Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3596: Extra Sinking Heian (52)

Shen Yuan explained calmly: "Before, there was a student who took the exam at the same time as you. After you took the exam, you took up your grades, replaced your ranking and entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, we quickly found the truth about the matter. Now. That student, as well as other staff members involved, were all dealt with."

This answer was so different from what He Yixia thought in her heart that she couldn't even return to her senses for a while, and she was stunned for a while before reacting: "So I was replaced."

Maybe because she was already innocent, she wasn't particularly angry.

The accident is indeed a real accident.

"Otherwise what do you think it is?"

"I thought... you specifically cancelled my grades, so even if you know that you are doing okay in the exam, but you don't see that you are admitted, I am not embarrassed to appeal."

Shen Yuan laughed out loud: "Why should I cancel your grades specifically?"

Immediately, he himself remembered that He Yixia came to deliver the letter on the day of the last exam.

About Song Encheng also saw this scene and inquired about He Yixia's situation, so he specially caught He Yixia and used her results, forgive her for not daring to appeal because of not being admitted.

It was precisely because of this blunder that the incident was almost fooled.

He Yixia was a little embarrassed about thinking about the same day.

Then the two laughed together.

The atmosphere is rare and relaxed and comfortable, which has never happened before between the two.

After laughing, he suddenly stopped, a little bit embarrassed again.

However, the atmosphere is a little bit more suitable than before. He Yixia took the time to explain: "Minister Shen, in fact, my friend asked me to bring the last letter, not for you."

Shen Yu'an took a deep look at her, and probably just smiled, a blush appeared on her face, even if she was wearing a work uniform, she couldn't hide her face.

He raised his eyebrows slightly: "It turns out that it is."

"Yeah." He Yixia looked at him openly, only to find that he was saying that it was like this, but in fact, the look between his eyebrows was completely unbelievable.

I thought she was trying to make it clear.

He arched his eyebrows and looked at her with a smile.

He Yixia was a little crazy, and wanted to explain more, but she felt that the more she explained, the more guilty she felt. It would be better to shut up.

Shen Yuan saw her cover up, and the corners of her lips curled slightly and said, "I know you have better development now, so you may not be able to see the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, the door of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is open to you. Yes. Think about it first, do you want to come to work."

He Yixia blinked, and she was naturally happy with such an opportunity.

"However, our department also has a time limit." Shen Yuan was amused by her appearance, "I hope you can reply to me before the end of the month."

"Then I will go back and think about answering you again."

He Yixia originally wanted to agree, but was afraid that Shen Yuan would misunderstand what she still thought of him, so she chose a conservative statement.

Shen Yu'an also expected it, and didn't care too much, and nodded.

He asked unintentionally, "Is there any contact information for me?"

He Yixia was stunned for a moment. In fact, she didn't have any, but now she just went along the pole and asked him for contact information. Doesn't it give him a feeling of idiot?

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