Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3562: Extra Sinking Heian (18)

How could He Yixia let her succeed?

Although she has an ordinary background and is in urgent need of a job, it does not mean that she needs to lose her dignity for a job!

The expression on He Yixia's face did not change, even with a three-point smile, bringing her bag over.

She took out an envelope and handed it to Xu Meiyi with both hands: "Miss Xu, it's really a pity that I originally planned to resign tomorrow. Then I will hand in a resignation letter now, so as not to hurt your kindness."

The resignation letter typed a long time ago was held in front of Xu Meiyi.

Xu Meiyi did not expect He Yixia to use such a trick.

Her face changed slightly.

Other employees looked at her with doubts and inquiries.

In everyone's opinion, He Yixia did not do anything wrong, or even if she did something wrong, Xu Meiyi could persuade her to leave her in accordance with the company's system.

Instead of letting her leave in such a humiliating way.

"Thank you for your care during this time." Seeing that Xu Meiyi would not accept the resignation letter, He Yixia put the letter on the table, bowed and turned to leave.

Everyone suddenly felt sad and hurting He Yixia's situation.

Only then did Xu Meiyi woke up, how wrong she was.

She wanted to humiliate He Yixia, as long as He Yixia took over the employment letter, even if everyone disagrees, this matter will soon be resolved.

But He Yixia caught her by surprise, and successfully put a question mark on her management ability in everyone's minds.

She couldn't help gritting her teeth!

Fortunately, Fang Yunqian responded quickly, stabilized the situation in time, and spoke to appease everyone.

Although part of the scene was restored, no one had the heart to be happy again. A dinner party ended hastily.


Three months later.


He Yixia dressed in a professional suit, carrying a briefcase, and shook hands with several Egyptian businessmen to bid farewell.

Her fluent Arabic and diligent work status made the other party very satisfied.

After finishing work, the boss also called: "Yixia, give you a week off! You have been in Egypt for a while, haven't you had a good time? Take advantage of this time, go around."

"Then I'm welcome." He Yixia said with a smile.

Her simultaneous interpretation work here gradually got on the right track and started to go smoothly.

In view of her ability and performance in the recruitment examination of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, although she did not pass the examination of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she was approached by many industry seniors before leaving Xu Meiyi's company.

She finally chose this job.

I only spend half a year working in Egypt every year, and I can take vacations at other times, and I can spend a lot of money with my parents.

After leaving the small pond, I discovered that there was a vast world outside.

She has to make good arrangements for the next holiday.

She learned Arabic in the school's elective courses, and she also found a lot of Egyptian content for targeted learning.

Given her outstanding talent for language learning, it was almost effortless to learn at the time.

However, it is also necessary to have a deep understanding of the local culture and maintain a long-term learning status.


Cairo Airport, Egypt.

As the plane stopped at the airport, several men in suits disembarked with a girl.

The one headed by Yu Yuxuan is extraordinary.

The powerful aura is uncontrollable.

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