Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3577: Extra Sinking Heian (33)

He Yixia was preparing materials, and when she encountered a few entries that she hadn't seen before, she was not sure, so she asked Special Assistant Cao to ask about technical terminology.

Cao Te helped typing the response and briefly explained.

Because it is work, Cao Special Assistant did not avoid Shen Yu'an. Instead, he even showed it to Shen Yu'an to show that he worked very hard. If there are occasional problems with the information, please ask the Minister to see if he has no credit and hard work. For the sake of this, let your hands go.

Cao Te helped hold the phone too close to Shen Yu'an.

Shen Yuan had a clear and unmistakable glimpse of He Yixia's head.

It was exactly the same as his profile picture when he added her to WeChat last night.

In other words, he did not add WeChat incorrectly.

It's just that He Yixia hasn't passed yet.

Cao Tezhu responded to He Yixia's question very quickly and said: "Minister, please make it clear about the information."

Shen Yuan moved the tip of his tongue slightly, pressed his teeth, and said, "I'm sorry, I remembered it wrong."

"It's okay, it's okay. As long as it's okay." Cao Tezhu breathed a sigh of relief.

"That He Yixia..." Shen Yuan wanted him to remind He Yixia to add himself.

Suddenly remembered, it seemed that everyone in He Yixia had added it, but she didn't have it.

In this way, although it is for work, it also means catching up.

Thinking of this, Shen Yu'an turned to the front: "What is it for you?"

"Oh, isn't there a few professional terms? She is not sure, so she specifically asked me. Speaking of which, Miss He's attitude towards work is indeed very commendable." Cao Tezhu couldn't help but boast.

After the compliment, he secretly regretted it, but fortunately, Shen Yuan didn't have any special reaction, and Cao Tezhu was relieved.

Shen Yuan calmly waited for He Yixia to add herself.

Anyway, this matter is not in a hurry. He will stay here for a while. Even if it is to be resolved, he will have to return to his country before it can be completely resolved.

On the domestic side, he hasn't revealed his tone yet, there is still time.


At the important meeting two days later, He Yixia arrived half an hour earlier.

She didn't want to encounter the traffic jam the last time, just to come a little earlier, and she could also make preparations earlier.

Shen Yu'an and others also arrived ten minutes earlier.

Everyone greeted He Yixia enthusiastically.

He Yixia responded one by one. When she met Shen Yu'an's eyes, she straightened her back, with a smile on her face, and looked at him generously.

Since avoiding is also easy to get embarrassed, it is better to contact directly and honestly.

Anyway, I see people’s hearts for a long time and explain what he doesn’t believe. After a long time, he will always know that he doesn’t like him, right?

Shen Yuan glanced at her, and when he saw him, the girl in front of her was extremely excited as if she had been beaten with blood, with her back straight, like a primary school student seriously waiting to be praised.

All the hair tied behind his head, the whole small face exposed, the features are delicate and small.

It's pleasing to the eye.

Even if it is a love mind, as long as there is nothing wrong with the work, Shen Yuan feels that it is not that difficult to accept it.

After He Yixia said hello, this time facing Shen Yu'an frankly, she finally showed a normal state and standard, and she admired herself very much.

Do this in the future.

"Miss He." Shen Yuan specifically named her, with a gentle expression of doubt.

[Shen Yu'an: You can do anything, and brain tonic is the first place. 】

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