Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3552: Extra Sinking Heian (8)

After He's mother was discharged from the hospital, He Yixia's conversion was also put on the agenda.

Team Leader Li has always been particularly optimistic about her. She has a good working attitude, calm temper and excellent professional ability.

This is a capable man, and Team Leader Li has long wanted to get her into the right position.

It’s just that the big boss, who wanted her daughter to come to experience her experience, specifically dragged the conversion issue to Xu Meiyi's return, and let her handle the batch of regular employees.

First, let her exercise her abilities, and secondly, she wanted to establish a good image in the minds of these regular employees.

Early in the morning, everyone was discussing the issue of becoming a positive one.

"Oh, I don't know what Miss Xu and Fang will do this time."

"It must be done in accordance with the company's process, depending on the past business capabilities and this assessment."

"I'm most afraid of the assessment. There were mistakes before, so I'm really worried."

"Isya should be the one who is least worried about? She has always done her best job, and she is always learning, so she must be the first to become a regular person. I really envy it!"

He Yixia smiled: "Everyone must be fine."

"So I envy you, you see everyone is so worried, but you are so calm." Meiyun and He Yixia, who are the same batch of internships, have a good relationship with He Yixia, and have always admired He Yixia.

"There is no way if you don't calm down, this is a hurdle you must pass." He Yixia said, "Why, review together?"

"Okay, I want to be with Yixia!" Meiyun immediately raised her hand.

Several other interns also agreed and gathered around He Yixia.

When Xu Meiyi was passing by, she couldn't help but provoked a smile when she saw this scene.

Three days later.

The list of corrections came out, and almost everyone was corrected.

Even Meiyun was so afraid of exams that he had become a positive one.

She yelled excitedly in the office: "Ah, I passed! Passed! I must work hard in the future! Earn money to buy bags!"

"I also passed! Same joy and joy!"

There was laughter in the office, and Qi Qi agreed to have dinner together in the evening.

Only He Yixia's face sank slightly.

Meiyun remembered something and ran over and said, "Yixia, have a meal together! Let's celebrate together!"

"You go, I won't go." He Yixia said quietly.

She tried her best to be calm and calm, but there was a loss that could not be concealed in her tone.

What did Meiyun realize? After searching for a few laps on the list, he said in surprise: "How is it possible? Yixia didn't pass the conversion?"

When everyone heard her words, they all gathered around. Sure enough, many eyes looked for him, but he did not find He Yixia's name.

"It's impossible! Even if Yixia doesn't perform well in the exam, according to her usual business ability, it is impossible not to turn into a positive one! Her translation and interpreting skills are both good and good?"

Everyone agreed.

He Yixia got up, passed the crowd, and walked into the office of Team Leader Li.

Team Leader Li has already had a big quarrel with Xu Meiyi.

By doing this, Xu Meiyi undoubtedly chopped off his left arm.

Although Team Leader Li asks He Yixia to do some extraordinary things from time to time, in fact, the person with the best professional ability is He Yixia, and Team Leader Li intends to train her into his most capable role.

"Yixia, I will give you an account of this matter. I have already applied for an internship for another month. Don't worry, this matter is covered by me." Team Leader Li kept patted his chest and promised .

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