Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3500: I will leave

I will never see such an arrogant and arrogant man again!

After getting in the car, she received a call from Mrs. Shen.

"Xia Jiu, I heard that you are leaving?"

"Well, after Jiang Bai's wedding, I will leave."

Mrs. Shen groaned: "I also told you to come and see me with your sorrow."

"I'm sorry, grandma, I was busy during this time, I have forgotten." Xia Jiu apologized. During this time, Xiao Shi and Xiao 11 had a lot of things. She didn't even have time to change her toast clothes at night. Throwing this matter out of the sky, "Before I go back, I must come to see you."

"Don't worry, grandma is also worried about you before asking." The old lady Shen said, "After you do, will you still settle in France?"

Xia Jiu was silent for a moment before saying, "Actually, where I live, it doesn't make much difference to me now."

"Then you will come back to live?" The old lady Shen both felt sorry for her, and worried that she would be uncomfortable living abroad with her child.

She also knew something about Aikins. The woman forced Xia Jiu to marry, and Mrs. Shen was also aware of it.

She thought that Xia Jiu was there, alone and helpless, so she might as well move back.

Xia Jiu actually considered this question, and there was really nothing to say between her and Aikins.

She nodded and said, "Grandma, I will think about this issue. Actually, I really want to stay by your side."

The old lady Shen smiled and said, "Okay, okay. If you think about it, you must tell me first. I'll buy something for you."

Xia Jiu returned home, and Shen Ye was coming back from outside with Sihan, and both of them were sweating out of play.

"Go take a shower, don't catch a cold." Xia Jiu patted his head.

Sihan went upstairs.

Xia Lin also came back. Xia Jiu saw her and said, "Xia Lin, I have something to say to you."

"Actually, I have. Sister, tomorrow I'm going to Jiang Bai's wedding. Can you give me a reference on what to wear?" Xia Lin asked.

"Okay." Xia Jiu smiled, "However, I still have to talk about mine first."

"Well, you talk first." Xia Lin sat down obediently, "Can Shen Ye listen?"

"Yes, I just said it while Shen Ye was here."

Shen Ye sat down in a hurry.

Xia Jiu took out the document and said, "Xia Lin, this is the transfer of equity and various properties. They are all for you, and you can sign it. You can take a look first. If you don’t understand anything, let Shen Ye or the lawyers will explain to you."

"Sister, what are you doing?" Charlene frowned immediately, "Why do you want to give me everything?"

Xia Jiu said softly, "You have heard of the fact that I and you are not biological sisters?"

"But in my heart, you are my sister! This is something that can't be changed at all! Sister!" Xia Lin said eagerly, "I don't want anything, I just want you! I will not make mistakes or get sick from now on, no Will cause you trouble, don't leave me!"

Her mind has always been simple, and she still does, she just wants Xia Jiu by her side instead of asking for the property.

It makes no difference to her that what is biological and not biological, she only knows that Xia Jiu is Xia Jiu!

Shen Ye pulled the corner of her clothes to stop her from mentioning Xia Jiu's sadness.

Xia Jiuping said calmly: "Xia Lin, these things are left to us by our parents. You and I were originally one and a half. But now, I really can't accept these things anymore."

"No, no!" Xia Lin shook her head vigorously, "You give me half, and I want it! If you give it all to me, I don't want a single point!"

Xia Jiu felt helpless.

Shen Ye also said: "Miss Sister, I know you don't want to possess the things of the Xia family. But the love of your uncles and aunts to you was true, and your father-daughter and mother-daughter love was true. They loved you and loved you, too. From the bottom of my heart, I believe that they are alive now, and they will definitely share everything they have with you and Charlene. If you really don't want anything, you will hurt this feeling."

Xia Lin immediately said, "Shen Ye is right. If you really love your parents, sister, don't push their things away!"

Xia Jiu thought for a moment and said, "Then these documents are on your side. If you want to sign, you can sign at any time, okay?"

Charlene said: "Okay!"

"Then we will show you the clothes for tomorrow?" Xia Jiu said.


In the evening, Charlene threw the documents into the shredder.

She would never sign these things.

Only in this way will my sister be by my side.

She may not need money, but she does not want her sister to be away.

Regarding her brother-in-law, she was already very sorry for her sister. Everything happened because of her illness, otherwise her sister and brother-in-law could have been married and then lived together.

Xia Lin knew that she had nothing to make up for, and this was the only thing she could do.


Jiang Bai and Qin Zheng's wedding was very lively.

The Jiang family is quite famous in Jingyuan, and there are many people in the design and fashion circles.

Qin Zheng happened to be in this line. In the past few years, under his leadership, the Xia family's business is booming and has become a top group company in the industry.

On that day, the guests came and went like clouds, the clothes were fragrant and the temples were shadowed, and the scene was luxurious and luxurious.

There are many familiar faces among them.

Mrs. Gao walked towards Xia Jiu: "Xia Jiu, you can really hide, you don't show up once in a few years, so I miss you so much."

Ma Aiguo also ran over: "Xia Jiu, are you really, still refuse to join our clothing association?"

Xia Jiu smiled and said hello, chatting with everyone.

Xiaomei, who used to be in the logistics department of BIR, has now become a designer. When she sees her, she talks with her.

Everything seems to have not changed, exactly the same as a few years ago.

The ceremony soon began. Qin Zheng, handsome and handsome, and Jiang Bai, beautiful and generous, took the stage together.

The audience laughed and laughed, and the guests and the host enjoyed themselves.

Xia Jiu looked at the two of them, suddenly a little stunned.

Thinking of the wedding between himself and Shen Muhan, it was so lively, he waited for her with all kinds of expectations, and everyone came with blessings.

But in the end, he did not wait for his wedding.

Xia Jiu pursed her lips, and in a flash, the ceremony on stage was over.

She took a sip of the juice, and later helped Jiang Bai try the toast suit, she didn't want to get drunk.

Xia Jiu passed the laughing guests and found Jiang Bai.

Jiang Bai was very excited, his face flushed, and he pulled Xia Jiu to say this or that.

When she put on the toasting suit, she looked in the mirror: "Prettier than my wedding dress! I knew that the wedding dress should be made by you too!"

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