazy, but they were completely different from usual. They were well-behaved and sensible, just like other cute children.

Shen Muhan often sits in the room upstairs. From the position of the window, she can see her playing with two little guys in the yard.

His fingers were pinched tightly on the wheelchair.

Xiao Shi and Xiao eleven had a lot of fun, and Xia Jiu brought them in and handed them to the nanny to take them to take a bath.

Xiao Shi said: "I can wash it myself!"

After all, Xiao Eleven should be more tender and squeamish, open her hand to be hugged by the nanny.

Xia Jiu knocked on the door of Shen Muhan's study.

Shen Muhan was stunned for a moment, stretched out his hand to tidy up his clothes, and tried to stand up, but there was a burst of huge pressure from his heart and lungs, and he gasped a little, and his cough followed.

After a while, he said, "Go in."

Xia Jiu waited a while before getting his answer.

She opened the door and walked in and said, "Mr. Mu."

When she came in, she had a sense of familiarity for a moment, which made her feel as if she had returned to the place that was once extremely familiar. The layout of black and white and gray, and the sense of cold space, really resembled Shen Muhan.

She hurriedly converged her thoughts and said, "Mr. Mu, I'm here to say goodbye to you. Thank you for the fabric last time, but I really won't be able to come later."

"Why?" Shen Muhan felt his throat squeezed, his voice hoarse and unpleasant.

This woman is really accurate. Five days is really five days. Isn't she willing to come for more than one day?

Xia Jiu was also very guilty. To Xiao Shi and Xiao eleven, she had a heart to take them well.

However, her coldness is more important.

She will also return to France soon.

"Because I have settled in France myself, my return this time is only a short stay. My business is almost finished, so..."

She felt the huge anger in the man in front of her.

From the time she said she was leaving, his breath became colder and more unstable.

She also knew that Xiao Shi and Xiao eleven were difficult children to take, and "Mr. Mu" must have consumed a lot of effort for this.

She wants to leave, he is in a bad mood, she can understand.

She whispered, "Although I won't be here anymore, I can also video with Xiaoxi and Xiaoshi in the future. If Mr. Mu has any parenting issues, I can also..."

"No need!" Shen Muhan interrupted her abruptly, "I have left, and still care about what they do?"

Xia Jiu felt that his temper was a bit inexplicable, and he wasn't selling it to them. Why?

She can understand him, why is he not considerate of others?

"In that case, forget it," Xia Jiu said, "Goodbye."

Shen Muhan was so angry that he couldn't say a word, his breath was unstable, and he coughed abruptly.

Seeing this, Xia Jiu couldn't leave immediately. He poured a glass of water for him, handed it to his hand, and said, "Mr. Mu, do you want to call a doctor for you?"

Shen Muhan just coughed, pressing one hand on the position of the heart, and the other **** the wheelchair, with the veins bulging.

Xia Jiu helped him feed the next half glass of water, and finally managed to control his cough.

Shen Muhan subconsciously grabbed her wrist, and said "Don't go" hovering in his mouth, but he kept saying it.

He didn't know how she would refuse, but he didn't want to hear her refusal anymore.

Xia Jiu felt a pain in her wrist and whispered: "Mr. Mu!"

Shen Muhan was called slowly by her, and slowly let go of her, just like letting go of the sand in her hand, she is going to leave after all, what's the use of keeping her?

In three years, he had figured it out, she would never stay for her, why should he force it?

It's better to divide life and death as if she didn't want to stay because she was dead.

Xia Jiu always felt that he was enveloped with infinite sadness and panic, which made her feel uneasy.

He released her hand, but she didn't want to leave for a while.

Some things on his body made her feel the same, but she could not help but feel distressed for a while.

"Mr. Mu?" Xia Jiu whispered again, "Do you need me to push you to the yard to get some sun?"

At this moment, the winter sun is warm, and she has this proposal.

She always felt that he was living in darkness, and he was in such a bad mood, and going to a warm place might help his condition.

She came here originally to help Xiao Shi and Xiao eleven, but today, she especially wants to help him.

Shen Muhan's voice was cold: "Are you doing this to every man?"

Xia Jiu: "..."

She is very kind, does he feel that he wants to rely on him to take the lead?

She sneered: "Forget it, for your patient's sake, I am too lazy to argue with you. However, women are not the kind of dodder flowers in your narrow mind that must depend on men to survive!"

After she finished speaking, she turned and went downstairs, and soon the sound of footsteps went far.

Shen Muhan squeezed the wheelchair tightly and coughed again.

Xia Jiu was really outraged by him. Fortunately, she was about to return to France after attending Jiang Bai's wedding.

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