Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3563: Extra Sinking Heian (19)

"Minister, everything is arranged." The special assistant followed Shen Yu'an and said respectfully.

"Good." Shen Yu'an nodded.

He stepped on his long legs and walked towards the prepared car.

This time he brought people over and he had very important things to deal with.

In addition to special assistants, staff, and accompanying translators.

One of them is suddenly Song Encheng.

After Shen Yuan got in the car, Song Encheng was taken to another car.

Although he was not able to ride with him, Song Encheng was still very satisfied.

It's rare to have such an opportunity to travel with Shen Yu'an, and maybe you can find a chance to be alone.

She was full of excitement.

Shen Yuan was in the car in front, dealing with work non-stop.

Even when he came to Egypt, there are still countless jobs in the country waiting for his approval.

The special assistant said: "Minister, Ms. Song has made arrangements."

Shen Yu'an squeezed his eyebrows helplessly.

He did not expect that Song Encheng would follow as a translator this time.

When he works, he never likes to involve personal feelings.

It's just that he couldn't cover all these little things, so he gave Song Encheng a chance.

However, Egypt speaks Arabic, and Song Encheng’s previous specialization was Arabic. Now that she has been admitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with excellent results, at least it shows that there is no problem with her ability.

Shen Yuan is also not happy to ask for a substitution directly at this time.

"There is a guest here in Egypt, who asked to see you temporarily." The foreign exchange report.

Shen Yu'an raised his hand and glanced at the time, and said, "Allow it in half an hour."

Shen Yu'an never delays work matters, and greets them in a full state.

There are three translators accompanying this time, and Song Encheng is one of them.

On this informal occasion tonight, Shen Yuan also wanted to know Song Encheng's strength first.

Soon, the car arrived at the hotel where he was staying.

Guests are already waiting.

When Shen Yu'an and his party appeared, the other party greeted them politely.

This is an informal meeting, but there is no room for mistakes.

Shen Yuan walked in with the other party.

The meeting officially began.

Shen Yu'an has not specialized in Arabic himself, but even if he has specialized in Arabic, some occasions must be equipped with an interpreter.

Three translators, including Song Encheng, took the seat directly.

Song Encheng was particularly excited. This was the first time she had seen such an important occasion in her personal capacity.

I used to come with my father.

Moreover, she specifically chose a position to face Shen Yu'an.

She specializes in Arabic, has experience living here, and has a father from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so she is not afraid of such an occasion tonight.

Shen Yuan quickly entered the working state.

In other words, he is always at work.

His expression is stable, no change.

But the special assistant could clearly feel that his mood became worse.

An obvious situation is that his fingers began to pinch the pen that he was carrying with him, the more he held it, the tighter he was!

After the guests left, Shen Yuan's expression was obviously serious, and he gave the special assistant a wink and asked him to leave Song Encheng behind.

Song Encheng was ecstatic in his heart. It must be that the way he worked was particularly attractive, so Shen Yuan finally saw his own shining spot!

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