Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3547: Extra Sinking Heian (3)

"Mom, I haven't graduated from university yet." He Yixia couldn't help reminding her mother.

What kind of friends her mother arranged for her to meet and met was actually a blind date in disguise.

He Yixia can understand the feelings of some parents who hope their children will get married and start a business soon, but the urging of the mother is too early.

"Aren't you graduating soon?" Mother He said bitterly, "Once you graduate, your work will be busier, and it will be even more inconvenient to find a boyfriend at that time. Now, start watching. Yes. What's wrong?"

"Mom, I really..."

"Oh, my heart hurts." He mother said that, and the phone hung up.

He Yixia was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly called her mother back, while packing up her things and heading out for a run.

I finally got through my father's phone, and my father's voice was also anxious: "I've called an ambulance. It's in the hospital. Take your time."

When he saw her mother in the hospital, He Yixia couldn't help but feel hot in her eyes.

Mother He looked pale, rather sleepy.

"Mom." He Yixia's voice choked.

Mother He smiled at her: "It's nothing, it's myocardial infarction. The doctor said, it's nothing serious."

Father He reminded him: "But the doctor also said, don't worry, don't get angry. Look at you, why do you like to be angry so much?"

He Yixia pursed her lips, and said a few words with He mother.

Then, she said, "Mom, when will the friend introduced by Aunt Li meet? I'll meet."

Mother He was overjoyed and hurriedly gave her the phone number and photo of the other boy.

"The other party is actually very young, a few years older than you, and only a few years after graduating from college. That is to say, when you get busy at work, you have no chance to contact outside girls at all, so you dragged it and didn’t talk about friends. My mom didn’t say anything. You have to be with him or something, but Yixia, you have also seen that it is not easy for people to fall in love nowadays. Since there is something suitable, why not meet?"

He Yixia nodded: "I will go."

"Are you still thinking about Fang Yunqian?" He Mu asked cautiously.

"Nothing, Mom, take a good rest." He Yixia avoided the topic.

Taking care of her mother lying down, she walked out slowly, and the wind in the night was a bit cool on her face.

Because I heard that He Yixia promised to meet, Aunt Li quickly gave He Yixia the address and asked her to meet people in a cafe under a hotel.

Although it was almost nine o'clock, He Yixia didn't refuse and passed directly.

My mother was right. If you can't make it, it's always okay to be a friend, right?

It’s just that she’s still in a work uniform, and she doesn’t even have time to change her clothes. Since she doesn’t really want to go on a blind date so much, she just meets as a friend. It doesn’t matter if she wears it like this.

She wandered into the coffee shop.

At the moment, there are not too many people in the cafe, just a few people sitting sparsely. Aunt Li said that today's blind date is named Shen, and there is a red rose on the table.

But what the specific name is Shen, He Yixia didn't hear it clearly just now, and didn't remember it.

Seeing a position by the window, a man was looking down while working on a document on a laptop computer with a red rose in front of him. He Yixia knew that this was the blind date.

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