Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3535: Really uncomfortable

When Xia Jiu talked about this, the tails of her eyes were all red, "I miss someone else's husband and love him. When I see him, I can't help but feel moved. I want to have him and I want to rush into his arms. But I know it can’t. Do you know how hard this is? It’s too uncomfortable, Shen Muhan! It’s really uncomfortable.”

The corners of Shen Muhan's lips rose, and he wrapped her deeper into his arms: "It won't be anymore."

Xia Jiu thought of his injury, "Does it still hurt? Do I need medication?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore, it's almost better."

"Let me see."

Shen Muhan breathed quickly: "Don't look indiscriminately."

He hadn't thought about what to do at this time, and didn't take any measures, so he would naturally not show it to her. After all, this woman can really arouse his enthusiasm easily and at any time.

After spending the entire afternoon in the room, Xia Jiucai took him by the hand contentedly to eat outside.

"Call Honglian together." Xia Jiu suggested.

"No, she has already gone to Africa for something." Shen Muhan said.

"so far?"

Shen Muhan nodded, Feng Ying and Honglian had been protecting him in secret before.

But this time, after all, he married Honglian on a fake basis, knowing that Honglian must have no intention of that aspect to him, but she always swayed in front of Xia Jiu, and some other people knew that Honglian and Shen Muhan were “married”, right Xia Jiu was always psychologically uncomfortable.

With this in mind, Shen Muhan still let Honglian stay in Africa.

Xia Jiu was in a very good mood. When eating, he reached out and pinched his fingers, ran to clasp Shen Muhan's fingers, and sat side by side with him: "So this is really not a dream."

"It's not a dream." Shen Muhan cut steaks for her.

In the high-end western restaurant, everyone was sitting properly, only Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu, sitting crookedly together, attracted people's attention.

Occasionally, Shen Muhan nodded his head and looked at Xia Jiu indulgingly. After a few times, no one looked at them anymore.


The next day, Shen Muhan accompanied Xia Jiu to Singapore for business affairs.

Xia Jiu was as energetic and radiant as a chicken blood. She had finished the work that she had expected to take a week to finish in less than three days.

Originally planning to return to China, at this time, he received a call from Lawyer Cai.

"Atkins's case has entered the final procedure, and the sentence is about to be pronounced. Will Miss Xia come to listen?"

Xia Jiu thought for a while, and said, "I'm coming."

"I'll accompany you." Shen Muhan clasped her finger.

Xia Jiu remembered that he didn't want Aijin Ribbon to leave by himself, so he didn't disclose this matter at all, but kept it secret.

She couldn't understand this kind of good intentions before, but now she can understand it slowly.

He is too afraid that he will leave!

Moreover, Aijin Ribbon went back to France by herself, originally for the purpose of marriage. For the benefit, Shen Muhan knew that it was naturally impossible to agree.

His worries used layers of thought to protect her.

Thinking of this, Xia Jiu tilted his head to look at him.

Shen Muhan noticed her gaze and turned sideways to look at her.

As soon as he turned his face to the side, Xia Jiu put a heavy kiss on his cheek.

Shen Muhan put a warm smile on the corners of his eyes and clasped her fingers tighter.


In court, Xia Jiu saw Aikins.

Compared with the domineering arrogance before, Akins's momentum is already a lot weaker now.

After all, she originally thought that this matter could be resolved easily.

But with Shen Muhan's full intervention, things far exceeded her expectations.

When she looked at Xia Jiu, there was no resentment, but she was puzzled. Why did Xia Jiu refuse to live life according to her own arrangements?

Is that bad day?

Marry into a big family, inherit the family business of both parties, join forces and be invincible.

Just as she used to do it herself.

Xia Jiu sat in the audience and looked at her calmly, his eyes light.

The final review lasted for a week before reaching the final conclusion.

Aikins went to jail and imprisoned for five years.

Five years is not long, and it is far from enough to exchange the lives of two people.

But the fact that the case was able to achieve such a victory cost Akins, and it was already a very rare thing in Akins's own territory.

Attorney Cai has also been busy between the two countries for several months, and his face is tired.

"Thank you, Lawyer Cai." Xia Jiu thanked him heartily.

"I still have to thank Mu Xian...No, it's Young Master Han." Attorney Cai smiled.

Xia Jiu talked with Attorney Cai for a few more words, and the police came over and said that Akins wanted to see Xia Jiu.

In fact, Xia Jiu wanted to see her too, so she passed by with Shen Muhan.

Seeing Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu coming in hand in hand, Ai Jinsi couldn't help but laughed lightly: "Very affectionate. Since Shen Muhan likes Xia Jiu so much, when I asked you to help me in business, why did I keep pushing him down? What?"

Xia Jiu said first: "Because at that time, you had already done something to my parents. You have done something irreparable, so it is impossible to expect the same return."

Aikins was stunned for a moment, and continued to laugh, "Is the Xia family's husband and wife that important to you?"

"Of course it is important. They raised me with hard work, taught me a little bit of life, gave me happiness and gave me self-confidence. The most important thing is that they never put interests above feelings. What they taught me is life. The truth is how to love and be loved. Not just for profit."

Until now, Xia Jiu still couldn't understand Aikins's life philosophy.

Can't agree.

Aikins laughed loudly, as if she had heard something funny.

The daughter she gave birth to herself did everything she could to pave the way for her, but planted herself in it.

It's really unexpected.

However, her smile did not diminish in the slightest, and she became a little proud: "Unfortunately, you still have to take care of my family business in the end."

"I won't care!" Xia Jiu said stiffly.

"I have handed over the family business to Fiona. She is simpler than you, but she is more obedient than you, and will not disobey me for the marriage and family business. Now she is in charge of the family business. Serve, if you don’t help her, she will be chewed up to the point of no bones left! Given the feelings and relationship between you and her, I think it’s difficult for you to help without intervening, right?" At this point, Aikins seemed even more meaningful.

She looked at Shen Muhan: "Shen Muhan, you refused to help me in business at the beginning. But now for Xia Jiu, you still have to help Fiona by then, right? And, even if you don’t help, others know that my daughter is married. I gave it to you, and it will definitely leave a little bit thin for my company!"

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