Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3536: In the end, you are still helping me!

Aikins looked at Shen Muhan deeply: "Well, you are still helping me in the end!"

Xia Jiuyu concludes that Akins is indeed a good one. The relationship between her and Fiona has always been good. In the future, Fiona has something to do, and she really can't stand idly by.

Atkins is really good at making use of people's hearts, but also good at calculating, and counting everything to death.

Even if she is in prison, she can still be there, so she doesn't have to worry about it at all.

"Are you not afraid that Shen Muhan will directly annex your company?" Xia Jiu asked.

"Before I was afraid. Anyone outsider knows about Young Master Han, who is ruthless and uninterested, careless and careless. Everyone is afraid and respectful of him. But now, do you think Shen Muhan is still the same Shen Muhan before?" Aikins asked rhetorically.

Xia Jiu pinched his fingers.

Shen Muhan has changed, a lot for himself, so because of this, he has a soft part in his heart.

These parts are exactly what Aikins is calculating to use.

Aikins smiled and said: "The former Han Shao was exactly the same type of person as me. I was really worried, and I had a hard time having offended Shao Han. But now, I can sit back and relax. "

"You!" Xia Jiu really resented Aikins.

Shen Muhan stretched out his hand and held Xia Jiu's fingers, rubbing her emotions to soothe her, and then slowly said: "I am softhearted, but that is limited to Xia Jiu. You are irritating her now, and I don't know how to do it. What's coming!"

"What do you dare to do to my company!" Aikins stood up angrily.

She was in prison after all, although she was confident just now, she was not entirely sure in her heart.

She can only bet on Shen Muhan's love for Xia Jiu.

But she did not expect that Shen Muhan loved Xia Jiu too much and could do too much for her.

If Akins keeps irritating Xia Jiu and calculates Shen Muhan, Shen Muhan really doesn't mind directly annexing her company to avoid Xia Jiu's worries.

Xia Jiu looked at Shen Muhan admiringly, and he was really powerful, and he was easily irritated by Aikins, and he only needed a simple sentence to irritate Aikins.

He stood up, took Xia Jiu's hand, glanced at Ai Jinsi lightly, and left.

Ai Jinsi sat down weakly, knowing that compared with Shen Muhan, her strength was far from enough.

After the matter settled, Xia Jiu and Shen Muhan only stopped for a while and left France.

If something happened to Fiona, she would indeed help, but those really had nothing to do with Atkins.

Thinking about it, Xia Jiu wasn't angry anymore. It was five years after Aikins came out, and it was impossible for her to have much real power at that time.

Xia Lin sent a message to Xia Jiu, with only the words "thank you sister".

Charlene can only sincerely thank Akins.

Four simple words carry her thousands of words.


Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu appeared at the door of Xia's house.

Appearing again, the feeling is completely different.

The two went in hand in hand, and the three little buns were playing around in the living room.

Xiao Eleven looked up and saw Xia Jiu, happily rushing over: "Mommy! I miss you so much!"

Xiao Shi followed and said, "Me too!"

Shen Muhan was completely automatically blocked.

Ever since Shen Muhan said that he got married, the only little affection they had for him had long been lost, and the two little guys turned on the automatic shielding mode.

Xia Jiu smiled and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Choose a new boyfriend for you! Take a look at this!" Xiao eleven held a big picture album.

Unlike the previous TV and movie stars she chose, there was an impossibility to listen to it.

This time, all of her picture albums are full of wealthy and powerful sons from Jingyuan, with names, heights, ages, and preferences.

Xia Jiu stroked his forehead, and Xiao Shi hurriedly said, "This is when we automatically applied for the job after we released the marriage request. We have already selected it. It is less than 1.8 meters, not handsome enough, not very good-tempered, and fierce at every turn. People, and all those who are not clear with other women are excluded."

Shen Muhan: It has been connoted.

Xia Jiu snapped the album together and said, "Then I will tell you one thing now, I already have a husband!"

"Is this the person next to you?" Xiao Eleven didn't recognize Shen Muhan's face.

Xiao Shi said, "He doesn't seem to have a good temper."

Xiao eleven nodded: "I seem to like the appearance of a murderous person."

Xiao Ten: "It seems that I like to be confused with other women."

Xiao eleven: "It doesn't look very handsome!"

Xiao Ten: "Except for the height, everything else is not good!"

Shen Muhan was on the verge of running away, and Xia Jiu hurriedly stopped him, "You go upstairs first, stay in my room for a while, I will tell them."

He stepped upstairs.

Xia Jiu reached out and hugged Xiao Shi and Xiao eleven, and took Si Han's hand to let them all sit down. Then he said, "Before your dad married other women, it was to catch the bad guys."

"Who is our dad?" Xiao eleven grunted with anger.

"He didn't deliberately prevent us from staying in Qiandao Lake Villa. Those bad guys hurt us first, so he deliberately treated us like that, and then let us leave. Now he has caught the bad guys, and we are safe. So everything is calm again."

Xiao eleven is still unhappy, but she is a cutie who can't be wronged!

Xiao Shi thought for a moment: "So, is he an undercover agent?"

"That's it."

"Is that a big hero?"

"Well, yes." Xia Jiu nodded.

Xiao Shi said, "Let's do it, I don't have any comments. But he is so fierce, he doesn't look like a good person."

Xia Jiu had no choice but to wait for time to resolve this point.

When they were young, Shen Mu didn't want to hug him, but now they are actually patient.

Xiao eleven still hasn't accepted the blow of this reality. The dads she picked are better than the others, much better than Shen Muhan!

"Where is Sihan?" Xia Jiu looked at him.

"I'm fine." Sihan smiled obediently.

Xia Jiu went upstairs now.

In her room, Shen Muhan was standing by the window, looking out, her long figure was shrouded in solitude.

Xia Jiu stepped forward, and finally came forward to hug him as he wished.

Shen Muhan didn't turn around, but stroked her hands.

"The children are also a little sad during this period. It takes a little time to accept it slowly. It will be well soon." Xia Jiu comforted.

Shen Muhan asked, "Where is that picture album?"

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