Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3595: Extra Sinking Heian (51)

"Yu'an, if you want to fire these people, it is their careers that will be ruined! Why not be more cautious!" Vice Minister Du is here to intercede for these subordinates who have intervened in Song Encheng's affairs.

In Song Encheng's case, several former Minister Song's subordinates came forward to help because of their affection.

Since Shen Yuan returned to China, several groups of people have approached him because of this incident.

"When they teamed up to change the performance of others, they thought that it was an innocent person's career that hadn't been ruined?" At this moment, his words remained the same as before.

Vice Minister Du knew that he could not tell Shen Yu'an, so he had to give up and stood up. Before leaving, he said earnestly: "If the water is clear, there will be no fish, Yu'an."

Shen Yuan was unmoved.

The figure of Vice Minister Du disappeared.

Shen Yuan looked at the information in front of him lightly, and did not regret this decision.

A moment later, there was a knock on the door, and Cao Tezhu's voice came: "Minister, He Yixia is here."

"Let her in." Shen Yuan said flatly.

He Yixia's figure appeared in front of him in the next second.

Because he rushed over after work, He Yixia didn't change her clothes. She was still in the dark blue work uniform, which made her slim and capable.

The slender neck is like a swan, there is no lack of beauty in the slim and slim, and the eyebrows are thin and pink, which is very outstanding.

Shen Yuan said, "Please sit down."

He Yixia walked up to him and sat down, and saw that his expression remained as usual, with long eyebrows falling sharply into the temple, a black suit like a male model about to be on stage, tall and slender.

She retracted her gaze, pulled her chair away and sat down, and then she spoke: "Minister Shen, I don't know what you have done with me?"

There was a drum in my heart, and my heart banged, because it was hard to imagine what he would do to find himself.

"Two things." Shen Yuan pinched her eyebrows and said, "I should have come to see you personally, but I have been too busy recently, so I have to ask you to come here by yourself."

He always feels indifferent to busy work.

But being busy with this kind of intercession several times is really annoying.

There was also a trace of fatigue between the expressions.

"Look for me?" He Yixia looked at him suspiciously.

Shen Yuan pushed a document and put it down in front of her: "Look, this is your previous score in the recruitment examination of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

He Yixia was unclear, so she could only look down at the information in front of her.

In the data, there are not only her own scores, but also the scores of others.

Her score was actually similar to what she had expected, and the ranking column suddenly read first.

"What does Minister Shen mean?" A red color appeared on He Yixia's white face. Could it be that because of the oolong confession last time, do you still want to get a slap in the face by him now?

"I mean, this is your real grade. Your grade has been restored in the department."

Shen Yuan's voice was calm and stable.

Instead, He Yixia was taken aback: "Um?"

"Why, I can't believe that I am so good in the exam?" Shen Yuan knocked on the desk.

It's not that He Yixia didn't believe that she took this score, but what did Shen Yuan mean?

"Why recovery?" He Yixia thought for a while, "before you deliberately canceled my grades, and then restore them to me now?"

She had never doubted her true level, and the reason she hadn't done it last time, she had always thought it was because of Shen Yu'an.

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