Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3553: Extra Sinking Heian (9)

Three days later, He Yixia stood at the recruitment examination site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

She didn't pass the conversion, but she had already expected it in her heart.

Xu Meiyi's aim will not only be on this matter.

So compared to other people's reactions, she was more calm.

Li Xueying, who accompanied her to take the exam, was her roommate at the university and her best friend.

Li Xueying is a rich second-generation, but just to take a test, she carried a bag worth more than 100,000 yuan.

She has a round baby face and looks very soft and cute.

It's not the appearance in mainstream aesthetics, but He Yixia thinks that she is just right.

"Yixia, don't be afraid, isn't it just the exam? You are the one who knows the exam the most among the people I have seen! You must be able to do it, come on!" Li Xueying has been urging He Yixia since she failed to get her full corrections smoothly. Come to participate in the examination of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "Fang Yunqian, what **** translation company, can be better than the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Don't be afraid or not, you can definitely do it!"

He Yixia took a deep breath, really nothing to be afraid of.

I chose that company because of its good reputation. It has been operating in the industry for many years and is considered very stable.

Since everything will change, He Yixia is also willing to embrace and welcome this change.

Li Xueying handed a letter to He Yixia: "By the way, give this to Shao Shen for me. It contains my phone number, my photo, and the poems I wrote for him."

"Shen Shao? Which Shao Shen? Do I know?" He Yixia asked repeatedly.

As a rich second-generation, Li Xueying is good at everything, but likes to be a nympho.

I used to ask He Yixia to help her chase boys, but her appearance is cute, which is too different from the aesthetics of those pointed chins, so her probability of success is always not high.

On the contrary, He Yixia provoked a lot of rotten peach blossoms.

"That's Shao Shen. I work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and I saw it the last time I attended my dad's business banquet. But there were so many people at that time, I am embarrassed to go directly. Letter to you, remember to give it to them." Li Xueying stared at He Yixia eagerly.

With big wet eyes, He Yixia really couldn't refuse.

She put the letter away and couldn't help but complain: "You encourage me to take the exam, isn't it just for me to send you the letter?"

"This is not possible! I mainly want to see my good girlfriends have a good future!" Li Xueying patted He Yixia's arm and said very seriously.

He Yixia said that she didn't believe it, but she still asked seriously, "What does the young master Shen look like? Is there a photo?"

"There was no photo, there was no time to take it at the time. But let me point it to you. Look over there, it's over there, see it?"

He Yixia followed her fingers and looked in that direction.

Not far away, several young men in suits and shoes were talking about something.

It can be seen from the nameplates on their bodies that these are all staff members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who have come to participate in today's exam.

Several of them are very young and can't see their positions, but they can be seen. All of them have good looks and serious looks.

One of them was suddenly the blind date He Yixia met in the coffee shop that day.

The scene of that day could not be touched and re-entered her mind.

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