Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3548: Extra Sinking Heian (4)

The man looked really young, and the light from the cafe fell on him, coating him with a warm yellow, making his silhouette and jaw line clearer.

Although he can't see his appearance clearly, He Yixia can still feel the pride and outstanding temperament of the man.

Such a man will attract attention wherever he is placed, right?

Need to come on a blind date?

He Yixia is really strange.

She was about to walk towards the person when the phone rang.

She hurriedly picked it up, and it turned out that it was the call from her immediate boss.

"Yixia, did you get off work early in the afternoon?"

"Well, my mother is sick. I left a short time in advance. I have already reissued the false note and sent it to the mailbox of you and the personnel." He Yixia walked in a hurry in the afternoon and could not find a chance to ask for leave directly.

But the process that should be taken is still gone in the car that just arrived.

The boss said: "There is an urgent job that needs to be done, so please come back first."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

He Yixia had to go back.

But the blind date in front of her came, and she couldn't just leave.

She could only walk quickly in the direction of the man, picked up a sticky note from the coffee shop in front of him, and quickly wrote her mobile phone number on it.

"Mr. Shen, I'm sorry, I need to go back to the company for a bit of a hurry, so I can't stay. This is my mobile phone number. Let's make an appointment another day, okay?" He Yixia politely handed over the memo.

The man looked up now, his expression was cold and bored, his facial features were dazzling. When he raised his head, the whole cafe was brightened up because of him.

However, his expression became more and more impatient, his eyebrows were gathered together, his eyes did not stop on He Yixia's face, let alone the memo she handed over, he lowered his head again.

As if He Yixia was in his eyes, it was just air.

No, it's more non-existent than air, and it's not worth leaving any extra sight.

Even the corner of his eye didn't bother to give him a dignified reward.

He Yixia: "..."

She has seen a lot of arrogant and rude people at work, but it was the first time she met such an arrogant and rude person.

It turned out that he was unwilling to come on a blind date.

But unwilling to return to unwilling, what kind of attitude is he?

Is she really willing to do it?

If it weren't for the mother's pleading and illness, how could she stand here!

This person doesn't even talk about basic human principles!

He Yixia was ignited by him, and was about to say something to him, when the phone rang again, and the phone call from her boss came again.

She had to pick up the phone, and turned and left with the note.

The man didn't even lift his head this time.

Mo Ziqi came out of the bathroom. While taking care of the broken hair on his forehead, he joked: "Shen Yu'an, you can do it, you, I have just walked for a few minutes, and someone came to talk to you and leave you a phone call. Number?"

Shen Yuan looked up at him and continued to tap on the computer.

"The girl who left you the phone number just now looks good? Why didn't you accept it?" Mo Ziqi said this, while picking up the red roses, cards, and small gift boxes on the table to play with, "What kind of world is this? Look at you, but after sitting here for less than half an hour, I received so many gadgets. And I..."

[Author's words: No abuse, no abuse, no abuse, tell the important things three times. Waiting to see Shen Yu'an chasing his wife in the crematorium! 】

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