Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3578: Extra Sinking Heian (34)

"Does Minister Shen have any instructions?" He Yixia immediately stood up again and straightened her back.

I feel quite normal.

But in Shen Yuan's eyes, it seemed a bit too excited.

He lifted his chin slightly and looked up and down He Yixia.

In his gaze, He Yixia, in order to show her magnanimity, her neck stiffened again, and she calmly faced the employer's instructions.

The two eyes met, Shen Yu'an was very peaceful, and He Yixia felt a little screaming. The eyes were twisted together, and there was a sparkle.

Shen Yuan hadn't understood the mentality of those women who liked her before, but seeing He Yixia like this, she seemed to be satisfied with a word to her.

Is love so easily impulsive, and so easily satisfied?

However, since she is so satisfied, why would she refuse to add her own WeChat friends?

"Ms. He's cell phone, isn't the signal not very good?" Shen Yuan has been asking this question that he has been eager to ask for the past few days.

He Yixia was taken aback, not understanding what he meant by asking this.

After a little startled, she said, "No, it's good."

pretty good?

Shen Yuan has nothing to ask, he nodded: "That... just fine."

After speaking, he raised his wrist to look at the time and walked towards the main position.

Kongliu He Yixia was a bit messy over there, so solemnly, just to ask such a sentence?

So, his subtext is about adding friends to WeChat?

However, if he didn't add him, he didn't seem to have any problems. In other words, if he added himself, he really did business in an official manner, was sympathetic to his subordinates, and treated him equally.

It doesn't seem to matter if you don't add it.

Thinking this way, He Yixia suddenly became clear again, and sat down to continue his preparations.

However, the scene of her standing and thinking about this question blankly still fell into Shen Yu'an's sight.

Seeing that she spent a lot of time digesting a sentence, he felt a little funny.

It's also kind of cute.

But soon, Shen Yu'an was pulled into work, flipped through the documents, and entered the meeting state.

He Yixia also started working professionally.

When entering the working state, no one is allowed to be distracted.

High-intensity work makes time pass silently.

After the work in the afternoon, He Yixia took a long breath and walked out to embrace the fresh air outside.

After greeted Cao Tezhu, she left.

Shen Yuan talked a few more words because he was stopped by the reporter, and when his side became empty, He Yixia's figure had already disappeared in unknown place.

He looked out.

In response to this, Cao Te said hurriedly: "Minister, the car is ready, and the evening schedule has been arranged."

Shen Yu'an retracted his gaze and gave a faint hum.

Cao Tezhu always felt that Mr. Minister seemed to be in a bad mood, and he didn't know if it was his fault.

Today's work is generally very smooth, and it is a bit surprising that the Minister has such a sentiment.

Cao Tezhu didn't know for a while whether he should report the news he just received.

Shen Yuan glanced at him with a torch, "What's the matter?"

"Miss Song is sick," Cao Tezhu said.

"If you're sick, you can find a doctor. What's the use of telling me?" Shen Yuan stepped toward the car.

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